Friday, 30 December 2016

The Duopoly Problem & Live Export

So I was asked where do each of the parties in the 2017 WA State Election stand on Live Export Trade? I had to ask the question, why now is that viewed as important to the State Election. I asked that because I though Live Export was off the radar, not current and it was ticking along with no problem.


Well no prizes for guessing where the Greens stand. They want Live Export Banned completely once and for all. WA Labor have a platform which actually has about 6 issues in it and one is Live Export. Their platform is to bring on more demand for Chilled Meat overseas and develop the Chilled Trade to slowly replace Live Export to lessen cruelty.

Now that's coded for, slow approach with careful narrative to hide "Ban Live Export NOW"

Federal Labor brought in the suspension of the Live Export Trade. It was a poor knee jerk reaction that had devastating results on producers and helped cause a massive Animal Welfare problem where stock could not be sold during a drought and there was nowhere to kill & process them all in Australia let alone sell them overseas. It was disgusting display of grub like parasitic popularist vote hunt. It failed on every level, failed producers, failed the overseas customers and failed the animals...and it failed to add popularity or votes to the Gillard government. They're at it again, chase the Green like inner city vote without letting on the real intent is to Ban the Live Trade.

Liberals? Not a lot better. Its rather confusing if you follow Colin Barnett's comments on Live Export over the last 3 or 4 years.

"I would hope that maybe over the next 10-15 years, we can progressively transition the industry from live exports to chilled meat or carcass exports,'' Mr Barnett told reporters in 2011

In October 2013, Premier Colin Barnett witnessed the signing of an MoU with WA's sister state Zhejiang province for new trade arrangements, including live cattle.

2014 he blasted Clive Palmer's comments for putting Live Export deal with China backwards.

In April 2014  Barnett stated "We support, done safely, both uranium mining and fracking,” he added. “And if we succeed in leasing out Fremantle Port, we will build at government expense, a purpose built live animal export facility.
“Not only (is that) important for the survival of that industry but also important for animal welfare standards.”

We're not sure where he stands on it now, it'll be like firearms regulations...they have a view, but don't want to share it. Still Labor is profoundly vague too. He went from saying it was a sunset industry in its death throws, to Clive Palmer is helping wreck it by calling the Chinese "mongrels" to saying the Liberals would lease out Fremantle Port and build "at government expense a purpose built live animal export facility" - Will it happen? Your guess is as good as mine, more so if you think its not going to happen on Barnett's watch or Harvey's watch when she takes the leadership soon after the election. So does is the industry in decline or does it need infrastructure expansion?
Colin...any clarity on offer? Ever?

NationalsWA and the Shooters, Fishers & Farmers Party both have clarity, both are pro Live Export. Rick Mazza attended a Ban Live Export rally in Fremantle to get people's views and see if they're coming from a credible base. Rick, its worth remembering instigated and chaired the Committee on the workings of the RSPCA in WA. Fortunately non of the protestors knew who Rick Mazza was so he got honest answers that he could assess without being hassled.

If we're to transition to Chilled in the next 10-15 years (its not) I'd like to know who exactly is changing from Live to Chilled, who's paying for all the WA slaughterhouses that will have to be built, all the processing plants that currently don't exist and can all the overseas markets not only transition but drive the demand.

Its a curly issue both halves of the duopoly don't want full focus on lest you ask serious questions.
One wants to help push the drive to chilled, with no plan, costing nor strategy...just enough sentiment to gather some Green hipster soy latte votes. The other says "it" will transition but doesn't say who's driving the change, customers or the exporters...or who's going to pay for all the infrastructure and skilled staff that would be needed. It doesn't add up & hence the duopoly are just throwing out a profoundly vague glib vote message and then themselves transitioning quickly onto the next issue.

Another reason why the duopoly have nothing to offer except false echoes of empty thought bubbles whilst NatsWA & SFFP are very clear. They support Live Export and the jobs it maintains.

The vague thought balloons on Live Export are one of the few things the Duopoly have mentioned and pushed to the side. Agriculture is an important primary industry, a vital exporter and employer. It should be a party of this country's National Security.

But the duopoly is decidedly silent on Agriculture. Its as if they're obliged to have an Agriculture ministry but its obligations stop at allowing it a place in cabinet and its almost as if its one of the lesser minor portfolios.

Vote for whoever you want. By all means if you want to vote for the Duopoly do so but consider only doing it in the lower house and in the Upper House vote for Nationals or SFFP. If you can vote for them in the Lower House all the better, but at least help install a circuit breaker to protect the state, at the very least vote Nats or SFFP in the Upper House.

Your vote is important, crucial and more important to future proofing this state than your realise.

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