Sunday, 11 December 2016

New to Guns? Adler 101

Before we even start...if a politician says to you "We don't support a watering down of gun regulations" or "We don't want a US Gun Culture here" or "You don't need 5 shots" or "7 shots aren't necessary" then you're talking with people who are arguing from a position of complete falsehood. Be wary of them.

We cannot have a US Gun Culture or US Gun Laws, its not constitutionally possible nor viable or even remotely possible, to suggest we're heading that ways highlights ignorance. A fine place to be arguing law changes from.

The Adler is 100% legal in this country as a Cat A whether its 5 shot or 7 shot. That's a fact and so is the fact no one is asking for that to be watered down. Arguing from falsehood again.

Another fact, if it goes to Cat D it is in WA the same category as the belt fed machine gun because all Cat Ds are prohibited in WA. If someone wants 7 shot in Cat D and 5 Shot in Cat B they should have the decency and intellectual fortitude to say why...exactly why.
What we're seeing is political Distraction, arguing from falsehood and ignorance.

Mistrust the ignorant one lying to you or arguing from falsehood or ignorance. "Not Necessary" isn't a reason...right now 7 shots is Cat A legal, it isn't a problem, hasn't seen any Lever Action in a siege, massacre, terror attack or any crime to date. "Watering down" red flag time signalling arguing from ignorance. Can't get that simple bit right, can't be assured of getting much else right.

Now with that, read on :-)

In essence there's nothing wrong with being pro or anti gun. Its what you do & say with that premise that's important and whether or not you go wider than the first premise and use facts, data and reason when going elsewhere it. Some on both sides are not so here's some background that might be useful for those forming or trying to form a view or stance

GK Chesterton is quoted as saying "Whenever you remove any fence, always pause long enough to ask why it was put there in the first place."

This doesn't just apply to those seeking to water down legislation, it applies to all legislative changes, whether its strengthening, weakening or abolishing. Its very much, what is the status quo & why is it so? Its not to prevent a change, its to ensure the change is a useful improvement, a rightful change and not impetuous or heavily bias away from fact.

So how does the Adler issue rate? Very poorly as much of the push came from misdirection and lacked some understanding and fact.

The Adler is a Lever Action 12 Gauge Shotgun. It was initially put together by the wholesaler/importer Nioa to be a 7 shot Lever Action Shotgun that would be available under Cat A which is one of the less restricted firearms classes. Now despite the current fervour, that was 100% legal in all states of Australia, it was going to be good to go everywhere as Cat A. In fact, remember this if nothing else, a 5, 7 & even a 10 shot lever action shot gun has had a home in Cat A since the John Howard's revamp of laws in 1996. It probably stayed in its rightful place of Cat A back then because there'd been no siege, massacre, terrorist act or even a violent crime with one then nor since...well I'm still trying to find one but looks like I'm going to have to go back to before World War 2 but the records aren't good so best I can say is, its not the criminals choice and can't find where a crim has used one

But lets check to see why the fence was built that way in the first place.

Its actually very simple. The firearm is a "Single Shot Repeater" meaning it can only fire one shot at a time. Once fired you have manually unload the spent shell, you have to manually load the next live round & then manually pull the trigger to fire it.

One media commentator referred to it as a "DEFACTO SEMI AUTOMATIC"
This is baseless, false & misleading because if you look at it closely its actually a "FULLY MANUAL FIREARM ACTION". Semi automatic means part of the firing action is automatic & in the case of a Semi Automatic, you fire the trigger and it automatically ejects the spent round, loads the next live round ready for your next manual trigger pull. Part of the process is automatic hence the term SEMI automatic. You cannot call it defacto semi automatic unless you're trying to trick people who are unaware and when it comes to legislation don't allow anyone to use deception.

High Capacity? - Well no its not, many revolvers have 5. 6, 8 & even 10 rounds in the them for competition use. Most owners of rifles, which like Lever Action Shotguns, are fully manual single shot repeaters. Most have magazines that hold 10 rounds, some as high as 25 rounds. The capacity isn't really a banning issue.

Rapid Fire? - Well compared to what? And that is the problem, there's no fence checking here either. The fact is a double barrel shotgun is faster than a lever action shotgun when firing 2 rounds, because a double barrel can fire 2 rounds as once. This is universally jumped upon by some folk when they declare "That of course it is but if you fire your "high capacity" magazine off the firing rate is much higher with the lever action".
To be fair this is quite correct, but to be properly accurate, please be aware a double barrel is faster with 2 rounds, a lever action 5 round shotgun is faster when shooting 5 rounds but when you shoot 10 rounds a lever action is actually slower than a double barrel.
( )
Deadliest & Highest Power 12 Gauge ever - Now these are the 2 main reasons that are put forward and also fall flat.
Its 12 gauge, only variance in power is between the different shell sizes you can buy, flat nothing to do with the firearm nor its action. None.
If you want to see a rapid fire shotgun click on the link below, Winchester SX which is not allowed in WA fired 12 shots in 1.44 seconds. Now compare that to the supposed Adlers 8 shots in 8 seconds.

So what you need to ask is not whether someone is pro or anti Adler or pro or anti Lever Action but ask this...

Q) The lever action shotguns with 5 and 7 shot magazines are currently completely legal in WA (and the rest of Australia) on Cat A licence, so what Category should the 5 shot be and what Category should the 7 shot be on...and why?

If you want to help them, explain no lever action shotgun has been used in a siege, massacre, terrorist act or mass killing. Currently its only accessible to people who've passed the vetting process, police clearances and firearms handling course...they have to be a fit & proper person which raises the question why can a fit & proper person get it now in 5 or 7 shot but shouldn't?
Why also should it be changed so a fit & proper person be allowed 5 shot but not a 7+ shot?

The onus is on legislators to explain why its been ok to have one for over a century, its been Cat A since John Howards law changes but suddenly just 2 extra shots for approved fit & proper persons are super deadly threats to citizens. It is not a question of why do shooters need it, its why do anti shooters think its a health & safety issue. The current status quo has been fine. We need a bit more than "you don't need it"

It is a debacle of an issue, where Sovereign Over Reach by the Feds has got this far because so many opposition MPs have virtually no understanding of the Import Ban, the current legislation or why just 2 extra shots afforded to a qualified & approved shooter under the regulations turns them from a fit & proper person into a serious threat to society.

Late Edit - Here's what you're up against. 'We have a stance, its profoundly vague and we're keeping it that way...and we're not giving you any hint of any detail nor the reasons why...just it is, but we're not saying exactly what "is" might be or why...never any why oh & vote for us because of the reasons we haven't given you
Sir Humphrey Applebee would be overcome with joy & pleasure.

Don't believe me? Read on


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