Yup, the US State of North Dakota passing a law that restricts people only using toilets that align with the biological gender/sex they were at birth. Trans women...gotta use mens toilets. Trans men gotta use the women's toilets.
So that raises the issue of Transgenders, Transphobia & Trans Ideology. These were the questions I got asked.
Questions, do you support Transgenders?
Neither support nor oppose. What a grown adult cosmetically does with their body is their business, not mine...as long as it isn't dangerous to them or likely to affect others negatively. Just as the same as someone wearing a Millie Vanillie T-Shirt or a Socialism Rules or MAGA hat. I don't care. I might wonder about their head sense or motivations but otherwise...staggering indifference.
Several weeks ago I was in a local shop a trans woman was being served in front of me. I noticed, it was very noticable but I didn't care, no one was affecting others
So its not a political team stand off. Its someone's thing like dressing up as a Goth, Skinhead or like the music fesitval held on a friend's farm for, well for hippies where kids not born in the 60s or the 70s had fully immersed themselves into hippy culture & talk like late 60s pot heads. Go for it. Your choice, you're thing but not convinced its anythign more than very serious cosplay.
So I support anyone becoming whatever they want as long as it isn't damaging to them or negatively affects other people. I guess I support a person's right to do their thing but no I won't be encouraging it & I would not want people wrongly doing something they're life long locked into or try to revert bac with physical, emotional, mental damage & immense regret.
Fine line, but not hard to understand but easy for those wanting huge accolades for some sort of bravery...yup, I'm not your man. So define clearly what this support looks like to you. I might have support, you might think I don't & the difference is the different perspective of what support actually is.
Question, are you Transphobic?
No, I believe I am not Transphobic. Again because I don't wave rainbow flags & approve of drag queens at libraries doing story time performances for children doesn't make anyone transphobic. Just because I don't believe there are rights being denied to transgender people doesn't make me or others transphobic.
Start defining transphobic. Trans is a person who surgically & chemically alters their physical body to give them the appearance of their biological gender/sex AND then dress, act, like that gender/sex they are not.
As for phobia well a phobis is a somewhat along these lines...
A phobia is an anxiety disorder defined by a persistent, irrational and excessive fear of an object or situation.[1] Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are usually present for more than six months.[1] Those affected go to great lengths to avoid the situation or object, to a degree greater than the actual danger posed.[1] If the object or situation cannot be avoided, they experience significant distress.
So a phobia is a clinically diagnosed psychological disorder. Having stood with a trans woman in the checkout line & I didn't experience any of the cliniical markers I'd say no, I'm not transphobic. I think we can all make a bit of a discerning judgement on whether we ourselves have a mental disorder & if we don't have the classic markers we're probably quite ok. If close friends & family spot things and say you might have a particular disoder, maybe go get professional advice. But if someone is a stranger, you don't know them & your basis of an unprofessional diagnosis is they have a different view to you on something...yeah that's not grounds for anything. Now if you said the Nazis didn't kill any Jews in WW2 & its all conspiracy I think we can say the claimant we disagree with is likely racist, Nazi, anti semite and using a false & grotesque historical lie. That's a reasonable deduction.
If you don't support Transgender Ideology, no you are not automatically a person with a clinical psychological disorder or phobia.
That's like how conservatives making a point & socialist/marxist types claim the conservatives are fascists...even though conservativism & fascism are polar opposite and unalignable enemies. Its a shut down technique. Throw a vile demonising title on the other person to avoid rigourous, respectful, fact based debate. That's how transphobe/transphobic is being used.
Question, do you support Transgender Ideology?
Again, hard to know exactly what it is. It seems to be very fluid & hard to nail down.
One pro camp has a starting point that says transgenders have gender dysphoria & their solution to their severe condition is surgery & regular use of strong synthetic hormones and chemicals for the rest of their life.
Another pro camp says no they do not have gender dysphoria because they do not have a mental disorder. They believe that gender dysphoria no longer exists & has been thoroughly debunked because gender is a social construct & can be chosen. Those that choose something that requires the surgery & chemicals aren't suffering a mental issue of any kind, they're just exercising their choice.
With those 2 starting points, I can't support gender ideology. Neither makes sense.
First camp are deciding what the treatment is for the condition they admit they have...which is away from medical & mental health professionals studies. The second camp, if women, that is those that qualify as having womanhood, are actually acting out a sub culture...like goths, skinheads, hippies. Its a lifestyle thing. That public toilets and gender divided sports are a result of personal choice that others MUST adhere so if someone wants to be a woman person they can enter woman acting people's sports.
The fact that generally only men can produce sperm & generally only women, have periods, can produce eggs & carry a baby through to birth...that is no longer a part of gender/sex. Why? because some people need it to be that way.
Apparently all people are people, its just that some are birthing people & some of them are men, some are women.
With that in mind...NO, I do not agree with gender ideology.
If you want to surgically & hormonally alter you physical body, that's your business but sorry, if you were born a man...you're still a man with your penis & testicles cut off & sculpted into a crevice mimicking a vagina. You do not have a vagina, you are a trans.
If you were a female at birth & you surgically removed your breasts & had flesh & muscle removed to construct something that looks a bit like a man's penis...it isn't a penis & you won't have testicles. You are not a man, you a trans.
The current pushing for kids to be able to transition is a crime against humanity. I'm not hearing a lot of trans people speaking out against this. If that's Trans Ideology, then yes I oppose it.
You're either going to have to ignore that or get used to that. Railing against people with a different view & saying they're transphobes is senseless & intellectually bankrupt.
Question, do I want to ban trans surgery?
Haven't thought about it. I think it has very question motives & debatable end results longer term.
Banning it? Well if its bad, you'd think medical associations would have backed away from it but they haven't the courage or see the immense amount of money to be made in this surgery.
For now, each to their own, including those that choose to not like it or refuse to accept some of the dud arguments used to try & support ti.
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