Sunday, 23 April 2023

Live Export - Here's some of the Anti Live Export BS that rolls up pretending to be valid.

Yes, its back. The Australian Labor Party has brought in a plan to ban Live Export.
Everytime the extremist element rolls up, they talk emotive word salads that shy well away from facts & factual data & use profoundly vague moral arguments. It is an immense fail in rigourous & respectful debate as it infers a person with an opposing view is immoral, greed, keen on torture & generally all kinds of vile in a sinful nature.

Thinking "No can't be surely?"...well here's an example.

Now the thing is, never bag the people with abuse. That too is intellectually bankrupt, that too is thuggery. That too leaves it all to whoever is the loudest and the longest staying & not impartial to the facts & the factual data. No they're never going to convert us, we're never going to convert the animal extremists...but we can convince the sensible rational people watching on. Going in with the idea of metaphorically bending their nose is pointless and counter productive.

With good argument, making good points, the others watching will not be fooled by foolish premises AND although I'm very much against the plan by the Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt, he needs to see us put up the wise & cogent view. He needs to see us gathering support & wise acceptance of the facts & factual data. He needs to see us dispel the emotionally charge verb spewage being calmly, respectuflly put where it deserves to go. The bin.

I don't believe there is such a thing as Social Licence. That's a post modernist Marxist tactic to knock people down use emotion & falsehoods. Its like yelling at someone calling them a fascist, misogynist, something-or-other-phobe or some other demonising moniker to isolate, diminish and defeat a logical, rational, factual argument. Often referred by some as "wrongful closure".

So don't bag this Sue person, if that's his or her real name. Lots of false name accounts pile on. This one has only been on Twitter 3 months & has ZERO followers and largely posts replies that a short sharp and emotive. So no point bagging them & perhaps they want that. There is the sense of thought that during protests, demonstrations or farm invasions that extremist activists hope someone will get physical. Are they up for a fight? No I don't think so. I do think they want to be assaulted perhaps not so much to go to court but to run to the public court of social media because they're never usually far away from a camera. They stunt up while the camera is rolling. 

Sue's 3 key themes.

1) Torture is a criminal act. It is defined as a chosen act, as the wilful infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion, Excruciating physical or mental pain; agony and an experience or cause of severe pain or anguish.
There are & have been bad people committing cruel acts that no one defends. The industry has been clean up markedly to the point that the Australian Livestock Industry is clearly & easily defined as World's Best Practice. Its mortality rate & any other suffering metric is the lowest on the planet.
One of the countries that will replace us if we leave the trade is Sudan. Recently, in a trip much shorter than an average Australian one, the Sudanese carrier had a disaster. It lost 15,100 sheep at sea & few of the 700 that were recovered were any good & died not long after.
THAT is an idea of what will replace Australia. Now arguments aside of that unacceptable animal activist groups protested in Sudan or the Middle East & Australian Activists which do include extremists that get labeled "Veganazis"...they were all totally silent due to the uncomfortable comparison between World's Best (animal welfare) Practice to the unregulated competitor who will replace us & possible continue to over load their carrier ships unlike Australia's fully regulated & monitored ships. Torture is a criminal act if committed on humans or animals. Penalties apply.
There is no wilful criminal acts of torture.
NOW when the activists will pivot & say yes the Australian link in the chain has improved but the cruelty remains in the Middle East. Does it? If so is that really a problem because if it is, its not the Australian Live Trade that's the problem its outliers in the Middle East, it certianly isn't regular & rampant & if it were...why is it ok to remove Australia & Sudan takes the higher market share?
Is it better the sheep die on board or drown at sea so they don't suffer cruelty by outliers?

Got news for you. If Australia leaves the trade, there is no downstream education, training and help improving the animal welfare of animals once they're landed. If you want good Animal Welfare in the Middle East you MUST have the World's Best Practice Australian Industry involved. Sudan will not offer sheep & cattle handling training or better kill practices.

2) Greed is the next emotive world splurge. Is it greed to make an honest living out of producing a cheap food source, an important source of protein in a 3rd world country that cannot produce that vast amount of protein at a price their relatively improverish can afford?
If we went all frozen & chilled, bad news. Some of the Arabic importers have already said if they're denied Live Imports from Australia, they will not buy frozen, chilled or where possible anything else from Australia. We're going to get hit with a trade loss & a possible regional trade embargo. Now if the chilled & frozen were cheaper than live they might in time be persuaded to take some. But it would requie massive subsidisation by Australia. It will also require the building of at least as many abattoirs as there are now. Why? Because Lamb chains are battling to keep up with the amount of kill space & kill time just for lambs now. To accomadate export sheep, its a different carcase, different size. They would have to close some of the Lamb Kill & Processing to take Middle East Export. In effect, the lamb kill is appalling now, it will get worse.
Oh just build more abattoirs & employ more Australians? Sure, except if that was financially viable it would be out perfroming, out competing Live Export now...and it isn't.
Its not a financially viable option or the market place would have seen it strive ahead.
Abattoirs have often been regarded as money holes. But hey if its such a good deal, extremists & other fact dodgers can push 30% of the superannuation, or more, into a Public Private Partnership to build abattiors and then staff & train people to run them. If its viable, the super funds will make the huge profits, the activists will have financial skin in the game. If that works, everyone's a winner.
I mean put your money in, otherwise we might conclude you keeping your money & not investing in the meat industry is selfish & greedy using the moral code activists use.
The activists wouldn't be greedy, selfish & hypocritical would they?
No, the claim of industry greed is bollocks. The idea the poorer people of the middle east want a red meat protein source they can actually afford is not greed.
Greed is an emotive false bolster to deflect from facts & reality.

3) Compassion the last big BS effort. If compassion or lack of it were actually a sensible argument the so called Animal Welfare Activists would be more likely to push for a rapid expansion of the the Australian Live Export Trade because its World's Best Practice, its been providing equipment & training to destination countries for better handling & slaughter practices over seas & it would, base dsolely on marketplace advantage lessen the chance of rogue players expanding who have no Welfare regulations and routinely over crowd ships & have no accountibiity. Now chances are, with the Civil War nature of Sudan & season boom and busts, livestock will be sought from other countries in South America like Brazil. Thats an extra 5 weeks at sea & they don't have a credible system like ESCAS.
You'd have to wonder about the legitimacy of Activists actually being about animal welfare at all. I don't think they are. I think they do not have any compassion except in the yelling of falsehoods at Australian Producers & Exporters. Its a false tactic that many lazy thinkers will fall for.

Now some of these falsehood claims are actually Moral Judgements. To make a moral judgement a person has to be intellectually valid & say what moral code or what religion, faith or cult they're using to make the moral judgement. Oddly this sensible logical pathway gets shot in the face & avoided.
They either have none or they have so much internally over whelming influence from a superiority complex that we must not only accept it with it explained, we must accept it is binding upon all of us without questioning it at all.
I usually ask & wait to hear the name of the moral code & hear it justified but it nearly always results in slurs that I or we are incapable of compassion & therefore won't accept it. That is we don't & won't accept the unexplained.

If you're genuine about Animal Welfare, you'd want the Australian Live Trade expanded & hopefully reach world market dominance & slowly but surely other competitors will see ESCAS, foreign training & equpiment for better practices as a must do if they're to compete.

If you're genuine about opposing greed you'd put your money in the game & build abattoirs to compete in the International Chilled & Frozen Market to hold up the production cycle.

If you're genuine about making moral judgements, you'd outline the moral code but also you'd lean not heavily, but solely on factual data & market conditions instead of falsely demonising people.

Of you're just against any animal production at all. You're from Vegan Ideology. I suspect that's the more likely hidden truth. I don't subscribe to that cult/religion dogma. You cannot impose your faith upon me & its clear to do so, you have to hide it & use false guilt & faux shame to redirect people well away from factual data & the truth.

Take them to task, drill down respectfully into whatever it vague premise the're trying to push upon us. In time I'm sure the government will see the truth & will not suffer the embarassment of being so easily fooled & causing Australia serious trade damage  


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