Thursday, 6 April 2023

Firearms in WA - When MPs & Bureaucrats Bluff, Bluster & BS

I call them firearms. Sketchy lawmakers might call them weapons. I don't call them weapons as that word relates purely to the intent of the use. If you carve a roast with proper knife its a carving knife. If a person kills, injures or endangers another person with that carving knife its still a carving knife but the person is not charged with assault or murder with a carving knife, its assault with a deadly weapon. In intent only, the carving knife became a deadly weapon. But if you're to rouse people for political gain you'd probably, if you're an unfit public servant as an MP, you're like to ignite emotions, pour petrol on it & find someone to demonise. I call them firearms. Sketchy lawmakers with deceptive bias might call them weapons.

The new list of banned calibres makes no sense. Meanwhile there are nearly 90,000 licenced lawful firearms owners, a range of calibres that have never been involved in any gun crime are on a ban list. The reasoning is the ban list is to increase public safety when there has been no sudden increase in risk profile. No demonstrated threat has sudden risen. The risk level is the same as it was yesterday, last week, last year, 3 decades ago. IT IS UNCHANGED The new list of banned calibres makes no sense.

The Mental Health Tests Won't Help & Will Not Detect & Prevent A Gun Death Licenced users are going to be pushed into mental health tests which cannot predict future behaviour or actions but are there because of the cited 20 deaths by firearms, 10 were "suggested" to have mental health issues. Yes, "suggested" is the words the minister used. If any Member of Parliament is pushing through a bill in the Parliament that uses reasoning that amounts to that which is "suggested" then it is going to be very bad legislation. Good legislation is fit for purpose, has good supportive data & evidence, helps & benefits the majority of the state without being a detriment to lawful people current or future & will involve full and proper involvement of the stakeholders after a public & stakeholder consultation. We're seeing calls for more Upper House Committees because there is so little & often NO consultation outside the Minister & senior bureaucrats. THAT is a serious devolution of the proper democratic path of good legislation, its the slow removal of the proper democratic process. Happening in housing, forestry, Agricutlure, law & order health...all in deep fast spiralling descent. In regards the 10 alleged gun deaths where un-named mental health conditions were suggested to be involved...I hope this is not true but I was just told that nearly half, not half but nearly half of them were serving Police Officers who used actual WAPol Service firearms. This is at a time when we're also hearing in the Media that there is a record number of of WAPol officers seeking mental health services, some in a serious state (although I'd argue all would be if they're seeking help). The Police Minister claimed the numbers are up because stigma in coming forward is on the decline...again things aren't getting worse, things are spun to somehow project that things are actually getting better The Mental Health Tests Won't Help & Will Not Detect & Prevent A Gun Death

Let's just make 2 important points & one of them is repeating one... a) In regards the 10 alleged gun deaths where un-named mental health conditions were suggested to be involved...I hope this is not true but I was just told that nearly half, not half but nearly half of them were serving Police Officers who used actual WAPol Service firearms. And the way to reduce that is to give nearly 90,000 lawful firearm owners a mental health test that arguably won't help at all & ban some calibres that have not been used in gun crimes & there is actually no new elevated risk profile.

b) The only main risk to the public was putting a map on the front page of the West Australian of Perth Firearm Owners. Now maybe it was a coincidence but several break ins in the publicised map. The aim should be to run higher penalties for possession of illegal firearms with terms run consecutively. Target the crimimals, not the lawful. Make gun crime the biggest, worst penalties for a criminal. Then ramp mental health services for Western Australians & more so councelling for WAPolice officers both serving & retired. Remains notable that the announcement for the Mental Health Tests was on a Sunday. The day after the very prominent WA Liberal Party State Conference. They were getting big & very prominent press coverage and strangely the WA Police did the very unusual thing of making a huge bomb drop announcement on a Sunday. ONE A SUNDAY? It wasn't serious enough of an issue to drop it on Friday when he was at work? It wasn't serious enough of an issue to drop it anytime the previous week? Nope it was a political stunt & when it unfolded & looked absurd, the minister & the controlling bureaucrats went for a "banned calibre list" Who will lose firearms? Collectors, Feral Controllers/Hunters & Competitive Shooters. One competition the rifle start at $15,000 & you're looking at $15.00 plus per shot fired. Again in calibres not ever found to be used in any gun crimes so they cannot have raised any risk. THIS IS HOW THE SKETCHY & CRAFTY MANIPULATE THE OPTIC EVEN WHEN THEY ARE VERY MUCH IN THE WRONG. DON'T FALL THE BS.

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