If you read all the below you might as a meat producer or any other type of stakeholder in WA Agriculture get depressed, throw your hands in the air, go into a darker place & give up. Don't.
This live export ban will get reversed because it is so deeply flawed, wrong, unworkable & is an impending disaster. Both socially & economically but also for the Labor MPs politically.
They will have to reverse it. It will either get dropped OR there'll be a cabinet reshuffle, the minister will be dropped or promoted sideways & a new minister will use calm cautious language & seek an honourable exit for the Ban Plan that's really into a dumpster bin in the alley.
Only rests on a couple of things. Everyone being loud, relentless & never giving in.
Soon as a critical mass of people give up or go silent...the ALP will read that & compoliance to their decree & ram it through. The louder we constantly are, the greater the political dog likely to come back & bite them.
So don't get negative or depressed, embrace the chance, the opportunity to join a real movement for positive change. Join the fight to win & get others, as many as you can to join in. The louder & the longer the noise goes, the sooner the plan to ban will be dropped,
They will view silence as compliance.
I won't comply.
Neither should you.
Get loud, get angry but control your temper & belt them 3 days to Sunday with facts & common sense.
They have none of these.
The plan to ban live export will fail if you fight.
Dive in big, hard & loud...you can actually be proud & you can enjoy the fight because you will be right.
Here's some of the things you can tell others...and this is just scratching the surface.
Don't see these as death blows that you've given up on & avoiding, these are the reasons why the ban is flawed & a scandalous disgrace.
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Imagine a senior minister making a BIG announcement, a BIG change but having no plan attached. No vision what the outcome will look like, what will have to be changed to ensure no one is worse of with the change. No strategic plan with costings. Nothing, except an announcement.
Made worse, no public or stakeholder input prior. None.
Made worse, a committee is formed to gather ideas from the worst affected on how to actually transition.
That's not consultation as the committee's Terms of Reference, which the industry also had no input into, are specifically about how to transition, not if its a good idea or not. Just the how.
Made worse the committee are either Labor operatives, anti Live Export operatives of professional committee sitters or all of the above and have no industry experience, certainly no experience in Western Australia.
Made worse in that this will devastate WA which is the biggest exporting state with sheep & the export trade provides the best & biggest option for wethers whilst also holding up the WA red meat price. It's the obe bit of rare comeptiton in the marketplace that isn't controlled by the major supermarkets. This will deliver market dominance to them & any excess production will now end up in the bin.
Made worse that some of our Live Export customer countries have already said they will not buy our chilled or frozen.
Made worse that we, with World's Best Practice that is ESCAS will be replaced by totally unregulated countries like Sudan that lost over 15,000 sheep at sea in ONE LOAD. Or Brazil which is also non ESCAS & will be an additional 5 weeks at sea. No summer moritorium. And we also invest in training & infrastructure in our customer countries to improve handling, slaughter & processing...AT OUR COST. No other country has done this nor will be interested in do this.
Made worse, whilst there's little chance sending export sheep into a replacement Fozen/Chilled Market, there remains an additional problem of no replacement markets identified, no extra abattoirs planned to cope with the required kill & processing chains required. Then there's no staff to work in these unplanned, uncosted, unknown abattoirs for these unknown markets. Australians generally won't work in abattoirs now, we have to get people from overseas. Thank God for the Phillopino, Afghan, Pacific Islander & other foreign people who come to Australia to be greta hard working Australians & help build strong valuable contribution to the nation...but we don't have enough of these valuable staff now.
Made worse if sheep goes, we know cattle is next. How can it not? That will mean the complete closure of the northern half of Australia from anything to do with meat production. Pastoral leases will be worth zero. There will be no landcare & grazing forms the biggest part of landcare across northern Australia. Once it goes or even suffered just a 50% cut we'll see the biggest economic & ecological disaster in Australian if not southern hemisphere history. Rangeland country will have huge grass groth rates with NO grazing which unmanaged, ungrazed or even 50% drop in grazing means the fuel load with minimum 5-8 times higher. One lightening strike the smoke & fire will be very easily visible from space. The flora & fauna dvastation will be beyond Canberra's calculations. Beyond that, the rebuild cost for bitumen roads, water, electricity along the major highways will be jaw dropping.
So the decision makes bad economic sense, we lose valuable export trade dollars and the economic loss in WA will be vast & devastating because WA is the biggest sheep exporter.
Add in, these foreign customers deserve the right to access affordable protein. Live export per kilo is a fraction of the cost of Live Export killed & processed overseas. A finished kilo of meat of any average cut is many times more expensive here PRIOR to export than a finished kilo of meat of any average cut on the foreign shelf. Many of these countries do not have our annual earnings, chilled or frozen processed here red meat will only end up in foreign restaurants, not butcher shops for average citizen consumers. For the average consumer in our Livex Countries, the processed here chilled creeps well into luxury item price range. There is the other issue..religious & culture issue of done there way. Some have argued that's a clever economic ploy to maintain jobs in their country. Even if correct, why is that wrong? Its their nation, their people & it make protein affordable to more people.
Also add in culturally some of these countries are very sceptical & wary of frozen/chilled meat because in the past dodgy operators have frozen cuts to hide rancid meat. They also know, frozen & chilled can be accidently thawed, left in the heat, gone off & then refrozen to hide it. Wrapped in plastic you won't know you've bought rancid meat til its home & thawed.
They want live. To be honest, so do we. We rarely ever see frozen meat for sale in Australia. Why should we expect them to?