If you're looking at politics & politicians and how it really works you can argue about which bits to look at.
The dilemma is here to start, what to look at and what to miss...so buckle up.
The unwritten social rule, never talk politics or religion. In short, utter bollocks.
Get 2 or more people together discussing "things" that affect us & what's better or worse that's politics.
Religion is just just the organised structure of a faith, the traditions, conventions, the rules & requirements so they don't really mean rules of a structure, they mean the faith. What ever religious faith you have, keep it to yourself when strangely there is no sound minded person on earth who is without a faith or a worldview.
Two things that very much affect you, your loved ones & the future...not to be discussed. Not really helpful. One dominates what will happen to our lives, the other is pivotal guide in helping us deal with it.
Speak nothing of either is the convention. Not really that wise when you think about it.
Politicians. Personally, not a fan. But I am a fan of elected members of parliament who aren't so much politicians but effective legislators & the gatekeepers of new laws that protect us & allow our country and/or state flourish without any undue interference. Such people aren't politicians. I might be alone but "politician" is a bit of negative term, nothing to be pround of.
Politicians are very reluctant to say what they actually believe in, what are their values because that will determine how they will vote or influence legislation. They more often prefer to keep this hidden or vague.
The less out there, is the less being fire back. It seems those that do precisely known which hill they're prepared to die upon are first to be rejected & keeps in some swinging voters minds a possibility. A chance the politician is on your side.
Did we mention human nature? Its the thing that politics & religion is really meant to replace. Left to human nature its everyone for themselves and we're but a few missing meals away from Lord of the Flies.
Some politic ideologies are more dominating than others.
The more Marxist (or off shoot) you are then the more rules, regulations, penalties you'll either want to oppose or bring in.
Now stop for a second. Would you be calm & relaxed if a Democratic Nazi Party were to start in your local area, become a party in the state or federal legislature or even get big enough to form government?
I wouldn't. Even in small numbers, in embryonic form I'd be very concerned & would want to see the public discussion go full tilt so everyone can see it, undestand it for what it is & oppose it. Its rational to say that putting the word "Democratic" in front of "Nazi Party" doesn't change the fact its a Nazi Party. It's a soft sell of a moderated for public consumption of what is actually evil.
Very simple & easy isn't it. How could that ever get legs and hunt?
Well the Australian Labor Party is a Democratic Socialist Party. Its in their constitution.
Socialism & any other Marxisr ideological government has killed millions.
"In 2005, professor Benjamin Valentino stated that the number of non-combatants killed by communist regimes in the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia alone ranged from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million"
The return volley always points out far more people have died under capitalism. Vague claim but the difference is, Capitalism is the best of all the broken systems we have and they're all imperfect. The difference with Marxist off shoots, including Nazism, they are dependant on a brutal regime to benefit anyone & they will benefit some. Usually at the top, their new ruling elite. The Marxist model has the State as the all powerful, all ruling body governing everything. Its said to make all people equal and distribute everything fairly. It won't. It can't and it never has.
It is a form of capitalism where the only accumalation of capital & wealth is at the very, very top. The higher one gets, the more is taken. If anyone thinks Putin or any other Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Marxist leader is on the average wage identical to a brick layer...well yeah "righto champ"
So the ugly sides of both capitalism & Marxism and other totalitarian regimes, dictatorships, Absolute Monarchies, tribal war lords...all rely on one thing. Human Nature.
Human nature is the thing that is our down fall and religion or faith is the thing that is supposed to keep Human Nature in check.
Marxist regimes in all its variants needs to kill off faith, religion & worldviews is a high priority. It means there is no moral outcry but it also means less faith and hope. It gets the masses closer to full compliance and serving the state.
Seems very obvious but if a Democratic Nazi Party or a Marxist Regime isn't a scary enough of a red flag then so to should any party saying they're a Democratic Socialist Party.
Now if you're a working class man or woman, working on wages & want representation, the Socialists are not the people for you. If a Marxist regime you will fair the very worst. In recent times Union memberships are falling off their traditional highs because people are seeing what is actually socialist microcosisms in their unions. All must serve the Union Leaders, they are on the highest pay, they are the ones gathering the most assets & wealth. They need to be good orators to rouse the fools to action that gain them more support.
Not saying workers should support Business Owner Groups to lobby but without businesses who will they work for?
Stats for business failure in a business's first 12 months, 2 years & 5 years aren't secret. One USA source has it at 60% fail by year 5. These are the outfits employing people. No they shouldn't get big subsidies and tax breaks to make them profitable but we need more successful businesses for workers to profit and accumalate assets and wealth.
The socialist aim is quite the opposite. Its the Government, the state aquires the control of the means of production. If you think the Government is so good at running things, would you have all medical research & all food production & supply run by the Government? There's some countries have gone down this path.
They had millions die as a result.
If you'd oppose a Democratic Nazi Party you cannot defend a Democratic Socialist Party.
Thankfully the Democratic Socialist Party in Australia has itself leaning very heavily on human nature.
Its MPs and Party Ruling Elite are there for themselves. Thankfully they keep their values vague, if they follow them at all, just to get re-elected.
Look at your career poltiicians. Sorry, 3 terms is enough. If you're there more than that you are a career politician you are not a Nation First Legislator.
In the WA Parliament we see already the problems the ALP is having. Too many people are selected to fill a desired demographic & are required once elected to vote exactly as they're instructed under the threat of expulsion, ex-communication and targeting by the party. No matter they keep things vague & focus on smiley photos, school appearances, sports awards, lining up next to clubs and community groups but hell no, no commenting on issues or how they voted or why. Keep the image the only priority & legislative discussions avoided at all costs.
As a result some very substandard politicians are in our State Parliament & we're extremely low on good, wise legislators. The WA Parliament is controlled by a small group of ruling elite at the top of the WA Labor Party...and there's not much you can do about it. With highly stage managed press conferences, controlled by the party's minders its difficult to see a change of government until this one runs things into the ground, until Government fees and charges & Government debt go through the roof. Until the over reach by the Government in all areas of normal life gets to heavy. We have some time to go but several Senior Labor Minsiters are not running at the next election in 2025. I suspect they can read the poo they collectively wiped on the wall. The next tier of Labor MPs coming up are not cabinet material, few of the current ones are. The 3rd tier, well out of their depth who avoid all actual questions and answers & stick to social media self fluffing and handing out cheques are often people who came from stagnant careers, with little or no retirement plan or came to politics to try & restructure their personal debts.
Thats how politics & politicians are currently working & for you the citizen, its working very very badly.
As we lurch slowly into the Downturn Phase on the Economic Clock & creep ever closer to a Recession, with a USA Economy in one with (along with the UK & other countries) rapidly rising interest rates...there's a storm brewing. As we & others said before...the poorest or the lowest earning will be hit the worst and for the longest time. Our only help is to get good legislators in the Parliament. All parliaments. Forget the hard left & the hard left, the grifters & corporate psychopaths pretending to be whatever it is they need to be to get elected. We need WISE Progressives vs REAL Progressives in the Legislatures.
In both WA & the Federal Government we have roughly 2 to 3 years. In Victoria its real soon and their debt is still looking for a superlative to even partially describe its size & it's deadly impacts coming.
So yes it'll have to get bad before people reject Human Nature and head to wise deeper thinking & throw the current Socialist Grifters out. Thats a lot of damage that will probably happen first & the Conservative side will have to Review, Recalibrate & Reboot long before to not sell us a different type of drippled pup but show us they're people of the clearly explained values needed AND can get us out of the ka-ka. I'll wait.
Monday, 19 September 2022
How politics & politicians really work...
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