Friday, 30 September 2022

BREAKING NEWS - LEAKED NEWS READER TELEPROMPTER - Hanson v Faruqi (from The Broken News Network)

** BOMBSHELL - Below is the actual teleprompter wording for Broken News Media anchorman Nicolas Master-Bastard's news bulletin including reading instructions**

Welcome back and breaking news just in, a massive verbal war has erupted between two largely ineffective Australian senators. The stoush has got so serious, most people don't know the Teals they can't name even exist.

Reports claim the largely forgettable Senator Pauline Hanson told the largely disregarded Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqui to piss off back to where she came from resulting in a Censor motion in the Senate today. As a result lots of time was taken away from actual Senate matters like being the House of Review & reviewing legislation in line to be passed.
Long time political observer & front bar commentator Polly Watcher has told reporters today that...
"I've never seen anything like it. Usually the deflections & distractions to grotesquely raise their profile & get out of actual Senate business are usually far more subtle. Now they're normalising it, more open about their mental truency and unashamedly mainstreaming their job avoidance. It's refreshing to see such honesty" 

Breath once, tilt head to the left slightly then level back to even 

Sources close the Greens Party were said to be seeing red until they unravelled the Chinese National Flag they were tangled up in. Then they began to glow red with anger after Hanson's comments about Senator Faruqi needing to return to her country of birth.

Sources close to, but trust me, not from prominent & long time Greens staffer Veganette Him-Her told reporters
Quote "I'm shocked that Pauline Hanson told her to go back to where she came from. It's racist & intolerant & it is entirely Pauline Hanson's fault as this was all avoidable. If Hanson had gone back to where she'd come from as Senator Lydia Thorpe had racistly told her to, Hanson's racist comment would never have it's Hanson's fault. She should now go back to where she came from. Overseas somewhere, back to where her people originate & should belong. I apologise if I have mis-gendered Senator Hanson, she makes no effort to share her chosen gender identity & I'm only using the she/her because her colleagues, family, friends & everyone else with basic sense use those terms in reference to Senator Hanson. She is deliberately vague about her gender identity to try & get people to guess and hopefully misgender her to create false oppression guilt points. Creating false oppression is a Greens strategy & we reject her unfairly & blantantly using our method. It's clearly cultural appropriation like wearing black face or calling a pizza a pizza when it's clearly flat bread with a heap of stuff on top" End Quote

Breath silently look deeper into camera

Other sources close to other sources who maybe on the sauce stated that sources close to them suggest the Greens Party room is seething as usual, so nothing has changed there, not even their lack relevance, which despite them seething, they are used to. Seething is their normal, well you would be if you're on several hundred thousand dollars as a lawmaker in a country you're a citizen of but deeply hate. 

Sources close to Greens leader Adam Bandt suggested
Quote "We're all Australians, we're all the same mob, united under the Australian flag and we should all help each other and not take pot shots at people. Not be unkind or disrespectfull to our own citizens based on differing culture or heritage. In Australian we are all one and any suggestions that we might be like the people of Pakistan who are clearly backward as a people and as a nation and not comparable as the incredibly superior elite class that is Greens Party's excessively overpaid elected members is intolerable & demeaning." End Quote

Breath silently

In other news, there is a surge in the unemployment numbers with a noticably sharp spike of unempoyed parody comedy writers. A spokesperson for the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance Nigella Purple-Hare said they've never seen a collapse in the sector this serious. 
Quote "You cannot pull the piss when the real people are so full of piss. There's just piss everywhere. Writers, actors, producers are swimming in other people's piss, the streets, the parliaments, the beaches, the Marxist art gallery collectives, especially the Marxist art gallery collectives are so full of oceans of miles deep piss we cannot even discern how full of shit they are. This is the end of the industry. Many maybe forced to go back to where they came from. Their old bedroom in their parents home which has been converted into a sewing room when they finally moved out aged 45" End Quote

Breath quickly, change to postive tone, give a half smile showing half your whitened teeth.

And after the break will see all the latest in Business including what's none of yours and which stocks you need to buy for my retirement.
Because I own them and they're rubbish and have to unload them quickly. 

You're with Nicolas Master-Bastard on The Broken News Network, see you after the break

Cut to the break - Whimisically nod to camera, shuffle the blank papers you're holding then turn to the floor manager coming into shot as the lighting fades to 50% and pretend you're exchanging a positive comment with him...even though he hates his job & you. Throw in a light chuckle for extra effect.

Monday, 19 September 2022

How politics & politicians really work...

If you're looking at politics & politicians and how it really works you can argue about which bits to look at.

The dilemma is here to start, what to look at and what to buckle up.

The unwritten social rule, never talk politics or religion. In short, utter bollocks.
Get 2 or more people together discussing "things" that affect us & what's better or worse that's politics.
Religion is just just the organised structure of a faith, the traditions, conventions, the rules & requirements so they don't really mean rules of a structure, they mean the faith. What ever religious faith you have, keep it to yourself when strangely there is no sound minded person on earth who is without a faith or a worldview.
Two things that very much affect you, your loved ones & the future...not to be discussed. Not really helpful. One dominates what will happen to our lives, the other is pivotal guide in helping us deal with it.
Speak nothing of either is the convention. Not really that wise when you think about it.

Politicians. Personally, not a fan. But I am a fan of elected members of parliament who aren't so much politicians but effective legislators & the gatekeepers of new laws that protect us & allow our country and/or state flourish without any undue interference. Such people aren't politicians. I might be alone but "politician" is a bit of negative term, nothing to be pround of.

Politicians are very reluctant to say what they actually believe in, what are their values because that will determine how they will vote or influence legislation. They more often prefer to keep this hidden or vague.
The less out there, is the less being fire back. It seems those that do precisely known which hill they're prepared to die upon are first to be rejected & keeps in some swinging voters minds a possibility. A chance the politician is on your side.

Did we mention human nature? Its the thing that politics & religion is really meant to replace. Left to human nature its everyone for themselves and we're but a few missing meals away from Lord of the Flies.

Some politic ideologies are more dominating than others. 
The more Marxist (or off shoot) you are then the more rules, regulations, penalties you'll either want to oppose or bring in. 

Now stop for a second. Would you be calm & relaxed if a Democratic Nazi Party were to start in your local area, become a party in the state or federal legislature or even get big enough to form government?

I wouldn't. Even in small numbers, in embryonic form I'd be very concerned & would want to see the public discussion go full tilt so everyone can see it, undestand it for what it is & oppose it. Its rational to say that putting the word "Democratic" in front of "Nazi Party" doesn't change the fact its a Nazi Party. It's a soft sell of a moderated for public consumption of what is actually evil.

Very simple & easy isn't it. How could that ever get legs and hunt?

Well the Australian Labor Party is a Democratic Socialist Party. Its in their constitution.
Socialism & any other Marxisr ideological government has killed millions.

"In 2005, professor Benjamin Valentino stated that the number of non-combatants killed by communist regimes in the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia alone ranged from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million"

The return volley always points out far more people have died under capitalism. Vague claim but the difference is, Capitalism is the best of all the broken systems we have and they're all imperfect. The difference with Marxist off shoots, including Nazism, they are dependant on a brutal regime to benefit anyone & they will benefit some. Usually at the top, their new ruling elite. The Marxist model has the State as the all powerful, all ruling body governing everything. Its said to make all people equal and distribute everything fairly. It won't. It can't and it never has.
It is a form of capitalism where the only accumalation of capital & wealth is at the very, very top. The higher one gets, the more is taken. If anyone thinks Putin or any other Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Marxist leader is on the average wage identical to a brick layer...well yeah "righto champ"

So the ugly sides of both capitalism & Marxism and other totalitarian regimes, dictatorships, Absolute Monarchies, tribal war lords...all rely on one thing. Human Nature. 
Human nature is the thing that is our down fall and religion or faith is the thing that is supposed to keep Human Nature in check.

Marxist regimes in all its variants needs to kill off faith, religion & worldviews is a high priority. It means there is no moral outcry but it also means less faith and hope. It gets the masses closer to full compliance and serving the state.

Seems very obvious but if a Democratic Nazi Party or a Marxist Regime isn't a scary enough of a red flag then so to should any party saying they're a Democratic Socialist Party.

Now if you're a working class man or woman, working on wages & want representation, the Socialists are not the people for you. If a Marxist regime you will fair the very worst. In recent times Union memberships are falling off their traditional highs because people are seeing what is actually socialist microcosisms in their unions. All must serve the Union Leaders, they are on the highest pay, they are the ones gathering the most assets & wealth. They need to be good orators to rouse the fools to action that gain them more support.

Not saying workers should support Business Owner Groups to lobby but without businesses who will they work for? 
Stats for business failure in a business's first 12 months, 2 years & 5 years aren't secret. One USA source has it at 60% fail by year 5. These are the outfits employing people. No they shouldn't get big subsidies and tax breaks to make them profitable but we need more successful businesses for workers to profit and accumalate assets and wealth.

The socialist aim is quite the opposite. Its the Government, the state aquires the control of the means of production. If you think the Government is so good at running things, would you have all medical research & all food production & supply run by the Government? There's some countries have gone down this path.
They had millions die as a result.

If you'd oppose a Democratic Nazi Party you cannot defend a Democratic Socialist Party. 

Thankfully the Democratic Socialist Party in Australia has itself leaning very heavily on human nature.
Its MPs and Party Ruling Elite are there for themselves. Thankfully they keep their values vague, if they follow them at all, just to get re-elected.
Look at your career poltiicians. Sorry, 3 terms is enough. If you're there more than that you are a career politician you are not a Nation First Legislator.

In the WA Parliament we see already the problems the ALP is having. Too many people are selected to fill a desired demographic & are required once elected to vote exactly as they're instructed under the threat of expulsion, ex-communication and targeting by the party. No matter they keep things vague & focus on smiley photos, school appearances, sports awards, lining up next to clubs and community groups but hell no, no commenting on issues or how they voted or why. Keep the image the only priority & legislative discussions avoided at all costs.

As a result some very substandard politicians are in our State Parliament & we're extremely low on good, wise legislators. The WA Parliament is controlled by a small group of ruling elite at the top of the WA Labor Party...and there's not much you can do about it. With highly stage managed press conferences, controlled by the party's minders its difficult to see a change of government until this one runs things into the ground, until Government fees and charges & Government debt go through the roof. Until the over reach by the Government in all areas of normal life gets to heavy. We have some time to go but several Senior Labor Minsiters are not running at the next election in 2025. I suspect they can read the poo they collectively wiped on the wall. The next tier of Labor MPs coming up are not cabinet material, few of the current ones are. The 3rd tier, well out of their depth who avoid all actual questions and answers & stick to social media self fluffing and handing out cheques are often people who came from stagnant careers, with little or no retirement plan or came to politics to try & restructure their personal debts.

Thats how politics & politicians are currently working & for you the citizen, its working very very badly.
As we lurch slowly into the Downturn Phase on the Economic Clock & creep ever closer to a Recession, with a USA Economy in one with (along with the UK & other countries) rapidly rising interest rates...there's a storm brewing. As we & others said before...the poorest or the lowest earning will be hit the worst and for the longest time. Our only help is to get good legislators in the Parliament. All parliaments. Forget the hard left & the hard left, the grifters & corporate psychopaths pretending to be whatever it is they need to be to get elected. We need WISE Progressives vs REAL Progressives in the Legislatures.
In both WA & the Federal Government we have roughly 2 to 3 years. In Victoria its real soon and their debt is still looking for a superlative to even partially describe its size & it's deadly impacts coming.
So yes it'll have to get bad before people reject Human Nature and head to wise deeper thinking & throw the current Socialist Grifters out. Thats a lot of damage that will probably happen first & the Conservative side will have to Review, Recalibrate & Reboot long before to not sell us a different type of drippled pup but show us they're people of the clearly explained values needed AND can get us out of the ka-ka. I'll wait.

Saturday, 17 September 2022

The North West Central By-Election

So as I type the Nationals look to be retaining the seat of North West Central that Vince Catania had held since 2008.
Some Vince Catania background. He was no stranger to politics before he even ran for Parliament. He is the son of Nick Catania who held the seat of Balcatta from 1989 to 1996. So Vince was a mere 19 years old when his father Nick retired from politics. 

Vince won in the Mining & Pastoral Seat (Upper House) in 2005 aged 28, at the time making him the youngest to sit in the Legislative Assemby. 3 years in 2008 later he switched to the Lower House, was preselected & won the North West Central seat for the WALabor party.
In 2009 he left the WALabor Party & wikipedia states "He cited dissatisfaction with Eric Ripper, the Labor leader, and concerns that Labor had become too "city-centric"

That's not the important point, the real thing here is what happens if you leave the ALP as an MP taking the seat with you. Be aware you cannot represent your electorate in Parliament if you're in the Labor Party. In fact you can only vote in the best interests of your electorate IF the Party room decides to gift you, on very rare ocassions a conscience vote. If you otherwise cross the floor you will be expelled from the party & targeted. Even in the very rare cases where a conscience vote is gifted a Labor MP would have to consider very careful the implications that will come anyway if they cross the floor. In the case of the Euthanasia Bill where the Premier with his massive lower house majority passed it through in record time & said publicly it needed no amendments, Labor MP Adele Farina exercised her gifted Conscience Vote and moved many amendments to the bill. 55 all up were passed & she moved quite a few. She was them pushed out in the subsequent election to an unwinnable spot on the ticket. This was a clear message to all MPs, stay in your lane, obey your party room or you go under the bus.

That's the Standard Operating Procedure and then there's hideous acts with horrible things sent through the mail to MPs who do the right thing...not sure if that's what Adele Farina copped but others have.

So leaving the ALP like Vince Catania did was no mean feat. Ian Blayney was the Liberal member for the Liberal Party & he left the Liberals whilst in office & joined the WANationals too. Now would not have been smooth sailing with great glasses of fine wine amongst his new ex-colleagues either, but there weren't attacks, abuse or dead things in the mail.

Since winning the seat & then changing parties Vince Catania would lose the seat. No.
In fact he held the seat of North West Central till he retired this year.

Here's the thing, primary vote, Vince trailed the WALabor candidate by 39 votes.
With preferences allocated & counted Vince won the seat by 259 votes.
Liberal Party didn't come close.

Deeper context, Labor in 2021 Election picked up a 27.14% swing. That is a massive gain, massive to the point of staggering...and yet they did not bother to run anyone in the North West Central election. 

Vince however picked up a 4.46% positive swing. In an election where very few non ALP lower house seats were retained or won, Vince actually picked up a positive swing & held off a Tsunami of a swing to Labor.

Even during the biggest WALabor Electoral Landslide topped with Tsunami...The WALabor Party still couldn't beat Vince Catania. He still won his seat. In an electorate that covers in excess of 820,000 square kilometres. I was told Vince often does between 150,000 & 200,000 kilometres a year in his electorate. 

So why did WALabor not run a candidate this by-election. Possibly for the same reason Vince Catania is said to have left the WALabor Party. They're too city centric.
They have the majority of Lower House seats & if they had contested it, it would have been their cleanskin candidate against other cleanskin candidates. All people who've never served in the Parliament. It would have been very level pegging but if WALabor's 2021 candidate had run again.

But guess what, she was keen to, but she was denied the chance. Here were her comments in June 2022

Nyikina and Bardi woman Cherie Sibosado says she is seeking Labor party endorsement to recontest the seat of North West Central.

“In the event that I get an opportunity to be considered I definitely am keen to put my hand up but I don’t have any decision making power at this stage,” she said. “But following the announcement by the incumbent member, there’s a lot of hype and buzz around it so an opportunity’s presenting. So we’ll just wait and see.” So sadly this Indigenous woman ended up being denied the opportunity to run. But why? Well she missed out by 259 votes. Had she done any worse than that then many would point to the shine coming off the WALabor Government. If the other candidates picked up a tiny swing its a poor result for the McGowan Government report card. Their best strategic play was dumped the candidate who picked up a 27.14% swing, not because she had no chance of winning but the chance she she might pick up a negative swing in marginal seat. Anything negative reflects on the WA Premier, the WA Cabinet & the WALabor Government. There was risk and damage with every choice but the tactical choice they took was to run no one, cop some flak at the announcement for a day or two, then relax. Exactly what happened. So to voters in North West WALabor YOU DON'T MATTER, YOU WERE A POTENTIAL THREAT TO WALABOR & YOU PROVIDE NO BENEFIT TO THE WALABOR PARTY. YOU GO UNDER THE BUS, YOU DO NOT NEED A VOICE WITHIN THE ELECTED GOVERNMENT, YOU DON'T RATE, YOU DON'T MATTER. The stark honesty is Vince Catania left the WALabor Party because the Party had become to City Centric & 13 years later Vince is still right. 13 years later and not even contesting the by-election, WALabor could not defeat Vince Catania. The WALabor Party widely well known for controlling the Press Optic with highly stage managed Press Conferences we see again, they dropped out of the contest to lessen the negative impact & take the least damaging optic. What will change in Parliament? Not a lot. Nationals have retained the seat but now have a brand new, inexperienced MP instead of a well known MP one with 13 years experience in the electorate. Merome (Mem) Beard will have the thrown-in-deep-end harsh baptism but that hard, blunt & rather massive leaning curve may well serve her well. It may well harden & temper her fast into being a good local member & a good legislator. She put her hand up which is more than the willing Cherie Sibosado was allowed to do. With some luck she may now consider what sort of city centric, controlling with over reach party she is a member of. Maybe she might see the light and join another party unafraid of running a willing person. Maybe...

Friday, 16 September 2022

If the Political System and the Bureaucracy Needs Reform. Who Brings That In?

This Simple.

a) Both the Political System AND the Bureaucracy Need A Drastic Overhaul To Provide Actual Outcomes 

b) Who Brings That In? Simple. The elected Members of Parliament. That's why they're elected. To represent us.

What is the obvious problem? Again SIMPLE.
There appears to be an accepted method of doing business in the political realm & the public service. The priority is activity not outcome. If Yes Minister wasn't a comedy we'd see irony but if there was any irony its that Yes Minister's writers relied very heavily on covert advice from people who were at the time deeply embedded in the UK Bureaucracy. It was so funny because not solely because it was so absurd but because it was based so deeply, accurately on truth.
Good comedy was based on truth. Those who've been involved with Not For Profit groups, landcare groups, community groups who were working regularly with grant applications and government help...Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister & Australia's The Hollowmen, Utopia were often looked upon as very nearly being documentaries.

Activity not Outcomes was the norm. When outcomes happened they were overly lauded as tremendous feats of daring that they were near on among the Wonders of the Modern World.

Now if you want to be shocked & jaw slacked over the codifying  by some of bizarre Yes Ministery as a normal nothing to see here normal event click on this link & listen closely at one Community Sporting group that recieved a sizeable grant but 4 years on still not a single copper coin has hit the project. As a result with the massive rise in costs they will have to revise their plan (if they ever get the grant money) & pair back costs between 25-40%.

Add to that, this grant along with many others were questioned & went through a long review process to check all was Kosher. As I understand it has been determined ok & yet on the Interview between Liam Bartlett on 6PR and federal Labor MP Patrick Gorman, he, Patrick Gorman used the words "rorted payments" and yet we do not know what the actual alleged "rort" is.

Over 100 days over Federal ALP Government & Mr Gorman the responsible Federal Assiistant Minister & the local member for the electorate that club is in. There is now yet another process in place, former government blamed. No outcome outlined "until the budget".

Click here to hear the debacle. 

Now the problem remains. We need a full wide ranging review & reform of the Public Service and the Political Structure to ensure there is proper due process but efficient service to the public.

It props up more questions, who are the enablers in the non process of "wheels of government?
Is it the MPs or the Bureacrats?

In forming legislation, who is putting bills forward & who is doing the veto edit because it does

Peter - "I just get sick of politicians. They keep telling me how busy they are and not how much they've got done and how its the previous people's fault. When are they going to put a magnifying glass over the bureaucracy and start a wide ranging reform of government departments? I'm not sure who's at fault. Who is it? Who are the enablers, is it the MPs or the Bureaucrats or both? Its obvious Sir Humphrey & Jim Hacker moved to Australia"

Liam Bartlett - "Peter, seriously, how much time do you have to have or take to be able to resolve something like this? When you get the 2 key people and the local member, convene a meeting, sit around a table and say 'Right what needs to be done, what action needs to be taken, what, is there a problem, if so what is it?' how hard is it?"

Peter - " Well um well look over there, at the end of the day, that's a shiny squirrel over there and my pronouns are x, y & z and we'll focus on that to keep you distracted"

The following question caller "Gabriel" said he was involved in the process & there was no more process because the process was done, that Senator Dean Smith had photos taken in front of the club because the project was a done deal & was only awaiting the signature of Barnaby Joyce. That there was no more process. It'd taken 4 years (too long for my mind) because it had been prudent. Senator Jones led and investiagtion into the club to ensure prudence. The club handed the grant over the City of Vincent to ensure prudence, to provide satisfaction to the Department of Infrastructure. He also claimed Senator Smith need to stand up for what he said he committed & alleged Patrick Gorman is a "dead set liar"

What is due process according to Patrick Gorman?
What is due process according to Senator Dean Smith?
What is due process according to the Dept of Infrastructure?
What is the hold up?
Is a political party taking too long or is a political party looking for a political advantage by claiming rorted payments?
What is the rort?

Patrick Gorman is the member for Perth & the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister & he made the comment in the interview that what they're doing on a range of unresolved grants to sporting clubs...but didn't say what they're doing, got done but should be done by the next Budget. 
He also asked why the previous government didn't "push the money out" before the election when it remains unanswered why he hasn't pushed the money out 100+ days since the election. Is it the politicians who push the money out & if so, why has the new Labor government not pushed the money since the election if Mr Gorman is critical it wasn't pushed out by the coalition before the election & then claims he doesn't want to get political.
Club president doesn't know of question marks. Mr Gorman says it must go thru the process but doesn't outline what process is outstanding & unfinished since he came to power or prior to the election. He pointed briefly to the Dept & said they make seek to talk there if & when appropriate but it won't be resoleved until the Budget on the 25th of October.


Repeat the time is now announcing and inquiry because...


Mr Gorman's closing comments included "There are projects in my electorate that ahh did not go through due process. I don't want people to recieve that sort of umm rorted payments..."

So here's the biggies...the easy, easy easy reasonable fixes.
Yes, its simple.
If the Federal Government is serious about integrity...Bring on a full & wide ranging inquiry to guide wide ranging reforms to balance due process with effiecient delivery of service & grant money. 

The reforms also have to include full end of year report cards on the Departments & the Ministers with openly accessible to the public in depth metrics on delivery & due diligence milestones missed or made & clearly identify the names of the actuall who are responsible and all who comitted a breach or over reach.

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Leaving The Monarchy, Yes or No?

The poor lady. Elizabeth the Great, potentially the greatest monarch in British history & she wasn't even laid to rest and people came out of the woodwork wanting the Republican debate raised. I give 100% full credit to the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. He is an actual Socialist, a pro Republican stalwart yet he had the decency to say very clearly within hours of her passing that this is not the time to speak on such matters. Add to that upon taking office & organising his cabinet he added the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP in an outer cabinet position "Assistant Minister for the Republic" *(1)

Within hours of the Queen's passing the calls from a loud minority was launched and it was a minority with the Republican friends of mine very unimpressed. Everyone one of them said first it was highly disrespectful & would actually work against a Republican Referendum even if it waited until after Mr ALbanese's first term. I think think it wasn't coming from the genuine Australian first & foremost citizens but some of the more, well agitator types. Irrespective, very disrespectful.

Mr Albanese had to say that a Republican referendum would not happen in his first term as Prime Minister. That next election will happen sometime in 2025 or just before and they have a so far badly handled Referendum for a Voice to Parliament *(2)

But when there are calls to replace the Head of State it's interesting how little some people know or are aware of in their haste to be part of what some see as a very historic change to Australian life. 

"We shouldn't have a mega rich aristocrat ruling us, it's an embarassment"
Strangely we are not ruked by the British monarch. They are the representative Head of State, they are the living symbol of the process & all its protective layers to ensure a free society. The Queen did not rule the UK or the Commonwealth. She was a Constitutional Monarch & therefore could not interfere in the political & social life of the nation even though she was a part of the structure of the nation's political & social life.
She could not over rule the executive, the parliament or the judiciary. She was a ceremonial head of state.
Being a citizen of the UK, she was either further removed from Australian political life.

A republic would likely have to have a President & that person would have to be elected by the people or by the Parliament. The latter gives you a job for the favoured few whilst the former gives you a popularity contest where a celebrity, entertainer or sports star could get the spot. President Jimmy Barnes sound like a great idea? He is very well known as aligning with Greens, Labor & the Left. I'd prefer to see someone with a longer track record of good, its not about finding that perfect person, its finding that person who shows a life of duty & service to the people as the Queen was. Good luck keeping out career politicians and factional mates pulling the big gig when we want someone seperated from party lines.
Elizabeth the Great & now King Charles ticks those boxes and in general the Governor General of Australia is the face of the Ceremonial Monarch. To a lesser extent in the state level, the State Governors

Embarassment? No, no one cares. The most embarassed are those who don't understand the system, the structure, the protocols and have a very very strong desire to rip down a part of the institution.

"Its better we have an Australian as our head of state not a foreigner"
Well part of this is above but pivotal moment is what is "better", what does it change.
What are the somehow assured improvements?

The downside is every single Government Department both state, federal & local would undergo a completely make over, all logos, badges, letterheads & refereences all has to change. The currency will have to change, every single coin & every $5 note that bears the Queens image. I was told they have to change now so it's best to go referendum now & change all the currency now and change it once. I pointed out that whilst the effiagy of King Charles will go onto the coins from now on, they will not be recalling all currency. We only have one possible two more circulating coin releases this year depending on damage to older coins. All the coins will be slowly replaced as time goes on.

Coin collectors are have been speculating which coins would be phased out first, the 5c or the 50c 
In 2006 there were over 300 million 5c coins made & put into circulation. There have been 16 seperate years where over 100 million 5c coins were made & put into circulation since it was first made in 1966.

Right now the King Charles coins will be made, they will be made in smaller number and slowly replace the Queen Elizabeth II coins as they age & wear. Wish King Charles a long & happy life but he is 74. There will be a much smaller number of coins produced even if his reign goes for 22 years should he live to 96 like his mother. 
22 years ago there were over 30 million 20c produced & most are still in circulation. If Charles lives to 96 they will probably remove Elizabeth II coins are a greater rate than normal replacement rate but in any case, there will be less King coins than the Queen coins.
Its not as costly as a republic where all coins would have to be replaced within 5 or ten years.
Currency is not a reason.

At this stage I'll wait to hear what all the real tangible advantages are.
An Australian Head of State is not a real negative, but it's not a positive replacing a negative. It will be a symbolic change but will deliver potentially less removed/arms length "head of state transcendence"

I'll update this as I can find more actual advantages to the Nation, the society beyond changing the birthplace or citizenship of the Head of State. I was told they should be born in Australia.
That will remove every single immigrant citizen or anyone with potential dual citizenship like Federal MPs & Senators with the Section 44 (i) debacle. I'll wait...

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*(1) The Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP left school in 1989. In 1990 he attended University of NSW to began a 4 year degree, Bachelor of Economics 
In 1995 he began work for the Australian Worker's Union. in 2001 he was elected State Deputy President of that Union. He was elected to the Australian Senate in 2010. When Peter Garrett departed the Lower House in 2013 Thistlewaite sought & gained preselection and won the seat of Randwick. In 2017 he was appointed 
as the first 'Shadow Assistant Minister for an Australian Head of State'.
He's been a Union Movement employee & player since 2001 (21 years) and in Parliament since 2010 (12 years). He is a career politician, nothing else.

*(2) It's odd that the Labor Government thought they'd have a Republic enough of a priority to create the assistant minister role for Mr Thistlewaite whilst also plan for the push to have a Referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. It's like they thought it would be smart to run two referendums in the one term, then changed their mind & only declared this term, one in the next. The Republic one must have been deemed the hardest to get passed with the death of the Queen. The was no indication or announcement that a Republic Referendum would not happen until a subsequent term of a Labor Government. It only came after Queen Elziabeth II's death. Its odd and we can only speculate but it does seem in hindsight they were possibly planning to run both the Voice to Parliament & The Republic referendums at the same time, 2 questions on the one ballot paper.
As it is, its been said by Prime Minister Albanese that the Voice to Parliament Referendum would be a simple "yes of no" with details to be worked out at a later date.
In other words the people will vote on a Voice to Parliament without any details of the powers, the structure or the funding model & cost. Originally it was said to be an Advisory Body but since we've heard some say that either ALL parliamentary bills will go before the Advisory Body and at other times all Bills relating to Indigenous People. 
The need for The Voice? Not sure, not sure what it is or how it works so we can't be sure of the non existing need it might provide.
At present though, please note that the Hon Linda Burney MP is the Minister for Indigenous Australians & that Senator Malarndirri McCarthy is the Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians & the Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health. They have quite a devoted Voice now & its very much based in seperating Indigenous & non Indigenous Australians or...or perhaps the Department of Health is not helping Indigneous people at all.

Friday, 9 September 2022

When good emotions are used badly...

That titled doesn't even make sense...or does it. Test it.

Recently in Albany there's a small group of people, lets call them protestors that set up outside the town hall with placards. Its a busty intersection, I guess it's a good spot to be if you're appealing to traffic. They're normal looking people, nice quite normal, they behave quite normal & the cause no problems, not even to the traffic. 

What are they protesting? Largely refugees. I don't have a problem with refugees but I think their protest is flawed in the way they're doing it & the clarity of what exactly it is they actually want or hope to achieve. I am going to have to pull over, walk back & chat with them to check at some stage but going but going by the placards they're committing a few fails.

One has honk if you support refugees. Now they jiggle & wave the sign like the Dominoes pizza guy on Tuesday afternoons. People spot movement & look. They wave, smile & cheer. That is seen as excited happiness and I have to say if they sign is jiggling and not easy to read still many might see excited people waving and only read "Honk if you're..." and they give them a toot. They might see the full message "Honk if you support refugees" and happy cheery people throwing friendly waves and wave back or toot.

It's not a compelling test of much except you can get some support for a very broad & ill defined notion.
You can get support on an emotion level there & then. You can't argue with a sign that says "Have Compassion Not Hate". How could you?
Not all the protestors are retirement age, but most are. There's a much younger fellow there, maybe 30s but of a pigtail. Looks fit & able bodied but mostly they're clean retirement age people. Pretty hard to see them & be repelled by these nice lookign overly happy people. Its usually a week day, I'm not in the street everyday but I'd guess I've seen them at once a week.

One sign says "Support Refugees" well few wouldn't. Another says "Permanent Visas for Overseas Refugees" whilst another mentions the word "empathy" who is so ugly they wouldn't support a cause linked to empathy?

And that's where the very bland, very vague "protest" slid off the pan for me & into the bin.
Why would you protest for something that already exists?

Do you not know you subject well or does the vaguely worded noton give the impression that would be fair & if you're a good person, a happy person eager to honk, smile & wave to them you'd support them and their very reasonable sign/request they're suggesting we have? 

In regards the sign Permanent Visas For Overseas Refugees it exists NOW. There is a process.

1) To arrive in Australia as an overseas citiizen you require a visa

2) If you arrive without a visa & apply for "protection"
 have their claims assessed through the refugee status determination and complementary protection system that applies under the Migration Act.

Asylum Statistics are difficult at times, depending who you are & where you sit on refugees and views do vary. Many more apply than are granted but not recieving asylum doesn't automatically mean lack of empathy. They may not be people requiring protection.
Some are economic refugees just seeking a higher income and whilst that is not immoral, it's not really consistent with refugee status at all. 

When people leave their country & head to a nation for "safety" they would head to the nearest safe country where they won't be shipped back to danger. When a boat from the middle east or Sri Lanka heads to Australia, yes its in open water but it's passing many nations they could very easily settle in. But some are very discerning shoppers, they will head to the country with the best deal & the best deal has also been sold to them by the human traffickers who make a very good living of transporting refugees. And in Indonesia there have been refugee boats in harbour waiting for the weather & political weather to depart for Australia.

The people of Christmas Island said that when there's a change of government or a big drop in restrictions within a week they'd see a refugee boat when they'd gone over a year with none.

And yes, empathy. We do need to be empathetic & consider where new refugees, legitimate people under threat of death or harm, worthy of protection are going to actually be housed & how they are going to provide for themselves whilst they're here. Chances are they're going to require welfare until they are naturalised & can earn. 

We also need to consider the nature of a protection visa. Several families have recieved them & yet whilst being here for several years have flown back to their native country to visit family. I assume they're able to do so because they've gained Australian citizenship. But if their ancestoral nation is safe to visit, its safe to return to...unless its purely a financial decision.

I don't care what race, religion or creed a person in Australia is, but I think genuine applicants should recieve protection visas not discernign opportunists looking for a better higher income because it can come at a significant cost to Australia.

Its easy to honk if you (think you) have empathy but it's not a good discussion about the deeper parts to refugee visas. You don't have to think, you don't have to drill down into any complexity, you just side with the ones saying they're empathetic & suggesting there is no process when there is.

Thet've helped you side without thinking.