And Crisis it is. Last week or so of Federal Parliament there were several attempts to push through a bill with the new cross bench to Ban Live Export. 2 attempts that narrowly failed. In fact the first attempt IF JUST ONE Conservative MP had fallen crook we would be now looking at an export landscape where Live Export would be illegal.
The meeting at Katanning earlier in the year was quite rightly a Crisis Meeting. And make no mistake, the WA Agriculture Minister took the opportunity to claim "Barnaby is not your friend" and then say we farmers need to take the positive opportunities to seek out alternatives in readiness for the phasing out of Live Export.
There was no bipartisan support for live export. None.
There was change course now & if you're upset blame Federal Coalition Government.
That was not Pro Live Export and in recent days I was told Alannah MacTiernan was now supportive of Live Export. My first thought...seriously? Early April 1st?
I was sceptical because I knew what the 2017 WALabor Party Platform was. Anti Live Export.
I also knew what Darren West MLC had said on twitter when I quizzed him what does "transition" really mean...
So what do I do, make an assumption or go ask? I asked, on a Sunday of all days, 3 WA MPs I knew from the 3 largest parties. And here it unfolded. One of the conservative MPs replied first (before I asked the other 2 ) and here was that reply...
"I think their approach is not our issue. We don’t like it but have no control as a State. Therefore avoiding the issue and political flak. "
The aim is to stay in a circling pattern, make profoundly vague comments when pressed, one way or the other depending on the audience & wait for Federal Labor to drop the axe & WALabor gets off Scott free, delegate blame elsewhere. Job done.
I asked the other 2 MPs was this the case, with one being a Labor MP who wouldn't be named anyway in the world, so they all remain nameless and you can decide for yourself if you want to believe this or not, I don't mind nor care. Hopefully you'll go find out for yourself. I mean that, don't take my word for it, find out for yourself, but the other MPs said they agreed with that assessment.
No here's the oddity, the bigger oddity. WALabor is now claiming it achieved what the Barnett Government couldn't do, brought about a solution to the GST distribution. No, that's a fact...I mean its a fact they're claiming that win falsely.
How did the State Premier & Labor fix the Federal issue of GST but can't help Live Export because it's a Federal issue not a state one? How does that begin to be reconciled?
Does that not strike you as very odd?
They somehow stepped into a Federal GST issue and solved it but some other Federal issue like Live Export they can't because its a Federal Issue. Both have parallels, both are Federally governed issues but both affect WA massively and these are not the only 2 "federal issues" the WA Governments of either stripe have stepped up about.
Facts remain. Its still a part of WALabor's Party Platform. Their election Policy. Live export is to be 100% transition to processed here, exported chilled...or in other words BAN ON ALL LIVE EXPORT.
Federal Labor has the exact same party platform. The same policy. BAN ON ALL LIVE EXPORT.
So either Alannah MacTiernan supports the ban or she supports the trade.
If she supports the trade it means she opposes WALabor & Federal ALP Policy
If she opposes party policy she can say so & lobby the Feds with full voice that the ALP party platform is wrong and is not fair nor in WA's best interests.
She can, she hasn't, she doesn't, she won't.
They're hoping the Ban comes, they can claim it among those that oppose the trade and amongst those that (sensibly) support Livex they can utter "It was a federal issue and as a state government there was nothing we could do about it, the federal parliament decided" Fact - whatever you hear from WA Labor MPs or supporters, it remains WALabor & Federal ALP policy to "Ban Live Export"
Ignore whatever tactical replies and profoundly vague comments you get, they both oppose live export. WALabor have a strategy & they're carrying it out right now.
So you believe everything Alannah tells you?
Maybe you can...
So, are you sceptical about WALabor being supporters of Live Export? Think Seriously.
Don't take my word for it, go research all you can, check all the facts you can find, talk to you local MP and any other MPs you can think of. See what stacks up and what's hollow words of fake dust in distracton.Only some people need fear facts. The rest of us need to find them & put them against all the claims
Footnote - If you forget everything just remember this when it comes out that its a Federally Governed issue (like GST) and not a State issue...seemed pretty state issue when exporters here in WA were raided by state officials. Yeah funny that.
Seemed a pretty state issue when the Minister was meeting with exporters, WAFarmers & the PGA
Seemed a pretty state issue when the minister has made any comment, press release, decree, verdict or opinion on the need for producers to get ready for "phasing out" of the trade.
Seemed a pretty state issue when WALabor committed State Funds to local processors to help increase & improve the chilled trade (in line with the WALabor party platform)
Why did they not say to all those stakeholders at every opportunity "It's a Federal issue, not a state one so we can't do or say anything"? Why not? Perhaps it didn't suit the narrative needed at the time or the strategy.
For a Federal issue, bit odd how much was in the STATE WALabor Party Platform (Page 53)
Not just Animal Liberationists who are shape shifters it seems.
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