One theory is as good as another, perhaps. Or perhaps somewhere between 2 or more theories is the real truth.
One is that in older days, because of the society being more religiously minded, less people in office did dodgy things, didn't sleep around, take advantage of the office. Possible to an extent but standards were still breached in days of old.
Another theory is possibly more likely. It goes along the lines that people aren't really that afraid of potential penalties when contemplating wrong doings, they're more likely to be wary if the likelihood of getting caught is very high.
We see fines increased in order to try & curve certain offences, yet offences still occur. If breaking rules is highly likely to get you caught within minutes even the most hardened opportunistic thief will reconsider. Yes it seems right that its not the penalty that stops a person, its the higher likelihood of getting caught.
I think this is part of the problem we're seeing in politics with political scandals.
Right or wrong wasn't considered, they just thought they wouldn't get caught.
Once getting caught was likely and the humiliation or shame brought upon ones self & close ones was high, transgressions seemed less likely.
We're in a very "clever" age where people think they're far more clever than the law keepers.
Same goes in positions of political power.
If the politicians likelihood of being caught is high, the chance of transgressions is lowered.
Parties have all had great performers that had toxic private lives. All parties.
Many were given a huge allowance due to their political abilities. In the end voters suffered and the party suffers.
There seems to be no party whip ruthlessly twisting an ear to point of removal, explaining the landscape and the results of ignoring a one off warning to "pull your head in".
If politics is to improve & standards are to rise then the likelihood of being caught has to be high & the penalties have to be massive. Like full denial of future pre-selection. Yes the person can go independent & be a serious fly in the ointment but standards should be set & maintained. Transgressors should go under the bus, not get a go behind the wheel or a different seat on board.
Scandals still happen, always will but they need to become more rare & that means make detection extremely likely and the penalty crushing.
Whilst Labor remains socialist controlling & Lib/Nats become less religious then its time for a MPs Charter that sets out standards & that scandals will be a political career death sentence.
I know it will be cried loud that its a transgression of freedom. Rubbish. Don't Like It Don't Join.
We as a society should set the behaviour tone for the Parliament & if someone doesn't like that, they're free to not seek pre-selection
Why is it we as a nation aren't setting the boundaries for those that govern us?
Its absurd & frankly dangerous, more so now we have a history of hung & near hung parliaments.
And if ever there was a time for a Parliament to be well stocked with people with high levels of Statesmanship & Nationhood focus its right now.
Process is paramount because that will guide the culture and reduce the drop in standards
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