Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Should WA Secede From the Rest of Australia?

Here's the latest looming large idea that's popped up again...well not a huge ground swell but funny thing is, if you ask someone, someone who's Western Australian then no, you do not get an answer like "No way, we're part of the eastern states, the whole Australia, bury your treacherous thoughts"

Between the last 2016 Federal Election & the 2017 WA State Election I was offered a genuinely sizable amount of money to start a WA Secede Party. Flattered as I was I declined but the ego of me couldn't help but mention it to a few friends and it didn't take long before the ego faded as it was apparent that no one I spoke to was against the idea of WA seceding. In fact might have gone close to raising 6 figure sum of money without much effort.

Will WA secede, can it, should it?

Well you can google the history of WA Seceding. Its not a new idea by a long stretch and surprising how close it came to nearly happening. Will it or will enough people try to is another question but there's certainly a number of big advantages and also a number of big reasons why the rest of the country would tell us we can't, shouldn't or won't.

Our biggest barrier?

Closer to home really. Western Australians they are too. Who?

WA Labor & WA Liberals.

Yes the Liberal/Labor Duopoly will not be in favour of it at all & you'd see some bipartisan opposition to quell us savages. Lots for both parties to lose and would probably highlight that their respective first priorities lie not with WA but they're own respective party machine.

Its the same barrier that prevented the Mining Special Rental Fee being raise from 25c to $5.00/tonne. Yes the massive subsidy that struggling Mums n Dads send overseas to 2 big foreign wealthy mining corporations.

Its the same barrier that's caused no WA Federal MPs to fight for WA's fairer slice of the GST carve up which rewards the worst performing states and penalises the best off. Not one federal WA MP has moved a private members bill to fix the rort...none except Tony Crook and only Bob Katter voted with him. The entire rest of parliament either crossed the floor against WA or stayed outside the chamber.

Its a cruel wonder that so many people stay rusted onto the Labor/Liberal Duopoly, supporting one side or the other loudly & proudly whilst they generally feather their own party's nest or further their own chances of a cabinet career.

WA will not be worse off if it secedes, it may do a bit better if seceding looks very likely & some carrots get dangled. If it were put to a referendum I think it might just get up. At present both colours of the Liberal/Labor Duopoly will avoid it & dismiss it because if it ever got so serious as to warrant a referendum it spells the death knell for some parliamentary careers both state & federal.

It would finally front and centre, in no uncertain terms, spell out in big fat mile high neon letters who's with and for WA and who's for their party. That truthful division of positions is the very very last thing the Labor/Liberal Duopoly would want to get out.

No conscience vote that day...they'd work hard to kill it way before it grew legs and traction.

Do I mind if we stay part of Australia or prefer we secede?
Wrong question...the problem we have is if we want our state to do better, it doesn't matter if we secede or not. The Barrier to a Better WA Will Still Be Here.

The Liberal/Labor Duopoly.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, you should rally for the other mob, the mob that's firmly aligned with...


Whoever they are, party or no party we need to put WA first.
Not wealthy foreign miners.
Not under performing states over east
Not Political Parties

No, time to put WA First.

Talk about that around the BBQ.

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