Animal Welfare & Animal Rights
They're different, they're very different. Its a shame people don't push the distinguishing features to show everyone else the differences and the dangers of ignorance. It is those who are blissfully unaware that get fooled first & the worst.
Animal Welfare is all about reducing the stress and pain of an animal to the lowest possible point so it has the least amount of suffering between birth and death. That's pretty much as simple as it gets. Its not about anything else. These people generally understand that meat is food. Some might not eat meat. Some will, who knows & no one probably cares a huge deal. Its what our species has done since time immemorial. It is what it is. Meat producers are not fools, they know to make a better living, they can run a more profitable operation when they lower the animal's stress levels.
Animal Rights...ok, here's where things head intellectually south a bit. They can often regard Animal Welfare advocates as "welfarists" which is their derogatory term for those who are either against or are indifferent towards the Veganise-The-World idea. Here we'll see the activist play on emotion and aspiration to elitism group think by declaring that you're not a real vegan if you're only a welfarist, unless you're an abolitionist you are guilty and have innocent blood on your hands.
Animal Rights is a form of philosophical ideas deeply rooted amongst the moral relativism that's been on the rise. It is social construction from very non mainstream ideologues, not community builders nor pragmatic social thinkers. Somehow the animal, under no circumstances can be eaten. Because its akin to murder, the right to life of the animal has been immorally taken due to the speciesism of the sinful human savage.
Speciesism - That false non science term that comes from bizarre think cisterns like devout followers of Peter Singer. If as a farmer I raise an animal for food production I am therefore a murderous immoral low life savage who deserves the worst in life.
A lion eats an antelope but that's different, that's nature.
Someone say "speciesism"???
Hypocrisy much?
By virtue of my diet I'm a perpetrator of war crimes...and if one leftard is to be believed I am deserving of a "slow painful cancer filled death" due to my meat consumption. (Yes I was told that by a vegan activist)
Why "leftard" ?
Well because much of this rampant thought free logic of the radical vegan element comes from the rise of liberalism, where all is right and nothing is wrong...unless the liberal think thinks its disagreeable. Its then that anyone free thinking of a differing view is a bigot, a savage, a blight on humanity, immoral mentally diseased and devoid of moral compass.
Liberalism is deeply bedded in the left political sphere, but its only one faction of it. Its an isolated faction and whilst it has many left traits and beliefs, its not a total vegan thing. Its possible to be a leftard and eat meat. A lot harder for a vegan animal rights abolitionist to be from the centre or the right...yet to meet one actually.
Capitalist vegans exist and we shouldn't say Vegan Leftards? What, run a business or own a company that sells meat whilst being vegan because selling meat is just commerce and veganism is just a diet thing and nothing else?
Yeah see that much?
No, because the radical vegan is into noble causes and guilting others so they self elevate themselves in the moral scorecard they have invented...handy.
The leftard slang is a broad jab that anyone receiving generally dislikes but it has an element of factual foundation. Many people who are non theist are left leaning. Not all but most. Of the extremists who are Animal Rights Vegans very few are theists, in fact I'm yet to meet one who is not a monotheist. New age spiritual concoctions, yes. I haven't met too any Islamic Vegan Animal Rights Protestors. I haven't seen any Jewish Vegan Animal Rights Protestors, nor Christians.
Why? Because their vegan moral code implodes when you search the Scriptures.
Not seen a flood of Vegan Animal Rights protestors tear up their Liberal Party membership and join Cory Bernardi in the new Conservative Party either.
Most are left leaning or politically out to lunch. Very few if any are followers of traditional mainstream religions...if they follow a religion at all. They may well follow the Moral Relativism rants of clowns who say nothing is immoral if it works for you.
How is eating a steak or fish fillet or chicken leg immoral?
Under what moral code, where is the entire moral code and written by whom exactly?
If its subjective then it is not immoral or wrong for me to ignore, ridicule it and eat lamb chops tonight.
If it makes you angry to hear "leftard" and "vegan" in the same sentence then what then of those of us who get accused of murder for eating meat, being called rapists for using cows milk or breaking a moral code for running a sheep or beef farm?
Yes the radical Veganazis may not vote left. They may not vote at all but on the political spectrum they're more left than not, their logic is weighed in profoundly vague philosophical hollow theory and speciesism is a concoction of a person who rejects morals codes said to be transcendent in origin & binding in essence even if by choice.
I think it might be a little broad to call all Vegans leftards but not unfair. Even if they possess many leftard traits...thing is the radical vegans are vegan first and everything else is just a convenient vehicle to ride on whilst it suits and helps get along further. Many are just integrity joy riders, pretending to be whatever helps in their never ending virtue signalling to elevate them morally above all others.
Animal Welfarists however can include meat eating socialists, meat eating capitalists, meat eating swinging voters with no clue about politics. They can also be farmers and meat processors or people who work down a coal mine or up an office tower.
If eating meat is exactly?
You need to be in possession of leftard debating skills not your faculties.
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