Sunday, 5 June 2022

Power, Control, Dangerous Laws, Scary Bureaucrats & Soft Roll Over Members of Parliament

I'm certainly not pro Bikie but the Anti-Consorting laws are very concerning & more you consider them, pretty scary. Police can slap a Consorting Order on anyone without a court order even if they think someone is possibly likely to consort with other filth. They can appeal the Police Commissioner. Judge, Jury & Appeals Court. Its not a bad thing to prevent organised crime figures from consorting & potentially planning crime. How those orders are applied & appealed and to whom we give the role of oversight & accountibility to. WE MUST NOT CROSS THE LINE< WE MUST NOT TRAMPLE ON THE FUNDAMENTALS OF NATURAL JUSTICE, REASONABLE CAUSE & INTENT...sometimes called proof, evicence or a clear case the person is about to offend or reoffend.
This is quite a concern. The level of unfettered power given to Police raises questions & concerns. The Firearms Prohibition Orders mean a person's car, home or their person or where they're visiting can be searched anytime of the day or night, without a warrant. Its said to "target Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Terrorists & Domestic and Family Violence Offenders" However the Act clearly does not restrict this to Organised Crime, Terrorists & Domestic Violence Offenders. A "FPO" can be applied to anyone & it stays on that person until Police lift it, an appeal lifts it or 10 years has expired.
Even more odd, it says "Firearms" yet the person doesn't have to be a gun owner, or have a firearm's licence application pending. Seems like a FPO can be applied to anyone at all. Want to appeal your FPO? You can. Police however can retain any evidence or information from any appeal if THEY deem it to be sensitive. So yes you can appeal but if the people who took the order out don't want to share information you have to somehow then appeal the FPO without knowing on what grounds it was issued. Chew on that for a bit, you get the chance to appeal with knowing what grounds you're appealing against. I do feel more concerned considering it was claimed a WA MP at a WA Labor event is supposed to have bragged the only place with better control is North Korea.
Now add to this...when COVID first hit all Gun Shops were locked down. To this day no one has been able to find out what the elevated threat to society was that caused that. I don't blame the cops on the beat, but the upper echilons, the senior Police Bureacrats, yes, they are beginning to scare me A LOT. And whilst I don't cast aspirtions on Chris Evan the Current Police Commissioner, I am raising eye brows that he's been appointed as the next WA Governor by the WA Premier.

HERE'S THE KICKER -> Now there's Consorting Laws & FPOs that potentially look like over reach & spurning the idea of fundamental principles of natual law, proving intent & reasonable grounds.
Meanwhile an unrepentant repeat child rapist is being released. When I say unrepentant I mean a serial child rapist who claims his child sex lust is natural & its been determined he can get best treatment, not in jail, but being returned to society. No I don't blame the cops at the coal face. I do blame senior police, that is the very senior police. I also blame the Premier, the Attorney General, the entire cabinet and all the Labor MPs who said they were "your voice in the McGowan Team".

I blame the somewhat active opposition that need to go well over the top with noise...everyday of the week in the press & the media. Giving a carefully scripted chat outside parliament isn't enough. We need to see an opposition MP yelling & losing their "sh!t" on camera. Yes, going off, turned up to eleven, unrepentant for a loud angry outburst & giving a massive full on spray off venom over this. I'll wait. Still waiting, be waiting a while.
I think it odd any group representing WA Legal Practioners is not going ape & some blame has to go on some of the media that seem a little McGowan centric & keep turning to Clive Palmer or Bikie stories on the slow news weeks. Do they not know bikies need notoriety to be successful? Why do some of the press help build their tough/brutal/thug brand? There's a reason many never use the actual name of the Port Arthur killer. Its respect. By all means mention the name of a bikie convicted of a crime. Old fashioned court reporting 101. STOP GIVING THEM FRONT PAGE SPLASHES, STOP ELEVATING THEIR THUG BRAND. It is amazing, the WA Parliament could pass Electoral Reform Bill so fast, so quickly. You know the reforms they said days prior to the election were "not on the agenda". After gaining control of both houses it was rushed through & now is the time when Bills can be rushed through without committee & without ANY amendments. It was a Bill that cannot be used until the next election. Nearly four years after it was passed. It was passed nearly over night. Meanwhile a serial child sex offender can walk free because the law falls short. At what point does a person be considered no longer human? Probably when they wilfully commit evil because once you commit evil, you are no longer human, you are evil. Labor won't touch this, neither will the woke pretend conservatives nor the Greens. Touching topics like Evil means touching topics like truth & morals which is fashionably being consigned the choice of the individual or the control of the state who do not want the topic touched. The sex offender being released, he has to come under a law, never to be released for the term of his natural life. He must remain in prison until he dies. Others can decide what happens then but my preference is he be cremated & his ashes flushed down the toilet. No not any toilet, the prison toilet & only the prison toilet. That has to be his ONLY release from prison. I am appalled that for some of the elected, their biggest outbursts of passion & effort seem to only be in their election campaigns & after that, no need to pick a hill to die on. No need to lose all restraint & get angry. Stay beige & within the lines and confines of a dominant government. Ask yourself, when was the last time a person was kicked out of the Upper or Lower House? You get 3 warnings. Some have had 2 official warnings and several un-official hints of warnings. Who stood up & pushed "right" to the point of having to leave the chamber? I cannot find one. Staying beige & soft is a total sell out to the entire State of WA. Count the sell outs.
Checks & Balances?

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