Thursday, 30 June 2022

Roe vs Wade - As an Australian & Western Australian what you really need to know & remember

The Supreme Court of The United States  (SCOTUS) made a ruling on 2 cases but the outcomes of these are being referred to as the "overturning of Roe v Wade".
Many people in the media or the political circles are telling you it was a ruling on Abortion.
It was not.

It was purely a ruling on the Constitutional validity of those legal matters jurisdiction, it was not pro nor anti abortion.
Now when you listen to the Media, read newspapers, social media content or comments from Australian politicians try to remember this.

When they start talking about Roe v Wade, about reproductive rights, women's rights, bodily autonomy, when life begins & all of these matters...


It was Constitutional Legal Ruling only. They purely ruled that it held no validity on Constitutional grounds therefore it is a State Matter governed by State laws, made by each state legislature who are elected by the individual state’s voters.

It removed the constitutionally illegal ability of their Federal Government to ignore State Sovereignty and commit over reach.

That’s it. That is the sum total of the Legal Ruling.
Hate to disappoint you or embarass others but that's the length, breadth & width of it all.

And yes I'm very cynical about anyone in Australia annexing the unconnected angst & aggression that this purely domestic matter of a foreign nation. Further a matter relevent to THEIR Constitutional only, not ours. I'll have to go to bold letters again...



That's it. That's the some total of everything that the SCOTUS ruling on Roe v Wade can be applied here. Nothing else, that is the lot.

By now you'll notice in regards the "Over Ruling of Roe v Wade" I’m not commenting on pro/con of Abortion, because it is not relevant to that ruling. Again, it was purely about those cases having Consitutional validity, purely on Constitutional grounds.

The misrepresentation of the legal judgement by so many on both sides in the media, on social media, by politicians even here in Australia is breath taking. Stunningly niave or worse, scarily deliberate. So far it's been detrimental to all involved & invokes emotional responses that have no connection to the legal basis of the actual ruling whatsoever 

Over here in WA, surprise, surprise, the WALabor Government has spoken up on the matter.
They are either unaware of the facts, which makes them the 2nd worst possible people to be legislators. Or they are very aware and deliberately misrepresenting it for political gain 
making them the very worst people to be legislators. 
Either way they appear to be happily annexing misplaced anger to distract people from the State of Emergency we're in whilst so many Labor Ministers are enjoying a European holiday. Distracts people from Ambulance ramping caused by a failed Hospital system. Great distraction as they sack the head of St Johns & its gets relegated downwards in the news cycle, 

It was a play to steer the political agenda in WA, to distract people and it worked an absolute treat fooling many in the Media & the public. And helped by non Government MPs who are supposed to hold the Government to account.

Several WALabor ministers cranked up about the need to refresh Abortion Laws in WA. Funny...WALabor Govn has been in power since March 2017 and has done zero to consider Abortion Law in WA. They did however pass Electoral Reform Law virtually overnight, laws that were not able to be used for 4 years. Reforms that arguably will help WALabor re-election prospects by delivering a City centric gerrymander. But the Abortion Issue now, out of the blue, suddenly this is a key issue? 

I was stunned to see not only the media but also some opposition MPs get in on the act & join the chorus singing from the WALabor hymn sheet.  Foolishly ride the burning wagon of Bulldust like they're a noble particiapant in standing up for injustice.

Labor & others point to the SCOTUS ruling without mentioning if they support or oppose its key legal basis…can & should a Federal Government be able to ignore state sovereignty & over rule laws of the states that are matters of the state.

Instead..."Shhhh...look over there, is that a squirrel riding a pair of water skis, quick look over there"

Like it or not, the SCOTUS  has legally ruled that the US Federal Government cannot over rule their individual state’s laws on state matters.

They not only control both Houses of Parliament, they now seem to easily control the political agenda AND also it seem some of their political opponents as well. Yes some opposition are rightly silent, whilst others are rounded up nicely.

It means less than the shadow of a small hill of bean but I fully support the SCOTUS ruling to prevent unconstitutional over reach of a Federal Government upon valid state laws. Fact that it’s Abortion is irrelevant...

Salient wider comments seen since have included...

  •  Constitutional Law Ruling over in a foreign has nothing to do with Australia

  • Loud screeching people claim its an attack on Bodily Autonomy & yet many were the same people supporting vaccination mandates 

  • Those that missed it was purely a legal ruling & decided to focus solely on Abortion & how it was a matter of women's rights, was healthcare, was a form of contraception, etc never actually pointed out at what point "LIFE" begins and/or at what point human rights begin.

  • Some, like the very well known young journalist lady, saying those without a uterus should shut up. She said that on radio & it is at completely odds with the idea of free speech & equal free speech for all.

  • There's a dozen more but the oddest one of all was that stopping a federal government illegally/unconstitutionally imposing its will on state matters & returning that state matter, to the respective states, to be decided upon in democratically elected state Legislatures, elected by the voters who live & a registered to vote in that state was somehow an attack on democracy. I mean that was a lie. Not just a bit, but as fully as a big fat lump of stinky faslehood can get.

But then, if you're willing to ignore those rulings were nothing more that legal rulings on Constitutional Validity, preventing illegal Federal over reach & walking over State Sovereignty then I don't think you should be a law maker in a legislature anywhere, federal, state or local. You are manfiestly untrustworthy, thoroughly incompetent or happily both whilst lying. 

Back to Western Australia, when we're looking at the intellectually bankrupt virtue signalling, what are the reasons the Government ministers & MPs are pushing the Political Distraction & why are non Government MPs so eagerly being co-enablers of the lie & the distraction. I suspect both think all the public are idiots & all the public embrace virtue signals so best to get on the Bulldust Express.

** Now...Just Watch - The radical left & the radically deranged (some of which maybe both) will go totally feral online. TikTok will explode with fools angrily yelling nonsense that isn't relevent. Nearly all the wild claims will be proven to be false & misleading but accepted by nearly all not going deeper & asking questions.
The issue will die down within weeks & the Political Shape Shifting Theatre Props & Assorted Grifters in Australia will never fully expand on wrong claims they made, especially the profoundly vague will be too embarassing. It will largely turn into quick news cycle sugar hit by those Australia MPs who made a complete clot of themselves, showing themselves their role in Parliament House should be restricted to gardening or catering

The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) to the United States Constitution, a part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791.   
It expresses the principle of federalism, also known as states' rights, by stating that the federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution, and that all other powers not forbidden to the states by the Constitution are reserved to each state

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

How To Control A Press Conference & Manage The Optic Completely

  1. Announce a press conference at a set time.

  2. Ensure the Press Conference venue is a little on the small side or at least make sure the reporters area is a little tight & the podium area is large, roomy and if possible slightly elevated with a good distance between the entry/exit door. Gives the impression of a stately aloof entry & elevated has you speaking down to reporters.

  3. Arrive late everytime. Gets people used to being your bitch & they adapt to thinking you're busy & they're blessed with your presence. NEVER ARRIVE ON TIME

  4. Deliver your speech, read it word for word. For emphasis do not look down the barrel of any camera, just repeat 4 or 5 words of gravity a second time.

  5. Limit the time for questions & don't be afraid to pull in another speaker on lesser topics, safer topics to soak up time & get yourself closer to exit time.

  6. Point to your first reporter asking the question but ensure you allow enough time for them to beginning jostling to heighten the feeling of urgency & limited time

  7. Take the question, if uncomfortable remember to give facial sues that indicate contempt & disbief to put the reporter back on the heels a little. 

  8. Don't answer in any way that concedes ground, you have many techniques of Tactical Replies to be used in lieu of actual answers to questions. Previous government, opposition, 

  9. Over all be quick & short with answers. You are not doing an interview, you're delivering your brand, your presence & you're controlling reporters.

  10. Short answers can avoid detail but you must be ready to turn & point to another reporter quickly to dispense with the question you're dealing with. Most will swallow the urgency & will be eager to step in with a question as soon as you've quickly disposed of one. No reporter will repeat the previous question of hit you for a expansion on the previous question. Play the room, control the room.

  11. NEVER do a sit down interview for the newspaper or on live TV or News with one announcer, you are at their mercy. If you do because you're calle dout for no itnerviews go with 3-5 minutes and only over the phone & only on early morning radio and only on Monday or Tueday. Not enough has broken, you can choose the topic & accept. Blame busy schedule for short allocated

  12. Where possible request questions in advance, if you get called out either secretly black ban the journo and/or blame a staff member who was only assessing the amount of time required.

  13. Be seen whereever possible with media moguls. This will cause the more inexperienced reporters to be on the back foot. Experienced reporters will attend Press Conferences, control closely their abilitiy to ask questions, they will be your Kryptonite.

  14. Use Parliament & social media to push your brand unfettered. Release many press releases, if possible more than any other Premier/politician with as many as possible pointing out funding gains.

  15. Control them or they will unmask you. If you train the younger ones & ignore the experienced ones you will control them more often.

  16. Where you do get dealt a blow, bounce back to a new announcement that looks positive.

  17. Negatve announcements, pre-leak parts of it to soften the blow to get more of the public to ignore it. Announce it officially where possibly on Friday if its negative. Sport is about to flood the air, negative issues will be starved & drowned out.

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

WA Police Seize A 3D Printed Gun.

Not sure why new legislation is required to target 3D printed gun...if its a gun & its not registered its illegal.
I guess there is some loophole that a person who 3D prints a gun that would get the person off when caught & taken to court (Hint, no)

Tis odd.
So to is the actual firearm the WAPOL Media Mega Network displayed.

  1. There's no charging handle

  2. Odd ejection port, or doesn't look like it can open.

  3. There's no barrel

  4. No magazine well 

  5. There's no magazine

  6. Not much room for an actual chamber.

  7. No mention of a bolt/bolt assembly

It is at best not a firearm yet, but a work in progress. There are firearms very similar to that, but they're not AR15s as some have said. They fire 556/223 and that one shown would probably only fire .22 or 9mm given the tiny amount of room between the spot where the ejection port should be & where the (blue) forearm connects. 

There are workable forearms very similar to this overseas, never held one or fired one but they're not something I would touch with a barge pole. Plastic or polymer Upper Receiver is a recipe for disaster & I don't care what sort of break throughs they have in polymer technology. If it had been 556/223 you'd have to reload your own rounds and reduce the powder to below subsonic. it would be at best a plastic hand grenade otherwise.

If it is like the over seas ones then whatever chamber it has it could probably only fit a 9mm.
In WA that's thankfully only used in semi automatic WAPol sidearms & those used by the public in competitions.
Handguns are extemely, that is highly regulated. It is the hardest ammunition to get legally or illegally.
It would also have to use a propriety & foreign handgun magazine.
Also incredibly hard to find even in gun shops. It's be a real Border Force thing trying to stop smugglers.

I can see why WAPol Media decided to not fire the gun to demonstrate how dangerous it is.
Firstly you'd have to fire it in a static rig so no person was close because it would likely explode.
Some saying these foreign 3D printed guns don't explode say they're good for 1500 rounds. 
Then what? Failue, finger loss, meat window in the face?

So they seem to have caught a complete idiot who's made firarms parts that may not work...hopefully.
Under the new laws, even printing the hand grip may get you prosecuted. 
Un-necessary is stopping a lawful firearm owner buying a locally made 3D printed hand grip for their lawful gun. It could be immensely cheaper & not dangerous to operating a firearm.

It still remains the case that there is no possible way to eliminate illegal drug use from any society.
It still remains the case that there is no possible way to eliminate illegal gun possession or use in any society.
It still remains the case that there is no possible way to eliminate violence or homicide from any society.
It still remains the case that there is no possible way to eliminate crimes by seriously mentally ill in any society

Should we accept it? No but we shouldn't accept the idea that more & more government control & less individual rights is anywhere sensible or anywhere better.

Crimes need to be the target of laws, sentencing & penalty.
It all reinforces what this government and/or this state's bureaucracy seem opposed to, proper laws that are fair, reasonable, proportionate & reflect the expectations of the WA Society to keep the WA Society as safe as possible

It should be...

1) Possession of an illegal unregistered firearm 10-15 years prison minimum, no parole.

2) The Sentence is PER FIREARM. Caught with 10 illegal guns, you're getting sentenced to 100-115 years prison minimum, no parole

3) All sentences served in the case of 10 illegal guns, 100-115 years is what is served.

4) Make the sentence for a stolen firearm double that...making life safer for lawful firearm owners.

No need to strengthen laws affecting lawful firearms users unless its absolutely necessary, proportionate, fair & actually address a large enough problem. Throw in a an amenesty so there's not a lot of guns thrown in the bin & found by others.

No anyone seeking out a gun will be worrying a lot. They'll have to think...

Will the person selling it to me later become an informer & tell police about me?

Will the person selling it to me turn out to be undercover police who'll charge/convict me or convert me into an informer that might affect my life expectancy?

 Strong penalties do not deter criminals, they live outside the system, they're fine breaking the law...they hate you, they hate the law. 
The ONLY thing that deters them is the likelihood of getting caught.
You add those 4 rule above you increase the chance of someone turning informant. You increase the chance of gathering more criminals for prosecution/conviction. The risk goes through the roof very close or at least a lot closer to almost certain.
Criminals are only worried about their ill gotten return, the risk is only a concern if it hits an almighty high.

The Government can short circuit an enormous amount of our already low gun crime in WA by introducing the above 4 laws.

Why is this not happening as it makes society safer, it makes break ins at Gun Shops & homes with gun safes even more unlikely, making them and us safer? Seriously, why is this not happening??

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Who is better at Cricket? Justin Langer or Vince Catania MLC

We don't know is the short answer & it doesn't matter, but there are things to ponder & connecting these two does seem unusual but unconnected as they are, they share spce here for a reason.

Labor, Liberals & Nationals have organisational problems. Deep set & well known. The first calls here for the WA Nationals to Regroup, Review, Review, Recalibrate & Reboot were well prior to the March 2017. Close to 2 years before. They, like the Liberals & even the Labor Party are not where they should be, they're all in Boom/Bust territory, they're more driven by re-election than (metaphor over use warning) nailing the colours to the mast, choosing actual hills to fight & die upon etc.

Set values seem relegated to bland or vagues motherhood statements whilst in Labor's case the party platform runs into 100s of pages with thousands of promises to many differing & opposing groups. Many undeliverable.
Some parties, there is a policy wasteland, there is nothing except (as has been described elsewhere) little more than "profoundly vague, vaguely profound but largely nothing"  

Justin Langer, is he the answer to the WA Liberal Party ? The majority of won't know yet. If he isn't,as the rusted on Labor Brigade say, you'd think Labor would welcome & even encourage it. So there's that.
Fact, I & perhaps you know of Langer's cricket prowess & skill but we have no idea about his political smarts or if its another angle of expertise the Party lacks that he has in spades.
We don't know. 

Parties have chosen rock stars & fame names to run before. Peter Garret arguably sold out some of his values to become a federal Labor member & minister. Reverted when Midnight Oil went touring again.
All parties have had ex Sport stars in the election ranks with varying success. Varying success on election day & varying success in office.

So for Langer & the Liberals, watch this space. He may well add to their regrouping, their rebuild and their new brighter future.
They will have to start by setting out if they adhere to Conservative Values & if so, exactly what are they.

As for Vince Catania and/or the Nationals...
Well for Vince it was a tough road throughout his political career & much to the deep chagrin of some Labor & Nationals he's navigated the potholes & managed to come out on top in the eyes of most people in his electorate. I don't know Vince to the extent I can ask "So why are you really leaving?" but 17 years in an electorate of 800,000+ km2 and doing well over 100,000 road miles a year, distanced from your wife & must take its toll.

Labor will complain & will with a heighten level of spite. He left their party & went with his electorate in another party. He was pre-selected & was re-elected every election since. It has been a source of constant embarassment for the WA Labor Party ever since. Its VERY clear Vince became & remained Labor's Kryptonite ever since. Worse still upon leaving Labor & copping some atrocious attacks including being delivered actual dead rats there is another downside for Labor. A number of Labor faithful in that electorate followed Vince over. Some of his earliest pro Labor supporters on polling booths followed him to continue that work with him whilst wearing the Nationals colours. It was a harsh slap.

Another "worse still" (should number these) Vince may have narrowly won his seat in March 2017 but he was one (possibly the only) Liberal/National MP to actually have an increased swing towards him in the 2021 election. During their biggest Labor landslide in WA Electoral History...Labor still couldn't beat Vince.

On top of that people are now beginning to talk about how Labor operates internally & how its always been argey bargey but its never been like it is now. Its almost the party for co-enablers. You can reach the top if you're prepared to show undying loyalty, the ability to dump whatever standards you are to obey the party, go vicious on dissenters & follow the party's directions on how to vote on everything.

Yes, as a Labor MP you are not "You Local Voice In The McGowan Team" as billboards boasted prior to March 2021. You are the party's voice telling the electorate what the party has decided.

If you were to cross the floor in the best interests of your electorate, you will be suspended briefly prior to being expelled from the party. Your staff (most likely financial party members) would be pressured to leave their job & offered alternative jobs within the party. People within your party, people who became family friends that attended your wedding, your family birthdays, chrsitinings, funerals...they would declare "you're dead to me" and look at any opportunity to attack you privately or publicly.

Liberals & you certainly can cross the floor but not sure where they have. And yes they have factions, yes they have Machiavellan players & shafters from factions or singular thugs. The 6 then cabinet ministers I asked a tough question ALL gave a similar reply.

Question - "On what issue or policy would you cross the floor in the best interests of your electorate or your state?"

To date everyone gave a very similar version along the lines of...
"I take my cabinet role very seriously..."
"The way to influence Cabinet is to be in Cabinet"
"Its purely a numbers game, I can't rule over anyone so best I can do is fight for what I think is right"
"If I leave cabinet less fight for my electorate is the result, its best I stay in Cabinet no matter the actual result"

Of course, no one can or is able to see if their elected MP in any cabinet is fighting for them, is speaking up or even attends let alone stays awake. 

Question - "Would you be ok with Cabinet minutes being released or comments you make recorded & then released to show your position?

"No confidentiality is paramount if Cabinet is to work, sadly I have to continue depsite whatever advances I fight for and might not achieve"

Given the higher salary & allowances whilst in Cabinet & the ability to not die on any hill at all for your electors I should have put in a puke warning.


But getting onto the other biggy...the byelection for Vince Catania's seat of North West Central.
Talk Labor won't run. I think they will but I think whatever the decision, it'll be close.

For Labor its pros & cons.
Cons - 
  • If they lose it shows they couldn't beat Vince Catania whilst he was in Parliament & their party machine riding the largest Labor Tidal Wave in WA history still couldn't win the seat.

  • To win it they will have to spend money there like they never have before. An awful lot of money, its a marginal seat & shine has been coming off Labor lately. They will have to pay for some of the very things Vince's has been fighting for and some argue Labor have deliberately denied that electorate. There's potetnial political blow back because it's going to look like Labor have been punishing the seat & now trying to lure it over.

  • If Labor don't run a candidate, it will appear they're admitting they had abandoned the electorate & Vince's decision to leave Labor to properly represent his electorate was 100% vindicated & pretty much indisputable. The spotlight & optic that then barrels down on the Labor Party ethos is clear & very damning.

  • If they win, their Lower House number go from 53 out of 59 total & the opposition goes from 6 to
    Its of no consequence in the Parliament except to load up the opposition with more work in theory & lessen critical thought on Government decisions. Their bragging rights are very limited

  • Its highly unlikely but the Liberal Party win North West Central, the Opposition Leader could change, more disruption for the opposition.
The best outcome would be for Vince to stay in Parliament, hopefully on the outer in the opposition so he's no longer the Kryptonite to Labor MPs & eventually Labor defeat him in an election. 

That hope is gone now.

Labor MPs currently favour Mia Davies over both David Honey & Libby Mettam. They will want Mia Davies to continue as Opposition Leader, it strengthens Labor's ability to ignore the opposition. Liberal Party are their greater enemy. 
As it turns out, Liberals have polled very poorly in the electorate. It's yet to be seen if the voters want to punish Nationals or Labor over whatever greives them or they see as problems. Labor in a very ugly set of outbursts, both unParliamentary & unprofessional by Sue Ellery & Mark McGowan went to town on Vince Catania. They both fouled the standing of their office with the outburst of ugly intolerance. That might lessen their chances of winning the seat by getting so very stabby on a well liked MP who is well regarded by both Nationals & Labor people in the electorate.

Labor sticky or don't run? Danger doing it vs danger not.
Will it be a Nats v Libs run out & if so can Labor preference Nationals to keep Libs away from Opposition Leadership?

I'll take Vince at his word & that he's retiring now because he's now spent, tank empty, all out & needs to be a bigger part of his family, that his family is now the priority after 17 years.
Public Service with somewhere between 1 million & 2 million road miles as a MP.

Labor is in a tricky position politically & they've already handled it badly.

However, not losing sight, if Justin Langer is the answer or at least the small catalyst to rebuilding the Liberal Party then WA needs a similar political player to recalibrate the Labor Party & the National Party, get them all to set out very clearly their values, delete the profoundly vague motherhood statements & get them all to choose a hill to die on.

Get the Parliament where it needs to be, REAL Conservatives vs WISE Progressives who come together, battle their contest of ideas & engage concession drive for a best solution on any issue that's in the best interests of WA as a whole. Not tribes run by a few dropping trinkets on the underlings to gain full control with little transperancy or accountibility. 

The Pendulum Will Swing. The Solution or The Problem. Who Supports What?

Final note - Either way, we should all wish Vince Catania the very best in his new life phase, the best joy & success in his now much more enhanced life as a father & a husband. As well as whatever professional pursuit he embarks upon. Yes, I'd say the same repsectful things about Sue Ellery & Mark McGowan when they retire but I do admit...
I wish that opportunity had presented itself some years ago, but today is fine.

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Power, Control, Dangerous Laws, Scary Bureaucrats & Soft Roll Over Members of Parliament

I'm certainly not pro Bikie but the Anti-Consorting laws are very concerning & more you consider them, pretty scary. Police can slap a Consorting Order on anyone without a court order even if they think someone is possibly likely to consort with other filth. They can appeal the Police Commissioner. Judge, Jury & Appeals Court. Its not a bad thing to prevent organised crime figures from consorting & potentially planning crime. How those orders are applied & appealed and to whom we give the role of oversight & accountibility to. WE MUST NOT CROSS THE LINE< WE MUST NOT TRAMPLE ON THE FUNDAMENTALS OF NATURAL JUSTICE, REASONABLE CAUSE & INTENT...sometimes called proof, evicence or a clear case the person is about to offend or reoffend.
This is quite a concern. The level of unfettered power given to Police raises questions & concerns. The Firearms Prohibition Orders mean a person's car, home or their person or where they're visiting can be searched anytime of the day or night, without a warrant. Its said to "target Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Terrorists & Domestic and Family Violence Offenders" However the Act clearly does not restrict this to Organised Crime, Terrorists & Domestic Violence Offenders. A "FPO" can be applied to anyone & it stays on that person until Police lift it, an appeal lifts it or 10 years has expired.
Even more odd, it says "Firearms" yet the person doesn't have to be a gun owner, or have a firearm's licence application pending. Seems like a FPO can be applied to anyone at all. Want to appeal your FPO? You can. Police however can retain any evidence or information from any appeal if THEY deem it to be sensitive. So yes you can appeal but if the people who took the order out don't want to share information you have to somehow then appeal the FPO without knowing on what grounds it was issued. Chew on that for a bit, you get the chance to appeal with knowing what grounds you're appealing against. I do feel more concerned considering it was claimed a WA MP at a WA Labor event is supposed to have bragged the only place with better control is North Korea.
Now add to this...when COVID first hit all Gun Shops were locked down. To this day no one has been able to find out what the elevated threat to society was that caused that. I don't blame the cops on the beat, but the upper echilons, the senior Police Bureacrats, yes, they are beginning to scare me A LOT. And whilst I don't cast aspirtions on Chris Evan the Current Police Commissioner, I am raising eye brows that he's been appointed as the next WA Governor by the WA Premier.

HERE'S THE KICKER -> Now there's Consorting Laws & FPOs that potentially look like over reach & spurning the idea of fundamental principles of natual law, proving intent & reasonable grounds.
Meanwhile an unrepentant repeat child rapist is being released. When I say unrepentant I mean a serial child rapist who claims his child sex lust is natural & its been determined he can get best treatment, not in jail, but being returned to society. No I don't blame the cops at the coal face. I do blame senior police, that is the very senior police. I also blame the Premier, the Attorney General, the entire cabinet and all the Labor MPs who said they were "your voice in the McGowan Team".

I blame the somewhat active opposition that need to go well over the top with noise...everyday of the week in the press & the media. Giving a carefully scripted chat outside parliament isn't enough. We need to see an opposition MP yelling & losing their "sh!t" on camera. Yes, going off, turned up to eleven, unrepentant for a loud angry outburst & giving a massive full on spray off venom over this. I'll wait. Still waiting, be waiting a while.
I think it odd any group representing WA Legal Practioners is not going ape & some blame has to go on some of the media that seem a little McGowan centric & keep turning to Clive Palmer or Bikie stories on the slow news weeks. Do they not know bikies need notoriety to be successful? Why do some of the press help build their tough/brutal/thug brand? There's a reason many never use the actual name of the Port Arthur killer. Its respect. By all means mention the name of a bikie convicted of a crime. Old fashioned court reporting 101. STOP GIVING THEM FRONT PAGE SPLASHES, STOP ELEVATING THEIR THUG BRAND. It is amazing, the WA Parliament could pass Electoral Reform Bill so fast, so quickly. You know the reforms they said days prior to the election were "not on the agenda". After gaining control of both houses it was rushed through & now is the time when Bills can be rushed through without committee & without ANY amendments. It was a Bill that cannot be used until the next election. Nearly four years after it was passed. It was passed nearly over night. Meanwhile a serial child sex offender can walk free because the law falls short. At what point does a person be considered no longer human? Probably when they wilfully commit evil because once you commit evil, you are no longer human, you are evil. Labor won't touch this, neither will the woke pretend conservatives nor the Greens. Touching topics like Evil means touching topics like truth & morals which is fashionably being consigned the choice of the individual or the control of the state who do not want the topic touched. The sex offender being released, he has to come under a law, never to be released for the term of his natural life. He must remain in prison until he dies. Others can decide what happens then but my preference is he be cremated & his ashes flushed down the toilet. No not any toilet, the prison toilet & only the prison toilet. That has to be his ONLY release from prison. I am appalled that for some of the elected, their biggest outbursts of passion & effort seem to only be in their election campaigns & after that, no need to pick a hill to die on. No need to lose all restraint & get angry. Stay beige & within the lines and confines of a dominant government. Ask yourself, when was the last time a person was kicked out of the Upper or Lower House? You get 3 warnings. Some have had 2 official warnings and several un-official hints of warnings. Who stood up & pushed "right" to the point of having to leave the chamber? I cannot find one. Staying beige & soft is a total sell out to the entire State of WA. Count the sell outs.
Checks & Balances?

Friday, 3 June 2022

Todays Example of Journalists, Commentators & the General Public Getting It Wrong ON AIR

On Talk Back Radio several topics were covered. Fair to say some talk back callers weren't possessing all the facts but had some very strongly decided views.

Some might change their mind if they were presented deeper wide facts...some might not, especially after publicly going out of limb, some might double down.

BUT if facts were set up by the announcer we'd all be better off. If the announcer has Journalists, Reporters, Newsreaders, Commentators on a panel...well seems it turns into lesst han an exchange of facts or even an exchange of ideas. Sometimes, often it slips into people thinking out loud whilst not being across the topic.

Now to be thoroughly fair, I don't expect anyone to be well across all topics but if you're in the Media it's going to be harder if you genuinely hitting a dozen topics a day but after a while, when you're discsussing, researching you'd kinda think they'd be well ahead of the average talk back caller but no. Not so much and when you have talk back callers less than informed by with a strong opinion & a panel not across it, well it's not good for others listening who have little idea.
Lets just briefly look at 2 radio shows with TalkBack Callers, Guest Panels & Some Topics. (No Names, No Pack Drill)

The Rebublic (...again)
Themes said & not said of the TV/radio

  1. Technically we have a republic already. We have a Crowned Republic. The Monarch is only an impartial umpire, Britain does not control or lead Australia. The Queen's sole role outside ceremonial figurehead is to approve what the Governor General recommends. 
    The process is VERY CLEAR - if supply is blocked in the Federal Parliament, a double dissolution of Parliament is triggered & it will result in the Governor General sticking to OUR set process and seeking council with the Monarch to approve dissolving the Parliament to ordering a new Federal Election where WE THE PEOPLE decide who is the Government...not the Queen.. All she does is check that the process if followed properly, fully & legally. THAT'S IT. She cannot kick out a government she doesn't like, elect someone she does like...or you would have seen it. She cannot nor has she ever interfered, nor has Britain, the UK people, the UK Government. Our head of state is the Governor General, the Queen is a transcendent umpire who can do nothing but be umpire. Nothing.
    We effectively has a Republic and a President will be far more political than the Queen.

  2. What's wrong with the current system? I'm yet to find out. No one controls us except us. But there is no evidence we're a laughing stock of the world because we're a Crowned Republic operating with OUR own system, with OUR own Constitution, with OUR own elections, decided by US. Overseas, no one cares. Hell few countries care what China does with it's minorities so they're not chuckling at our system.

  3. Replacement Republic. Incredibly noticable, the replacement model is a often profoundly vague on why & whats currently wrong and Peter Pitzpatrick seems to run lots of "small simple metaphors" that have little bearing. If we have a President & Prime Minister Republic model it will create yet another Machivellean lever a political party can pull. Its not good. Might go good, but likely it will go bad.

  4. Each state puts forward a name for Governor General? So there'll never be a NT, ACT, WA, SA or Tasmanian Governor General unless it was someone heralded high for non political, non legal endavours. The late Peter Brock, or Ashe Barty or John Farnham might well have universal appeal...but that means its a popularity contest to fill a ceremonial role that the person needs absolutely no background, knowledge, experience or connection to. Seriously at that level, put the entire countries over 18 citizens in a hat & just puck a random name out every 3 years. Hell we could put Phar Lap, Red Dog & the Neighbours cat in the mix. And this is better than the system we have. 

  5. Replace the Monaarchy
    Replace the Flag
    Exit the Commonwealth
    All 3 are completely different & unconnected issues.
    We actually can do any 2 or one without the others. Arguably we have a Crown Republic now, so it must be about removing the Monarchy, changing the flag or exiting the Commonwealth.
    Canada has a Constitutional Monarchy, THEIR system, run by THEM not the UK or the Queen. They have a seperate flag that represents them not their UK heritage. They're in the Commonwealth.

  6. The President vs Prime Minsiter model is what will replace the Monarchy & thats about it. The Queen who doesn't control Australia because its a sovereign nation. In effect we'd at one level by the model put forward be changing the Name of Goevrnor General to President, getting a new flag & leaving the Commonwealth. 

    However if that was the case, why has the Republican Movement NEVER said this?

    Just change those 3 things it'd be ok but rather pointless. It would be change for change sake, for the visual, the optic, the narrative for the looks of things. Thats not enough reason or even worse, there are far more changes afoot & they either haven't been thought about or they have and they're keep in the bottom drawer so they're not seen until later.

  7. Aboriginal People see the Monarchy as some kind of threat culturally. Yes a Journalist said this on air & I think despite her intentions this was not only completely wrong, it was deeply racist. One of the many problems today is some people black & white are saying what ALL black people believe. Taken to the grotesquely foul level you have the now US President who famously said in the choice between Republican or Democrat if you didn't support him "you ain't black"
    He with great racist language said 'Y'all ain't individuals, you all think the same, do not think independently, you have one homogenous view and if you go outside that you are a traitor to your skin colour which has a particular place in society that cannot be left"
    I think Larry Elder would disagree, so would Candance Owen, Thomas Sowell & in Australian so too would Warren Mundine, Senator Jacinta Price & a lot of the 'blackfella' men & women I know.
    I think the late Neville Bonner AO would disagree.
    And if you could somehow remove the party political filter for a few seconds off  even the most radical Marxist like Lydia Thorpe she'd disagree too.
    There are Aboriginal people with deep distrust of the Uluru Statement & the Parliamentary Voice idea as well.

Live Export (...again) 
Themes said & not said of the TV/radio
  1. Live Export was terrible but it was outliers in the wrong. Regardless it needed to improve & since the 4Corners Show that exposed it, it's not only met requirements, its exceeded them. It's now a heavily regulated industry, certified sustainable, viable & not in decline. Animal Welfare has never been better or more reliable. 

  2. No 4Corners or similar show highlighting where the industry is at now. No 4Corners show or similar highlighting the vision that was paid for by the activists/journalists in amounts that equaled the worker, from a 3rd world country, recieved the equivilent of several years wages and he offered to make the suffering look even worse. Not a reliable, honest source.

  3. Shipping companies have season restrictions on sea transport now to avoid the high humidity problem. Basically it means at once a danger humidity & temperture is reached a creature cannot cool down, no amount of water or ventilationg will help. The organs will start to srew & break down. They die. No one wants any losses. For the foreign customers its lost revenue. As a result a number of the antiquated ships have been retired, the more modern ones have more engineering solutions put in prior to commissioning & some have retro fittings. All have sensors monitoring decks & conditions and there are Vets on board. This is just part of the new regulatory system that oversees the trade.  Australia clearly leads with world best practice in an industry which used to be, put sheep on ship with food & water, many as you can & send it. Now its highly regulated with high standards, reporting, transperancy...

  4. The Gillard Ban wasn't actually a ban, it was a suspension & a disaster. Diplomatically it upset customer nations really badly. It was a poor knee jerk reaction with a great deal of fall out. It caused 1000s of North West cattle to be stranded without a market in Australia. Part of the Station's Management was getting those cattle off the property for both herd management & Landcare management of many millions of square kilometres. It was a disaster. Both financially, ecologically & for Animal Welfare. Quite a few head of livestock suffered & were destroyed. Added to that, the often missed point a number of the overseas Live Customers made it very clear that they couldn't get Live out of Australia they would seek their smaller chilled & frozen from other nations. That's how it was worded here. How it was said was, you block us from Live we will trade block/sanction all red meat from Australia. So the so called replacement market to replace trade...wouldn't happen & in fact we'd lose two markets in the one swoop. 

  5. Live Export is what holds up & maintains the entire WA Red Meat Industry. 80% of meat produced here goes into Export. In the East, its roughly 20%, its mainly domestic consumption. If Live Export is banned it means the Domestic market here & in the East will be flooded. Sounds atttractive that there's be cheap meat & perhaps for a few months there may be price drops. However during the boom bust pig market proces in the 60s & 70s when farm prices dropped to the floor, shop prices didn't alter much, then they went up citing shortages...that weren't there. One well known WA Meat Processing family of the day all used to show up at Midland Saleyards in brand new top of the line (and then VERY rare) Mercedes Benz vehicles within 3 months of a price collapse. Shoppers, you'll PAY A LOT MORE because with a Livex ban, there'll be a red meat glut in WA for 12 months, then no one will bred, they'll sell breeders & WA will go into a decade of boom bust domestic market. Consumers will pay, businesses will be lost. Less freight business, less shearers, farm mechandice...

  6. There is not the replacement Chilled/Frozen market. There isn't.
    If there was & it was viable it would compete strongly against Livex & its isn't. If chilled is so profitable, so viable then it would compete & farmgate prices would rise. If it is as good as activists say, it would outperform & overseas customers would buy the Chilled/Frozen. Sadly per kilo Australian killed, packed & processed red meat is many times more expensive that Live kilos of red meat. Labour costs are small fraction of Australia without building all the required refrigeration. One calculation was interesting that on a carbon emission level, Livex is lower than a fully frozen freight & supply chain.

  7. If there was a replacement trade the current infrastructure cannot handle it. Slaughterhouses & processing for frozen storage would have to increase 3 to 5 fold. The staff to operate even the existing infrastructure would have to go to 3 eight hour shifts...24/7 year round & then it wouldn't cope even if the now dormant abattoirs were recommissioned. So abattoir staff would have to increase nearly 4 fold & still fall short. Then all the infrastructure for freight & chilling would have to be built. The ost involved is immense.

  8. Oh but Twiggy has abattoirs going here, its exporting chilled & frozen. Ahh yes that's true & it forms a vital part of the Red Meat Sector. However due to his iron ore connections to China he's been able to secure the only licence to export Red Meat to China. If that is our main market, it is controlled by one person. Not always good. Add to that he's opening more feedlots so he will own most of his supply chain, from paddock to foreign plate. 

  9. If Chilled/Frozen or killed & processed here in WA/Australia is so profitable, why hasn't it been done? Also why haven't the Activists & the MPs put their OWN money, invest their OWN superannuation into Domestic Abattoirs?
    Put your money where your mouth is, get your money working to prove it & improve it. Interesting the activists I spoke with said they wouldn't invest in anything that kills animals. I said so its not about Live Export, its about shutting down all meat consumption.
    Never hear that on the radio, but lets do it. Lets set up an investment clearing house that people can instruct their Super Fund to invest in & they fund the opening of Abattoirs, Processing Plants, Chilled Storage & Freight and invest in the future.
    Seems like they want everyone else to change to their whim and those involved pay for every cent for the alternative that will fail. No investment, no risk. All losses will be incurred by all others.
    Yeah nup.

  10. People will exit the market. Sheep will end up as they were in 1991 cheaper to kill than to keep. I remember the Flock Reduction Scheme. Where all producers had to kill a large portion of their flock to financially stay afloat. The lucky ones went more cropping. The Unlucky ones went to the wall & deeper into debt if they didn't lose the farm. In the districts of Albany, Denmark & a very few others, Bluegums came & virtually saved many from losing everything. Then, you couldn't grow wheat or even oats & barley alone to make a living. When the exit begins, land price will plumment. Equity will vanish & all the small businesses nearby will suffer immensely if not close.

Northern Australia will close. It will not stop with Sheep, Live Export for Cattle will be next. Once that happens all sheep & cattle stations will close. They will have no viable alternative, no financial chance of staying afloat. 
Once 20% of stations become vacant we will see the biggest economic & ecological disater in Australia's history. Liverstock are there to make money but they also fulfil a vital non negotiable, non replaceable role in Land Management. How does a family or a team of 4-6 people now do Landcare on a million square miles? 
The feed build up will be massive. Over 2 years the old death growth & the new growth will build a massive & unheard of fuel loading across millions of square kilometres. The level of bushfires are beyind description or belief. They will not be controllable or preventable. The amount of flora & fauna death & the following erosion cannot be calculated. 
       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THIS IS UNSPOKEN ALSO  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gun Control Here & The USA
Themes said & not said of the TV/radio
  1. USA is NOT WA or AUSTRALIA. What happens there is not applicable here.

  2. In the USA, the 2nd Amendment won't be removed, it would lead to some states pushing to leave the Union & whilst I doubt it would lead to a Civil War attempts to try to drop the 2ndAmendment will in the minds of many Americans prove (rightly or wrongly) exactly why they need it.
    I don't understand why so many Australians comment on it & don't understand it.

  3. They can make changes, raise the age of Centrefire Semi Automatic firearms & increase background checks & cooling off periods. Biden could have done this for all those years he was Deputy President. He didn't. Why, they want the division, they do not need the solution, it removes the division. You can get elected on division.

  4. You can't even buy a gun in Chicago. Its banned. Week before the Texas School Shooting 30 people we shot in Chicago. Never really made the news then or since. Weird huh?

  5. Most gun homicide is drug & gang related. Guns don't need removing, nut cakes need to not be armed. But then there was a Machete attack in Perth. That alleged offender would be similar to the Texas shooter. A total nutjob who should never be released into the community ever. Also not said.
    Sad fact, we can bring in all the laws in the world, there will still be murderous evil committed. We can only reduce some of it if we're incredible successful.

  6. Western Australian gun owners themselves asked for stricker gun laws, specifically people sentenced for being in possession of an illegal firearm get 10-15 years in jail, no parole and that's 10-15 YEARS PER FIREARM & PER ILLEGAL FIREARM PART SERVED CONSECUTIVELY. THEN ONCE RELEASED THEY ARE INFORMED REOFFENDING RESULTS IN DOUBLE SENTENCE.
    Harsh sentences don't really reduced crime, the prospect of getting caught does. All of sudden a crim goes to buy an illegal it a set up, is the seller an undercover cop? Is it a person who might dob them in as part of a plea bargain for sentence reduction if they get caught & charged for something. Will a fellow crim with a grudge tip off police & send them to jail?
    Now the criminals will still have guns, but only the hardened "who-gives-a-f***" criminals & they'll be very well known to police. The low level less violent crims won't want a gun anywhere near them. Lawful gun owners can rest assured they are less likely to be burgaled, gun shops will have next to zero theft. America could do this, Australia & WA should do this. But it's unspoken.

  7. Misuse of terms. Machine guns are highly regulated & extremely hard to get & extremely expensive...but somehow people get the facts wrong & falsely say they were in a shooting.
    Other dud terms military grade weapons, Assault Weapons are misused terms, some don't really exist but do add heighterned ka-pow to a story. Savvy gun owners see this misuse then mistrust the journalists using it. Got to learn to bring lawful firearms owners along. 100% bring them along. Once you demonise them, infer someting or misuse wrong have avoidable divided lines  

These are just some of the points either hidden or unknown by many of the people making comments.
Some of them talk back callers. Some of them Guest Speakers on Radio.

Maybe its time to halt Radio TalkBack Panels unless all the guests are people from that industry, sector or have some well regarded expertise. Otherwise you're fuelling the fools to slaughter. The first TV show or TV/Radio Network to properly saddle in people of expertise on a subject will kill a pig in ratings. We are slowly seeing a gradual turning away from Bang, Bam, chase the blood trail and & keener interest in "Facts Not Feelings"

I know, its easier to not waste time assessing & thinking, its quicker & easier to think out loud away from pesky facts but dumb do you want your Nation to be? MPs, The Media, The Public ALL need to lift the game.

TV & Radio has often turned to the News-Entertainment model, turned to High Hype with Arguing, to Angst rather than calm reports that cite the facts & the truth & leave the opinion to you. The idea was that they shaping your views for you was a ratings winner. Turning to "The Project" style of presenting which I think was once self described as "News Told Differently" was thought to be a ratings cash cow show stopper winning formula. Or on radio let ill informed people ring in with an announcer or an expert in the field say "Ahhh no, that's actually wrong. Not a bit wrong, but completely worng, here's why..."
Its taken a while but finally ratings for what's arguably "News Told Completely Wrong & As Senstional As Possible" is showing its beginning to be on the way out. Be too slow, ratings will fall & they'll either wake up or double down & get worse. Then we end up with borderline Shock-Jock style TV & Radio...and newspapers.
Whether you like the facts or not, too bad. Facts Not Feelings is growing popularity. People are leaving talkback shows & TV Panel shows. Future is clear, their rusted on audience is & will always be lazy thinkers with strong views with or without the facts & they want you to shut up & follow.
If you disagree, emigrate after a good name calling.

Wake up Media. Newspapers with grotesque caricurtures on the front page, the sensible majority are stepping away. Wake Up. Facts not Feelings. Tell us the stories, the news. Stop telling us how to react & what to think.