- Do you support good Unions & good companies?
Y'know fair and reasonable outfits where a fair day's pay for a fair days work is paramount and people always pay what they owe without leaving people in a financial loss? - Are you against bad Unions and bad companies that have money hungry grifters at the top living in Penthouses on over the top exhorbitant salaries strip mining their members & shareholders?
- Are you pro Family?
This is comes from the (somewhat left leaning) Brookings Institute in the US that the 3 most effective things that can get people out of poverty are
a) Stay in school & graduate
b) Get a job & stay employed
c) Get married before having kids and stay married
Not always possible but those 3 things generate the best probability of lifting yourself out of the "below the poverty line" and rise in economic success.
This is very old news with mountains of peer reviewed research despite the efforts to dispel it. It gained more support (and yes some stronger opposition) when conservative US Commentator publicised it and he was attacked for it. Interesting, a black US Conservative commentator Larry Elder has been pushing it to raise the heavily weighted black community that is stuck in poverty. - Are you pro Medicare & pro Private Health Insurance and very pro choice on which you have or rely on?
These are a part of of society, they are not disputed by any political party or political ideology. Its just fair. Medicare is a clearly fair safety net despite the cost blow outs in places, but thats what happens when you support the vulnerable and at risk. Its fair. It isn't socialism or I'd oppose it. Socialism would have the work experience cleaner being paid the same amount as the Neuoro-surgeon regardless of ability, trianing, skill, hours in study or demand. Same hourly rate.
You cannot remove that from "socialism" by putting "democratic" in front of socialism. - Are you keen to reduce bureaucratic red tape, lessen a Government telling you what to do, how you can or can't do and providing you a complicated application process to get approval before you can do anything on modifying your house, your car, your life?
Do you want to ask permission for things that should be simple, uncomplicated and easy?
Perhaps safety requirements yes, but if you go outside the proper procedures you're borderline fool aren't you? - Are you keen to have proper reforms of legislation to give fair, reasonable & proportionate laws & regulations and remove those unfair, unreasonable, non proportionate hoops to jump through that do not add safety, opportunity but add complexity, cost & unreasonable penalties?
- Are you keen to choose if you wish to follow a faith or not follow a faith and not have any restricitons in doing so as long as it doesn't break laws that protect people?
- Are you keen to support freedom of speech and the freedom to march & protest as long as it's non violent, very peaceful & perhaps works in with police to ensure there's no ill effects on traffic?
- Do you oppose people glueing themselves to windows, gate crashing restaraunts yelling, screaming, chanting & generally imposing themselves on others & preventing them from going about their own life peacefully or preventing them from earning a living?
Thats a simple one. - Are you pro Law & Order and would like to see longer sentences for a variety of serious crimes?
To be clear, there's also a mountain of research that the biggest deterrant to committing crime is not the penalties of fines & jail terms. Its the higher probability of getting caught. Amongst career criminals there is a psychological trait that means they are emboldened by their own view they're smarter and/or luckier than others and won't get caught. They can get caught & they are the most likely to be repeat offenders or "residivists" - Do you support your government putting your country first where ever possible, not invading others but having a strong defence presence where needed and a strong, well funded & resourced defence force?
Another simple one, Australia first or ourseves subserviant to other nations? - Do you support the idea that the basic fundamentals of the West is best for the progress of a society?
- In other words if you're living in a Western Style country would you say its better than non Western Countries, non Free Market countries and as a result you're staying here not emigrating?
- That heirarchies of competencies are valid & required. That is if you're the best in your feild you should be paid as such & if going for the job it should be based on your competence...not your gender, weight, race, looks, religion, who you know, who you're related too or it's your turn in the group who's turn it is. Best person based on skill ability, competence & best fit for the position.
- That its not only noble its essential to teach and entrench the idea that rights & responsibilites are totally inseperable.
- That its better to do something the way its always been done unless there is a proven way to reasonably do it differently that produces a better outcome or result
- Borders are reasonable. Some people have to be kept out.
- Welfare is valid & reasonable part of Western society but it should be the short safety net & its aim is to make it easier for people to return to work, that welfare is perfectly legitimate but the best welfare is a job because honest work is not just income...it provides meaning, personal satisfaction, ability to develop higher aims, promotions etc & gives a well earned feeling of personal achievement.
- Do you oppose radical culture ideology like Transgender Ideology?
Not oppose people who want to be Trans of have become, but oppose the Ideology that is being pushed to trying to replace and erase medical and/or psychological advice, knowledge or disorders & the potential side affects of "transitioning" on younger bodies that are not of mature development. Or that part of the ideology that forces you to accept that which isn't correct & failure to do so renders your a horrible person, a bigot or "Transphobic"
So if you answered yes to all the above or nearly all the above here's the thing...
You might actually be a conservative.
On the answers where you differ, you should talk to others to see what others think what's what in that area.
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