You've all seen it. A non journalist attended a Press Conference with Albo & Premier McGowan.
The "I've got a tough question for you" guy.
He was heard on 6PR early mornings with Millsy. He was asked what was the tough question but before that we've also learnt...
- His name is Norm
- He is not connected with the Billboard Truck claiming Labor is CCP connected
- He has a tough question for the Prime Minister too
- May have said on air that he had a question for the Premier
- He was promised by both the Premier & Mr Albanese that they'd chat with him after the Press Conference
- They didn't see Norm afterwards, he said he waited but they left immediately.
- On another interview Mr Albanese that Norm was involved with the CCP Banner truck that was parked outside the Premier's house.
- Norm claimed on air he is not connected with the truck.
- If its true Norm is not connected or involved with the CCP Banner Truck, for Mr Albanese will have to retract the false claim & apologise
- During the Press Conference, Mr Albanese told Norm that the "Media Alliance" would be upset with him if the public began attending & started asking questions. On the radio, the 6PR announcer Millsy said he's been in the press for a while & he doesn't know who the Media Alliance is. That's even more curious if the Media Alliance he mentions doesn't exist & its a deceptive invention
Ironically he would not share his question after being repeatedly asked and ended up just like the Politicians. Tactical replies not answers.
I hope people now ignore Norm & that still hidden questions & focus on the other points that were dragged out into the sunlight.
- Press conferences are highly controlled & staged managed by Political Strategists
- You need as many journos as you can so you can have urgency present so you can quickly knock a question & ask for another before giving out too much. Reporters are keen to ask their own question, if the previous question is deflected they won't push for the answer, they're trying to get their question in. It's a perfect Casino Game, the house always wins & journos cannot win therefore the public cannot.
- Why can the general public not attend a press conference. Its not a legislated & regulated event. Its held outside in public, in a public place then anyone can come. The politician can refuse to answer questions from anyone without a Press Pass but they won't want to get to that point.
I expect Security Measures will be ramped to hell to exclude anyone not from the press but it also means that it might one day be, it will be a closed event & selected press might be only ones allowed in. Shouldn't, I hope won't. - Why not spend 50:50 time, Press:Public questions?
Simple reasons why not. Public have no personal skin in the game. They're not trying to get ahead in the Media arena & some might be thinking of a well paid appointment as a MPs "Media Advisor" or "Press Strategist"
The public however are not thinking of a great gotcha question or soft question to endear to a MP. The public will be honest & in an answer they will expect honest. It is not the scrutiny most Politicians will want plus the public cannot be managed like the Press. they are unpredicatable & yes I know of journos who have asked uncomfortable questions & got quietly black banned, ghosted out, ignored & excluded. That hangs over their head. Try to ask the big questions without ruining your prospects of being able to ask any questions. Its only when a MP is within a scandal or on the nose that the Press take the gloves off or rather feel no inhibition. We often call it a Media Frenzy. I call it the normal, no holding back, no being stage managed & held down by the politicians & their handlers. - There is a "Media Alliance" and its in the USA. "Media Alliance is an American media resource and advocacy center for media workers, non-profit organizations, and social justice activists"
In short, its a Union. If you're an ex Union figure head & you're trying to be PM you'd be thinking why does a Union have any say in what you do in front of cameras & microphones in a public place? There is no legislation stating who can & can't attend or speak so unless you go into a hired venue & control entry (legitimately) then you can't complain. Albo didn't have to answer Norm's questions. But shouldn't had gone all dodgy deflect, make false claims, offer to speak afterwards & then run.
Very dodgy. But then you shouldn't be surprised and if you want to attend a politician's press conference in a public place and try to ask a question, go for it. If more of the public did, the politicians have to get more open & honest with all wanting questions or they will have to exclude the public completely. They'll dearly want to do that without anyone noticing they're doing that.
Stage Managed,
Now this is not Anti Albo, Anti Premier McGowan.
Blatant Staged Management by theatre props is common across all parties. Some politicians will stop, listen and cop the flak., not at all.
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