Saturday, 21 August 2021

Pandemic vs London Blitz, COVID actions vs Nazism

 The dispicable times during the rise of Nazism in the 1930s is being compared to police responses & government heavy handedness. Pictures of the first Jews being forced to wear the star of David on their outer clothing is popping up as a warning of the now present day as evil approaching.

On the one hand reminding people of the Holocaust is never a bad thing, remembering those who perished in camps or were casualties of that war is always very important. Even the unknown dead & the wounded ought to be remembered.

I do feel very uncomfortable with the comparison to COVID response though. The position on negative responses is easily done without Nazi catch cries and lessening respect of those lost in the darkest period of recent human history.

Where the problem needs to focus is the cause of batons & rubber bullets. The cause of protests, clashes with police. The focus needs to square closely on what might have prevented the ugliness we're seeing now.

Comparisons with the London Blitz are also best avoidable but there is an angle that should be highlighted. Yes there were people stealing during the Blitz, some were looting during the bombing. However all in all though, the majority were UNITED.
Parents sent their children off to the safety of the countryside, billeted out with complete strangers for safety whilst they carried on working during the war. People pitched in besides strangers during a time when it was pretty well toss of a coin whether the country would prevail.

There ere a great number of pivotal things that went against the allies and a good many things that went with them that probably shouldn't have. In all, it was right up til the last year or so, a toss of the coin which way it would go, whether pure evil might win or not.

The London Spirit is often talked about. Its not uncommon, its seen else where in other communities in times of peace where neighbours help neighbours. Where there is community, there is progress. 

In recent decades though, this has been in decline. Many metro people live in a street or a high rise building where they don't know their neightbours. The online presence is for some one of their stronger communities. 

Not all people during the Blitz were Christian, but all lived in a Christian Country, steeped in Christian values. Many were of course just cultural Christians. But the values were there. Its not to say all people were all observant of the 10 Commandments all the time, fact is in history no human has kept the 10 one, none, ever. But those that tried, endeavoured to & loved their neighbour like themselves have thrived and survived and been better off as a community or society...

In the last 40-50 years that Christian Culture has been in decline. The 1980s saw the yuppy era where excess was best. Many spent money they didn't have, on things they didn't need, to impress people they didn't like. Those were the hey days of Bond, Skase, Connell, Povey, Potter and a long list of others, many of which went to court or went broke. Some squirreled ill gotten money away but reputations were destroyed. It was all about the money and the excess.
It was all about the self.

That has led to a selfish dog eat dog, I'm alright Jack culture. It's given us a fiendish assaults against the elderly & the vulnerable. Domestic Violence is still a vile act but not at all lessening. And in politics, in politics its seen the rise of the Machivellean actor.

As in other parts of society we've seen selfish pirates with little or no conscience, so too has the Political Class been infected with the same contagian.
This has been seen the political class vaccinated against STATESMANSHIP.

Imagine street protests & clashes with Police during the Blitz. It didn't happen, people were united in cause & direction.

With the lack of Statesmanship in the political class we've seen a promotion of the self and the actors respective party above all else. We've seen an attempt at combined effort in National Cabinet as having failed. If anything we're a continent of small nations firing pot shots at each other.

Yes the media has a hand in this guilt, they too have failed us but they need good STATESMANSHIP to report. That will rise up against the rubbish the apsiring shock jock type journo churns out to get a hopeful promotion.

There are good people in all parties, but there are virtually no chances of a Statesman (of whatever gender for the enternal wailers) rising up & to some extend unifying the nation like a Churchill. And the parties with the most non Christians, non Cultural Christians or worse still Anti Christians will be our biggest barrier to becoming united & successful against a threat. Yes it easy to point at the Greens and Labor as decidedly non or anti Christian but even if someone of a codified moral code were to join them, they must hit pause on the moral angle and vote the way the party dictates.

As bad as they might even be, the Conservative parties are not the foil to equalise the laft & hard left, They too have self serving pirates in their number. They too have a party or two with an identity problem because the "self brigade" has risen in numbers.

If National Cabinet had brought unity, concentrated parallels, shared vision and plan we might have seen very little protests and clashes with police. The fact a BLM protest can happen during a lockdown with virtually no prosecutions yet an anti lockdown protest ends in clashes with police & arrests shows we're failing and being failed.

Until we get a Statesman who can rally the nation, all the people or at least all the ones who can think clearly & will help their neighbour, a stranger the worse this will get.
Whether you believe in Christ or not, he said to Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
Christian, cultural Christian or non believing citizen THAT is good for communities, good for the individual who gives and recieves as well as being vitally great for the Nation and society.

So yes there are Christian churches that are really pretending to be Christian, but I'd encourage everyone to support the real Christian values which really are the original dinky di Aussie values. Identical.

The idea of everyone having a fair go, helping out a mate & sticking together to build the community & the nation.

These things are generally incompatiable with Marxist ideals and offshoots. Its contrary to Socialist & so called "Democratic" Socialism as well. They need to division to fight. The traditional Christian values are to come together & help so there is no reason to fight.

Sadly political ground is now top down controlled. Society is seeing more top down control so to fix this, to unite the nation and avoid clashes with police we need top down direction & leadership for national revivial, national advancement. 
We need Statesmanship.

We need it from every Premier, every member of state & federal cabinets. We need need to approach this with a similar war footing to the Blitz. Get people to stick together.
Until we have Statesmanship the only alternatibe is top down control with ever increasing power & might.

It starts with the Premiers, but good luck finding a Premier who says "Look we need to get behind the PM and together solve this together"

There's still some good people in the political ranks, but the last Statesman at any Parliament House was made by GMH & they're discontinued now also. Don't protest for freedom, protest for Statesmanship because a Statesman will work in the National interest and we need to start being a Nation of untited individuals, not a mass of individuals vs the nation.

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