Saturday, 10 July 2021

Who are the Far Right and Are They of The Right or Conservatives?

 I'd argue the Far Right & the Far Left are both different shades of the same evil colour. I'd argue they have far more in common than either would like you to know and they both oppose the normal Left & Right of politics.

I think the labelling of Fascism & Nazism as being of the Right is a deliberate political tactic to demonise anything considered right of centre. Its not based on fact or truth but it has been working with many people for a long time.

Is Fascism of the Right? No. Its easy to work out. It's roots can be traced back to one central point in Pre WW2 Italy to a Socialist Philosopher named Giovanni Gentile. The short version is, he was a cohort of Mussolini and Gentile himself was a socialist and referred to Fascism as the purest form of Socialism.

Nazis were a little more complicated.
The Nazis considered themselves to be the 3rd Reich (or Empire)
1st Empire being the Holy Roman Empire (800-1806AD) 
2nd Empire being The German Empire (1871-1918)
3rd Empire being Nazis Germany (1933-1945)

Problem for Hitler was he had legal process in his way. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis), and by 1928 it had 100,000 members. At that time, Germany was a Republic but for Hitler to rise he had a problem. His main rival were those in the communist party who were lesser in numbers to the Nazis but slowly rising. Ironic because both were totally against the idea of a Social Democracy or any democracy. By 1930 the biggest party were Social Democrats, more conservative than 2nd place Nazis (18%) or Communists(10% and growing)

By 1933 the Nazis had gained full control, sort of legally & then once the dominating power brought in new rules & powers. It outlawed all Unions & brought them under one banner. It outlawed all political parties except one, the Nazis party. There were no conservatives, no communists, no social democracy leaners...
By 1934 Nazis were openly beginning executions without trial of political opponents. 
As the purge had begun and as Hindenburg died Hitler had merged the Office of President & Supreme Commander with the office of Chancellor & 
assumed the title of Führer und Reichskanzler. On August 19 a plebiscite confirmed his new office with 88 percent of 43,529,710 votes cast.

He & his party were the only party, the only government, the only rule. There were to be no communist, no social democrats, no conservatives, not other party than the one party, the Nazis Government with full integration with the military. That was the turning point. In a short time, all other political views destroyed & outlawed. Anyone defying was jailed and faced execution.

This is not a notion supported by "the right" or Conservatives. Hitler had allied with whatever political rivals he needed to get numbers then threw them under the bus. It was then the state and only the state who decided anything.
In the years between 1934 & the outbreak of world war 2, German became a totalitarian police state.
Places of learning  
universities & schools, and any sector that had any chance of influence such the theatre, the arts and of course the Press were forced to follow the pattern of Nazi regimentation completely.
Any real free speech was over. It was totalistarian, the state could not be challenged, defied, questioned or ignored. 
Nazi Germany had so many traits in common with a Communist regime it wasn't funny. Its main difference was it claimed to be doing it for the people against a threat. That threat was everyone else.

Now if Fascism was of the right you'd expect England, France, Spain, USA and every other nation of a conservative bent, be it a Monarchy or Republic to follow suit. They didn't. 

Nazism was fascist. It was a form of Socialism, Gentile its father says so. Hitler used any trick, took any ally he could to climb to power & once there crushed & killed anyone or thing that was even slightly looking like a threat. He created a brutal totalitarian regime, built large on abolishing individual rights, individual views or expression. The state controlled everything and kileld that which it couldn't. Communist regimes had more in common with fascists & Nazis because they were all about complete state control of the citizens and they were eager in killing them if they opposed the state 

Fascism was founded by Gentile. He called it the purest form of Socialism. Socialism is about totalitarism, full state control of the individual & the complete abolition of political freedom, individual rights, individual free voices. Nothing is free, all is the state's.
It is clear Nazism is a form of Socialism.
They are all enemies of capitalisim, moderate views, free speech, individual choice & rights and they are both very keen to kill millions to get their way & remove any differing views.

Hardly a notion of the right or of conservativism.

But the slur remains to be used by the left that Fascism is of the right, that Nazis were far right. Nazis were Nazis, they did prior to seizing full control ally up with the then far right & others. After the Nuremberg Rally it was the beginning of the end of any political view that did not comply with Nazis edicts. There was no left or right after the Nuremberg Rally, no conservatives. There was the Nazi state and enemies of the Nazi state to be exterminated by the Nazi state.
Hardly a tenant of the right.

Still it remains a smear to be used on the right.

Those using it can be challenged.
"Do you oppose totalistarian rule?"
"Do you oppose capitalism?"
"Do you support individual freedoms & rights?"

"You cannot oppose capitalism without supporting totalitarian rule like that of  Socialism, Communism, Fascism which opposes individual freedoms, individual rights, individual freedom to buy & sell and gather assets, express political opinion and will crush any opposition to state control"

"Yeah but, splutter, spit blah're a fascist"

Marxism is on the rise, it has far more support than its supporters have understanding. They think they will get a financial boost, that the wealth of others will flow their way. No Communist, Fascist, Socialist, Communist (or any other totalitarian) regime has done that without enslaving all its people under brutal state control.

Oppose all those stripes and be grateful for Capitalism & Conservatism. The alternative will rob, enslave & finally kill you.

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