Monday, 26 July 2021

Political Anthrax & The Real Bomb Drop of George Christensen Not Recontesting

I don't always agree with George Christensen but he is very agreeable because he will stand up, lean in & punch on for his electorate, his state and his idea of a fair go. Often the ones like George are targeted for demonising because they punch on & go for the cut through whilst railing against the dodgy.

He has no more controversial views than any other politician, but the media have sought to mine his and amplify his for page spread and paper sell. Labor MPs guard theirs as if their political lives count on it, because their political lives do count on it. Their organisations structures are totally top down management and you cannot be a free thinker or anything else. You must be a party robot, fully compliant to those above. You must serve those in power of the party, not the party, not the lay members.
George is the coal mine's canary. Its there, its happened. Time to wake everyone up, get them to safety before its too late.

Whilst Labor members or elected apsirants are fine with this, it is not the way of conservative parties. They go with proper structure and due process, however in recent decades whilst this has fallen down, its gotten far worse than it ever has in most parties...arguably all parties.

This creates a great danger for all involved. It means corporate governance is in rapid decline, fiduciary duty (required by directors under the Corporations Act & the Incorporations Act) is ignored.
If you are on the board (whatever its called) in your political party YOU are a director. 
YOU are personally LEGALLY liable for decisions made.
YOU are personally FINANCIALLY liable for decisions made.
Saying you didn't make the decision is not a defence, ignorance is not a legal defence.

So let this be very clear. If you have "TOP DOWN Management" you have a perverted governance model which is not going to pass the pub test let alone pass any goverance test. If the "TOP" make a decision in your absence then can be fine & reasonable, BUT they must at some point report it to the board & get it ratified otherwise...

You have TOP DOWN MANAGEMENT where are group of people are making decisions & directing the organisation without lay members involvement or the involvement of their representatives on their parties actual board.

If you're on that board all I can say is, do you like your house?
Like your assets & savings?
Like your reputation that will affect how you might improve your employment chances?
Well if the TOP DOWN group go too far, there's a complaint to ASIC & court action results... kiss "your stuff" good bye because as a director, YOU are FULLY personally, financially, legally liable.
Not making a decision IS a decision.

There are several political parties in several states that I'm aware of who have finally beginning to wake up and looking at getting things fixed. With one its slow going and sadly with intense opposition & under mining to maintaining the TOP DOWN control.

If you're wondering which parties I'm talking about and in which states just watch to see which ones disappear in the next 12-18 months. If they cannot over come the TOP DOWN they're dealing with then their party will be gutted and likely to either remain in political wilderness or disappear completely. Look for the parties that burn out good people at a fast rate.

This is almost solely a problem affecting Conservative Parties.
Don't expect Labor or Greens in amongst this "lets fix it" space in any state or federally...they seem to accept the tribal TOP DOWN control of factional shifts & power plays.

Here is the problem from the helicopter view. Whether you vote for any of these parties or not you're set to suffer if the various parties are unsuccessful in ousting TOP DOWN CONTROL. It will lessen the temper of the steel of conservative parties & leave them very exposed with lesser support and declining prospects against the left holding government.
Bought, punched & presented ticket on the express ride to Political Wilderness City or lessened opposition. We all suffer if this is not fixed.

Hopefully the board of directors of all these conservative parties are shown the massive personal exposure they're stuck with & how the number of lay members will slowly lessen because they're not halting TOP DOWN. Sad part is large numbers of good people who try to fix things will continue to go under the bus.

This also means these parties will encounter (or already have) an unexpected Identity Crisis because the TOPs control the party, its identity, any strategic direction, thinking or planning. And lay members will be excluded and told rubbish like "we have to move fast, things move quickly, we need support and people should stop undermining us"
Call that out, its rubbish.

A board does the strategic thinking, the management does the strategic planning. That is they make the plans to acheive the goals the board sets. If there is no efforts on that part, you open the door to TOP DOWN controllers.
People at the top can make decisions as required but they must justify them to the board, the party, the members who pay fees & give support as volunteers. 
If the TOPs have done right or wrong but it passes the "reasonable person's test" they're fine.
They need to own whatever penalty or consequences follow.

If there is no ratifying, no reasonable person's test you have the TOP DOWN framework.

What is a reasonable person's test? What would a reasonable person do in the same situation.
For starters they'd avoid TOP DOWN management control.

If the political landscape is to ever be improved, fair factual progress achieved then ALL parties whatever their stripes MUST have TOP DOWN removed. 
Labor will not, Greens will not. Leave them to choose their path. It will lessen their future.

If TOP DOWN continues, identity crisis in parties continues then the distrust of all politicians will go through the roof and society will decline further without doubt.

In the case of at least 2 parties, they had domineering & autocratic leaders because they dearly needed such people but when their lay member base began to grow both the leaders, the TOPs, they could not convert to Statesmanship and return ownership & control to the lay members except in visible pretence.

If STATESMANSHIP isn't paramount, we as a state or nation are done. Stick a fork in, we're done.
Some TOPs will continue to gather some wealth but the claims of a vile swamp are going to be very very easy to prove...


Directors, regain control of your political parties for the lay members. Install proper corporate governance, set strategic planning, performance reviews, ratify all decisions and put everyone into their proper place for the benefit of all.

Remember...the quickest and easiest way to do anything is to do it properly.

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