Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Stunning Absurdity Within Animal Liberationist Thinking.

Some stunning comments are made & I'm left wondering about how brains work at the ever increasing absurdity from time to time.

There's a couple of reoccurring traits present.

        1) The ten most utterly absurd replies or statements come from "Twitter Eggs" or anonymous accounts. When you ask them why they don't post under their real name various replies come forth generally about threats of violence, bullying, death threats.

        2) Shape shifting logic. They deliver blows on one point at a time where they think they & only they can win a silly internet point. Soon as their position begins to crumble it goes to another point quickly but more commonly it goes fact free and onto feelings. Most often its identity politics, undermine moral standing, a person defending live trade is of lesser worth or nasty. Weak.

First up, if you are being bullied with your real name you're going to get bullied with a fake name. It says you're keen to throw mud from behind a hidden mask. People don't always like that. If you can't settle a rattle cage you probably should let in someone from your position in who can use respectful facts. If you're getting death threats, call the police, site admin. Don't change yourself to a hidden identity so you can further encourage your "opponent"  to continue the behaviour. It's again about continuing the behaviour in order to degrade the position you oppose rather than using respectful facts. They need the angry bully yelling to use that as an undermining point so the facts can be skirted around and omitted. Bullying is wrong. Don't let it happen, don't enable it so you can win a silly internet point without referring to facts & data.

Here's a classic example...
Here's one post pointing out the contradictory fact that the transit mortality rate of Livex is actually lower than the rate of deliberate deaths by the RSPCA in the Australian Pet Industry. Both are unnecessary in that all would be better if we could eliminate them but some will occur. Point is the Pet Industry rate by the RSPCA alone is over 3 times worse. Why do we not close down the Aust. Pet Industry and BAN ALL PETS? At what number will pets equal Livex in disgust? Million Paws Walk, do we need 1 million pet kill a year to say Ban Pets? 5 million? Why is it different?


And here was the curious shape shifting reply...
This is one of the more staggering replies. Again in the ten most absurd replies I've seen the person's identity is obscured. I wonder how many are bogus shared accounts and how many are the same person. That aside the reply clearly states that deaths are not the issue, the cruelty is.
"Compare how" is a shape shifting attempt to drag the debate away from real facts & reposition it where the staggering Twitteregg thinks there's a discourse advantage to them. How is separate from why. Both are unnecessary deaths, that is an omitted fact but they what they've clearly said is deaths don't matter or don't matter as much as cruelty. In fact with that logic extended with death not an issue we can load up a rusty obsolete death ship and as long as the crew can execute the sheep before or just as any suffering starts.
In trying to stick with facts not feelings we have a twitteregg who's been able to go further into a fact free zone. Same week a ship arrives in the Middle East with very low mortality rates, below the usual 0.7%, no disease, no evidence of suffering or cruelty and no mention of it. A cattle shipment also arrives with cattle having put on weight whilst on board which indicates little or no stress rates whilst in transit. No mention. Facts not mentioned are still actual relevant facts.

The other issue is yes, Livex end up with 100% mortality, because they're food. Its all a necessary death. Its life, its as humans have operated throughout the ages. The same contempt is not extended towards the lion killing the antelope because remember there is no "humane death" delivered by the lion but strangely no moral outrage toward the lion. Nor should they be, its nature, its what nature does. The higher on the food chain feeds on those below. If you're an overtly godless liberationist who thinks we're all just animals, then morally eating meat is just fine, there is no ethical dilemma.
Is the antelope's death cruel or just part of nature, just naturally doing what each species do? Why can humans be vilified for keeping each other in enough food? Stark hypocrisy that's soon imploded due to it's logic free basis.

Sound the would be at this point the Twitteregg would embark on Shape Shifting to another kernel of falsehood or logic free distraction. Count on it. Still no reply on RSPCA killings being ok & why. Just it has to be omitted, ignored or hidden away, no logic applied as it implodes the shape shifters position.

No when you have a Animal Rights zealot on the ropes in an internet debate remember a few things.
  1. It's the internet so it probably doesn't matter or make any difference.
  2. If they're a devout Animal Rights Cultist, Animal Religion Zealot there's a fair chance good well placed facts will change no one's mind. They are pre-suppositional in their approach and differing views are bordering on evil.
  3. If you win a point or two you can expect to be labelled as immoral, evil or a pro cruelty abuser and the list goes on. This is Identity Politics. To avoid having to face facts, they will provoke the other side until they fire a salvo back perhaps with a hard insult or bad language. Be advised you'll then be hit with questions about your character for being so hate filled and horribly abusive. That is the aim. It's not productive as no one is challenging their thinking, a pointless internet point is one & lost. It makes no difference except to those few open minded observers who may not be posting but are on the fence & assessing. If pro welfare/pro Livex people are labelled as abusive, threatening bullies the facts of the trade are brushed aside. Intellectual Corruption Wins.
  4. Return to the facts, use industry data where you can and remember you probably cannot convert the mind of a rabid zealot, but you can help to prevent them getting away with murder in the debate. 

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