Well for the most part he's done nothing wrong. Not done much else really.
He organises plenty of things, wears funny hats, silly costumes gets in front of a microphone and has a sing along where food is free or cheap. Little cabaret act, but politically, no not a lot. As a long standing incumbent he really needs a scandal to be turfed out. Doing nothing wrong is generally enough to keep getting elected for an incumbent.
He's Speaker of the Lower House. What's this mean?
It means he gets a nice boost in salary and staff.
It means he cannot vote on the floor of the parliament unless there is a tie and with the large majority Labor has, he will not vote at all for the entire duration of this Parliament.
He takes no formal part in government business at all. Yes he can get in the ear of the Premier or ministers but he has not formal ability to affect any change at all. He's the umpire of the Parliament.
He's a member of Labor so even if he could vote, he cannot cross the floor in the best interests of his electorate. If he did so as Speaker he faces the possibility of being expelled from the party. If he did as a normal MP he would definitely be expelled from the party. So to secure his place both he and any other Labor MP will not cross the floor ever. The cult will deliver brutal payback on such independent thinking.
He stood on the steps of Parliament with a 40,000 signature petition complaining about cuts to education. He was in opposition at the time and that was an opposition ploy. He cannot be consistent in Government. That's all in the past. So when people ask "Why are you not supporting education the rural & regional areas? Why is Moora Residential College being closed for lack of $500,000 yet PerthLabor Government pours $3Million into developing "live music scene" in Perth?"
There's no answer other than to blame the previous government. They weren't perfect either, but they're not in power now & they're not advocating $3Million for Perth live music instead of $500,000 for Moora.
Moora is a regional education hub servicing students from many thousands of square kilometres to north and east of Moora.
There's also no need to axe the Boarding Away from Home Allowance (BAHA) for the most vulnerable in the regions who haven't got a High School nearby & cannot afford the expensive Perth Private Schools. The likes of Moora is essential and the BAHA is also.
Labor axed the School of the Air, but thankfully due to outcries it was reversed. It was a savage & thoughtless decision and reversing it doesn't excuse it. With Labor crowing it has the most regional MPs of any party you'd think they'd all know of that decision in advance. None did. Not one. And none of them wanted to comment on it. One slipped up and said he knew nothing of it until it's public announcement. Biggest regional education cut to the most remote students and not told nor consulted. Stark reminder that Labor's MPs in the bush are cardboard cutouts & do as they're told by their masters regardless of their electorate's needs.
South West Rescue Chopper was axed too, but reinstated after huge public outcry. Again the Regional Labor MPs like Peter Watson went into siege mode in the bunker. No comments made before during or after the backflip. It was a savage & thoughtless decision, proven so, yet no comment and silence was the stern reply.
Ag Schools are now targeted for a gouge of their working account.
School Camps are to be closed and sold to developers.
CRC's are to cop a 40% funding cut. There's 2 in Peter Watson's electorate, but he's laying low and trying to get photos taken of him at sporting matches as a distraction.
Now Labor is on the Live Export bandwagon, avoiding facts and going with feelings.
The 2400-2500 deaths was utterly repulsive and indefensible but thankfully its a statistical outlier NOT common practice. The death rate in transit rarely goes over 0.7%
The RSPCA kills 250,000 unwanted pets a year which equates to an estimate 2.6% of the Australian Pet Population. No deafening outrage on that worse statistic & no calls by Labor & Peter Watson to ban all pets & companion animals. Funny that.
If the Livex trade is banned that's 3 Million+ extra animals that will have to be processed in WA, many in the north where there is no processing facilities. WA Processors say they can take on all the livestock from the Live Trade, process it here and sell it.
Why is Peter Watson not asking "Why aren't you doing that now? If you can, just out compete the Livex trade in the market place, can't you do it now because if you can, why aren't you? Are you waiting for the livestock prices to fall to zero with a market ban first?"
Peter? Where are you? Take of you're silly cowboy or Santa hat and stump up some answers based on Facts not Feelings.
Banning the trade will cause an economic, ecological and animal welfare disaster beyond all known proportions. Rangelands and farmland relies on sheep & cattle industry to make lands viable and business profitable. Production of livestock for domestic markets or foreign chilled boxed relies on Livex to hold the farm gate prices up. The market needs the competition. Remove the biggest player the price plummets and we see a repeated disaster that the Gillard Ban caused that shut rural businesses down, bankrupted producers and led to many suicides.
Peter? Where are you?
He's gone full socialist cult with full socialist dogma at hand, behind the façade.
Anything that wins is fair, even if everything socialists touch is ruined.
The removal of the Livex will destroy the market price, the flow spending that has an economic multiplier of minimum 3 to 4.
The savage payback isn't restricted to agriculture, its pushed onto any non Labor, non Perth seat.
Education is being savaged and its ramping up.
Did you know that more money is going into Basketball in the Premier's electorate in just one year than will go into the Ice/Meth Rehab programme in Albany over 2 years? Fact.
Did you know that the Premier has visited Washington, London, Germany, China, Japan & Dubai in his first year but hasn't visited Moora to explain the College Closure? Can't even get the Education minister to go to Moora.
This is not a City vs Country Fight, this is a PerthLabor Party vs the Country fight. Most city people are unaware of the current unfair gouge fest by PerthLabor or the horrible affect its having on rural & regional people. To further explain it, if the PerthLabor Government loses all the seats they hold with a paltry 3% margin they'll lose 8 seats at the next elections. If they were to lose all seats with a 8% of less margin they'll lose 12 seats and also lose government. Its on a knife edge and they're trying every trick in the book to buy metro seats and like Federal Labor snatch up as many disgruntled Greens voters as possible.
So is all this swimming around in the gravy train whilst gouging the regions as political payback a real thing or is it just a political whinge...Have a look at the following & decide for yourself. Its pretty easy to see & understand.
This is the Labor Treasurer Ben Wyatt, from Hansard.

Again from Hansard, Labor MP Darren West admitting the gouging & paying for the costs of pork barrel sweetners popping up in metro Labor was not about budget repair
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