Monday 9 October 2023

Israel Under Attack & Declared At War

Shocking news of a very vile attack on Israel that not only includes blanket rocket attacks but also incudes kidnapping of women & children. If there aren't a countless number of crimes against humanity in the Hamas inclusions I'd be very surprised.

When drawing conclusions it pays to seperate the general public of "Palestine" and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) & the Hamas fighters that rule the area called Palestine. I pray from all involved, especially civilians on both sides and that the attackers withdraw & seek peace but it would seem unlikely. If you invade over 20km+ into another country, attack cities, take civilian hostages & target civilians then Israel has no alternative but to declare war.

If a foreign country did that to Australia, we'd rightly declare war also.

I see some parallels with the Yom Kippur War of 1973 often referred to as the Valley of Tears Battle.
Israel on on front was out numbered with tanks 5:1
The battle began during the beginning of a Holy Day, a holiday when many service men & women were home from service for the weekend.
Israel was caught off guard and sadly a long and very bloody battle followed that created needless loss of life on all sides. However Israel triumphed.

A friend pointed out a very interesting point about the closing days of Word War 2. Usually when a war between nations is coming to an end, the nation losing will retreat a large section of its fighting force closer to headquarters. People & resources are split between the front & protecting their leadership. It's just something that always happens & 1000s of years of military history shows that often the last front is closest to the headquarters of the losing side. However in WW2 things were a little different. You'd expect any Nazi military in the Jewish Death Camps would be pulled away to the front or near headquarters. You'd expect the camps to be abandoned when in fact most of them ramped the killing of innocent Jewish people who were no military threat at all. As my friend put it, it points to a very dark reason. 
Evil. Beyond a bent & sadistic ideology of hate, but something more like a driven satanic hate.

The current invasion of Israel has some very similar parallels. Would you think its normal to invade a country & kidnap civilians, women & children. Do you think it's acceptable military practice to spend decades sending in suicide bombers into civilian shops & cafes? The military force Hamas is very clear, their charter from 1988 makes no bones that their aim is the Destruction of Israel & many of its supporters support the hunting down & destruction of all Jewish people everywhere.

They want not just to destroy the state of Israel but to destroy all traces of Jewish people.
I think the leader of Palestine was democratically elected & somehow he's in his 15th or 16th(?) year of a 4 year term. Yes, elected then all elections were suspended ever since.

I cannot fathom how anyone can support an Anti Israel position given this few short facts.
I cannot fathom how the colours of Israel were to be projected onto the sails of the Sydney Opera House & a massive anti Israel rally immediately started & it got to the point where the NSW Police advised Jewish people to avoid the area for their own safety. In any other situation the approaching deminstrators would be allowed to march but there'd be a line in the sand drawn & their parade/march would not cross it to keep a sensible distance between 2 opposing sides. Seems this did not happen.

It really comes down to whether or not you think people of Israel, Jewish people, people of Jewish descent have the right to actually live or whether you think they should be all executed. It also comes down to whether or not you think the State of Israel has the right to exist or not.
For Hamas, those two points are not able to be seperated. They want the state & the entire race of people destroyed. The Jews have only have a history there as their nation, Jeruselum their capital going back 1000s of years only removed by the Ottoman Empire & returned in 1948.

Israel must be defended & allowed to progress however there's been many attempts, with the offer of land surrendered by Israel to allow talks to achieve the 2 State Solution. At least 5 times talks for the 2 State Solution have nearly gone ahead but always the "Palestinian" side has walked away, several times saying there can be no 2 seperate states.

Sorry, but if Israel goes after Hamas & is able to destroy Hamas, it's hardly unpredictable nor unreasonable. If Israel has the right to defend itself & its invaded, cities attacked & civilians are taken hostage...destroying Hamas is quite legitimate. 

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