Monday, 3 July 2023

Twitter - Vegan Ideology

Twitter is a funny medium. It can be a cess pool or it can be a great discussion platform.
Whether its great or cesspool-ish depends on who's saying what. Its just a reflection of life, of humans.
It's worse than real life because some people hide behind fake names. Some need to for good reason some for bad reasons. If its to allow you to project wrongful premises then that identity firewall is going to enbolden some people to go further than they would in real face to face life.
Vegans are neither ok or not ok with me. Its not a thing. What a person eats is their own business just as it matters not if you're a smoker/non smoker or a drinker/non drinker.
Eat what you want. 

If you want all others to do as you do, add a moral condemnation component to help hold up your failed end of the discussion there's a very real danger you might end up being a wilfully devout hypocrite with a logic implosion. 
If you use words like murder, genocide, rape, slavery in relation to consuming animal products you're stealing prescriptive terms from the Crimimal Code to use as failing moral guilt tools to bolster your idea of coercing & forcing others to comply. You may no longer be an everyday reasonable person who just happens to be on a vegan diet, its possible you're in a cult. The Veganazi Cult.

If you make a moral claim upon others or on animal products in general THAT is a moral judgement.
If you make a moral judgement YOU must set out which Moral Code YOU are using to make that moral claim & judgement. That is only reasonable & sensible. We had 2 people go to town & all I did was keep asking again & again 
What is the moral code you're using to make this moral claim, moral judgement?
How & why exactly does that moral code have the authority to be be binding upon all others?

We got close, one said he believed in evolution. It went bad, if evolution is your only worldview morals don't exist, they have no authority & cannot be imposed upon others, if they do it needs to be explained.
I was then met with the reply "OK troll" & blocked.

The other coward account slipped up also & said that morals were personal "like abortion etc"
What followed was deflections & dsitraction because thats moral relativism & if morals are relative then no one set of morals are great or lesser than others, its all up to the individual & none can be imposed upon others. The delivers to moral relativist with a serious intellectual dilemma.
They can't push their morals nor make a moral judgement upon others. That's why Moral Relativism is unversally panned, mocked & debunked...except by those who cling to it & avoid explain their logic.
So we kept trying to get a logical explanation but after 15+ attempts to get answers I pulled the pin.
The answers to what questions?

1) What moral code are you using to make a moral judgement upon others
2) What authority does that moral code have to become binding on all others

Makes sense if there's a moral claim & we have to accept it, we should be allowed to view the moral code & see if its flawed or not.
In the end, no progress so, best to declare it a cult out loud & people can make their own mind up...or not.
Don't be coerced or guilted into anything especially if they clearly don't understand & refuse to explain it...of clearly can't.

The long answer posted was...

You hate agriculture. YOU hate things you don't understand at all, YOU'VE an ideology YOU'RE passionately committed to but YOU don't, won't & can't explain it. YOU'RE clearly manifestly untrustworthy & YOUR ideology is Intellectually Bankrupt & wilfully so YOU may be YOUR own problem. Like Tash YOU are keen to impose YOUR will, YOUR lifestyle upon others anyway YOU can.

YOU make moral claims upon others & then when asked again & again what Moral Code YOU are using to make the moral judgement YOU don't want to be clear, concise, honest & open about it. Then if the arrogance hasn't gone full Everest in size already the Moral Code YOU want to keep hidden whilst YOU judge others with it...YOU cannot say why it should be binding upon all others as YOU want it to be & infer it must be. To avoid an immensely arrogant & monumentally embarassing logic implosion you shape shift & deflect. All YOU have to do is cite YOUR moral code which allows YOU to make the moral judgements YOU'VE made & explain why its binding upon all others, under what authority YOU haven't cos YOU CANNOT. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. We & YOU know The other chap did the exact same & I polite kept asking the key premise basis & eventually he called me names, called me a troll then blocked. To YOUR credit YOU went closer, YOU said morals were personal, like "abortion etc" If morals are personal then you're saying there is no moral authority in life, there is no moral code only personal preferences & whoever is the most shouty & coerces someone to one view is the go...ala thug think tactics of Tash & other Veganazis. If YOU are genuine about YOUR ideology, that morals are personal..THAT is called Moral Relativism. That YOUR truth is THE truth to YOU. Forcing it upon others is Post Modernist Cultural Marxism, keep yelling & screaming until they fold & comply. If morals are personal then anyone, by YOUR logic could eat an animal that is alive IF they think its ok whilst another can think all meat is evil & should be banned without either saying WHY & HOW its right or wrong. If a personal wants to go to a restaurant & eat a steak in peace & uninterupted they can & should...and yet we have crazed Veganazis intent on forcing their ideology they cannot explain upon others. Remember I made no Moral Claim that meat for food was evil, murder yada yada. YOU DID. YOU made the moral claim & cannot produce the moral code that allowed YOU to make the Moral Judgement. YOU said morals were personal. So those eating are exercising their free will, totally legally & without forcing a view or worldview upon anyone else. What YOU are doing is akin to people picketing a vegan restaurant & screaming at patrons & saying they should & must eat meat, that only vegan is immoral. If that ever happened I'd call that out as being equally Intellectually Bankrupt & childishly moronic as your Veganazi Ideology is. Now underline this, eat & don't eat whatever you want, I don't care. Its YOUR choice. No one should tell you what you can & can't eat, should or shouldn't eat nor make a manifestly foul & illogical moral judgement upon another due to their diet. I have no problem at all with vegans, each to their own. I am very happy to defend their right to choose whatever diet they want although it shouldn't be a point of moral attack or defence. Vegans are all humans, us. The people that go off the rails are the ones termed Veganazis who make damning (in their minds) moral condemnation on others for eating animals & yet cannot, will not cite the moral THEY use to make the moral judgements THEY use to condemn & try to force others to comply with. This is the very ugly nature of the veyr vile cultural Marxism. Perfomance art with fake blood & childish picket lines will not replace the need for a proper explanation of the moral vaccum YOU are operating in & hope to force YOUR way thru & get everyone to fall behind you. YOU are in a CULT. If morals are personal as you say YOU would be consistent & logical & let others eat what they want. YOU are in a cult. You have demonstrated keenly & very accurately YOU are a cult member. Many good people who are vegans are not in a cult. Some go back to animal products get referred to as "lapsed" and if they do not return can get abuse. CULT tactics. Morals are long as they are exactly same as yours & everyone complies with YOUR lack of reason & intellectual foundation. What you say no longer matters

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