Tuesday, 13 June 2023

 Here's how good (not good) the local MP for Albany is. Good with the spin & the pamphlets but it's devilish dire when you look at the devil in the lack of her detail. I don't blame her personally, she's a socialist in the WA Labor Party. She cannot & will not cross the floor on a vote in the best interests of the electorate because she'd be in th eouter within the Party. That would mean she'd also lose her Deputy Speaker role which adds to the salary & at the next election she'd be targetted. Its not just a matter of her risking her pre-selection at the next election, if she crosses the floor or exhibits independent thinking out loud she would be automatically expelled from the party. 

This flyer she's sent out, well I'd be very surprised if she was across much of the detail.

The Premier was clear (before jumping ship) that coal would be needed until 2030. Sadly though the Premier had to import coal from NSW for the Collie Coal Fired Power Station...despite the coal mine next door getting a huge taxpayer cash injection.

How much? We still don't know but Griffin Coal had debts around $1.4 Billion to investors, the undisclosed cash injection still stands out as completely bizarre
From the ABC report...

The cash — which would effectively act as a loan — would "stabilise its Collie operations and provide certainty for the workforce and community," the government said in a statement. 

Rebecca would probably prefer you to focus on Labor giving households $400 & that the power bill assistence now totals $1400 over 3 years. It was not gift. Its our money. The money paid to Griffin Coal, also our money. Proper management might have prevented the need for the importing coal. Proper consideration about how much a shortfall renewables deliver might have seen us spend money on fixing & upgrading the power station or building a nuclear.

The idea they stopped privatising energy assets, which, where, when?
Sure not managed well by the Labor Government.

Regional Air Cap...good luck getting that because you have to pre book 30 days in advance. 2 recent emeergency trips to Perth, out of luck. I await Rebecca explaining how many seats total are on those flights since its introduction & show exactly how many capped seats were on offer, how many were taken up & how many vacant seats were on each flight. That means proper data to show the real truth...so no chance

The training one was intriguing. All sounds great. Employment Rate is intriuging with as little as 2 hours a week work is classed as "employed" whilst in Albany the TAFE Training Course for nursing was cancelled.

The big numbers to help EDs & reduce ramping...no actual definitive number on what is going into Albany.

4000 houses promised & 1200 delivered...where???
There are more empty houses through lack of maintanece then the number of new ones being brought online. She's done, or rather the governments done a shifty. We're worse off & we're told to be happy & encouraged. Housing minister is a total failure.

Royalty for Regions spending...there's no indication what, where & how much after a continued run of R4R paying for normal items in ministries, general expenditure to cost shift the funds to other projects elsewhere. This is smoke & mirrors.

"Whether its funding for cost of living relief, health, houding or specific initiatives like agriculture and national parks - we're supporting regional WA."

That claim is patently false. Its also the only reference to Agriculture. Labor said it supported Live Export & yet transitioning away from it still remains in the Party's platform & no Labor MP has pushed for it to be removed. No Labor MP attended ANY of the Live Export Transition Meetings...none. Even when one meeting was less that 400 metres from Rebecca's office. The Ag Minister Jackie Jarvis said she didn't attend because she wasn't made aware of the meetings...only latter to say she didn't attend because she didn't want it to be all about her. How does that work, what's "about her" mean? Does she mean she'd actually have to be very clear & very public about what she's doing or where she stands? Also not present was Jane Kelsbie, Sally Talbot all from this region.

Then there was rthe Foot & Mouth Disease emergency public meetings. No Labor MPs. NeitherRebecca Stephens nor then Ag Minister Alannah McTiernan, nor then upcoming Ag Minsiter Jackie Jarvis, Sally Talbot or Jane Kelsbie...the meeting was in Mt Barker which is Jane Kelsbie's electorate.

And of course there's the other big one...

Alannah McTiernan revealed she made a deal with then Premier Mark McGowan that being she gave in and said she would run in the last election but only serve 2 years of her 4 year term. Something she never told ANY electors during her campaign. Her replacement, another quality Labor Pre-selection pick ended up with the seat but was expelled after months of indecison over who would step up. The person did & then was in court with many charges of breaching restrainign orders. Labor expelled him & if we had any possible representation in the Labor Party we now have less. In fact as Alannah was a minister we in theory had representation in cabinet. As it turns out it won't make any difference as McTiernan was not representing the electors.

Like all Labor MPs including Rebecca Stephens they do not represent the electorate in parliament, they only represent their Socialist party in the electorate. 
But good luck getting them to a public meeting.
They do not go.

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