Shocked? Yes.
Suprised? No. In fact last year I said many things & changed my mind now & then but one thing I did say out loud was as a result of discussion with other conservatives & non conservatives re Mr McGowan. I thought last year that he'd leave politics completely sometime between March & June of 2023.
I thought i had good reasons thinking that but some of the things I thought (and didn't think/know of) were probably bigger in size, weight & number than I thought. Time will tell.
I figured we were on the cusp of a recession 18 months ago. I went by the Economic Clock & the dire state of the US Economy & knew interest rates were going to rise, money would begin to lose value (inflation), people would be under greater pressure from mortgage stress, energy costs would rise fast as we pushed away from fossil fuel generated electricity & went into renewables that weren't quite a reliable and or cheaper/parity cost replacement.
If ever there was a time for steady economic pause, wise reeling in of some types of spending & paying down debt it was then. It wasn't to be & we soon got federal Labor & Labor state governments everywhere excpet Tasmania.
With the economic storm clouds gathering & possible the worst we've seen since the Keating Recession era it was clear that, as they say in the classics (not the Shakespeare, Chekov or Tennesee Williams, more like the classic formula action movies)... "Shits about to get real"
McGowan also made all sorts of deals with all sorts of people all along his rise & rise but made some very powerful enemies within his own party which was on full display when a large contigent of Labor Party delegates at the 2019 Labor State Conference walked out on McGowan's speech with yells of "Shame" and "Bullshit"
McGowan had a target painted on his back but his saving grace was his ability both in the Parliament on his feet & outside with his strategic helicopter view that out witted both his political opponents & his opponents within the Labor Party. He won the 2021 State Election in such a compelling & crushing manner that compelling & crushing are words that fall short. He won his own seat WITHOUT preferences by nearly 83% & the closest contender collected less than 13% WITH preferences. Landslide doesn't describe it. He was still a dead man walking from with his own party but he was pretty much untouchable.
It was clear though, he needed to leave politics on his own terms & certainly jump before he heard the bus start because there were many in his party & in his party room that would be some of the hands pushing him.
He's been touting surpluses for ages & the recent budget predicts a $3.3 Billion surplus for 2023/24 but that's a forecasr & it won't have been the only one & its not like a sitting government to use a more favourable forecast amongst the many from Treasury to beef up the media optic.
The Economic Clock has us on the downward lunge & like that for sometime. Remember much of the surplus we have is not prudent economic management of MetroNet would not be MetroDebt, balloning with out of control budget largesse. It may yet turn out to be the biggest infrastructure cost blow out in WA History.
The surplus also is a result of favourable exchange rates, increases fees & charges, a previously record high Iron Ore price (and therefore high royalties) and the very favourable GST deal.
Whilst Iron Ore is currently sitting on $102 today, its long term average price is $60/tonne. It's fallen $30 a tonne since March. Its highest point in the last 12 months was $146/tonne.
For comparison, the last years of the previous Lib/Nat Government...
2015 - 2017 its was always between $73 and $83 with the lowest point diving to $52
Yes neither Labor nor Liberal would have done a credible job.
2019 onwards its always been above $80, most of it over $105 and it peaked at $220.
Yes both Labor & Liberal would have done a credible economic job.
But China's construction era is over. Iron Ore has been falling off since the paek in July 2021, in fact its halved. Plus interest rates are still rising, inflation is still a huge factor, theres huge cost of living pressures, mortgage stress & we could be on the cusp of a world wide recession if not certianly one for Australia.
If ever the Premier was going to jump ship before his Labor party enemies its about now.
How could anyone have access to economic'd have to be, well I dunno a State Treasurer.
Not sure why he's retiring right now. Exhausted? Possibly. However, why would you not take 3 weeks leave, hand treasurer portfolio over to someone else, coast to the next election & become the longest serving Premier in WA's history? More likely as the economy worsens his prospects worsen.
Add in as I type its Tuesday May 30th, the day after his announcement. Friday is his very last day at work, then he's gone from the Premier's office, gone from Parliament altogether. Next sitting of Parliament is June 13th. He's not casting off duties to others & hanging around for that one week of Parliament to give a farewell speech as is customary & get all the glowing & gushing best wishes speeches as is customary.
He's not not just getting out of the sallon, he's getting out of Dodge & the wild territory as fast as he can.
Yes there's a lot of unseen stuff to unpack & we may not see it ever...but it doesn't add up & the state's economic future as one that is soaring doesn't add up nor stack up.
Then comes the By-election.
Vince Catania won his seat by the smallest margin, Labor nearly won. He resigned & a by-election came but Labor did not run a candidate. When asked the Premier said its not unusual, it happens from time to time. All he did was explain the frequency of that happening, not why it did. For some reason WA Labor decided not to try & have one of the MPs representing that electorate in Cabinet & the Parliament. Leave it to the Libs & the Nats to fight it out and the electors have no (in theory) input directly to the government.
Mr McGowan won his seat by a gigantuan landslide. Thats the only difference. You can bet they'll run a candidate but the logic comparison between Rockingham & North West Central will require an explantion of epic level mental gymnastics
McGowan was unaligned, the left will want to win it. The Left was not interested in North West Central, not interested in regional WA.
Odds are 100 will win you 101 that Labor will stand out as hypocrites & run a candidate in the Rockingham by-election and have immense difficulty explaining the weird juxaposition.
Kinda seems clear.