Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Wrong Decisions By Australian Political Parties & Their Inability To Change

Lets glance at two big issues are glaring examples of Australian MPs & Australian Political Parties failing. And by failing we mean embarassing themselves & falling short VERY BADLY. Just 2 for now although this might turn into a long running thing.
Row vs Wade and the current "Indigenous Voice to Parliament".

I'd expect some of the harder left amongst the left parties & the Greens to get these badly wrong but to see some supposedly Conservative MPs get these woefully wrong was shocking & disappointing. Not at all inspiring in the general, genuine hope of a return to WISE Progressives vs REAL Conservatives in all our Australian legislatures.

If you're supporting a party that made supportive claims about with or these 2 issues, by all means take them to task & ask them to explain "their why". I suspect you're going to get more points that miss the mark, you are not going to get someone seeing the penny drop nor change their stance. Actually I'd expect you're going to be facing a virtue laden theatre prop giving you profoundly vague motherhood statements drenched in emotional generalities & completely void of fact, data or fit for purpose relevence. Because that is them to a tee.

Roe vs Wade.
This was a stunning failure by some MPs both State & Federal in Australia. The fact they commented on a foreign country's domestic matter is one thing, the fact they commented on the over turning of a court ruling in a foreign country is another. Yes the Australian media did but I have no problem with them reporting the news (albeit it generally reported badly by the more commentator types. It's here where the politicians should have takent he chance to shine AND GOT IT RIGHT. They did not.
They should have silently parked their virtue signalling and avoided looking like complete idiots. Some couldn't help it because they are complete idiots & virtue signallers,
Here's why there's even more reason to shake your head at their absurd comments and stances. Here's why we need to be very concerned they're really not fit for purpose in any Parliament at all.
Now remember this highly paid individuals are our LAW MAKERS. You should be very worried, very concerned on these 2 examples alone.

In a legal sense & every other, the original case was not actually about abortion. Read the original court readings & the review/legal reasoning that actually caused it to be over turned recently. Yes...the actual facts not whipped up feelings.

Their federal government can only rule on matters of a federal nature. Matters set out in the constitution. It cannot commit over reach and veto state law. The judges comments were clear, it was time to heed their own constitution properly, to read the constitution & follow it & where it is wrong or failing amend the constitution not avoid or side step it. The legal grounding was very clear, the original Roe vs Wade was Constitutionally flawed & the over turning now hands back State Laws to the States. Abortion was not banned at all. That is a media & social media lie. Abortion is now controlled by the states & the states are controlled by members of state legislature who are elected by the people. If significant people in a state want or don't want abortion the elected legislature makes laws to reflect the people of their state.
Under federal governance, laws can be passed that some states (by some majority) might agree with & others (by some majority) do not agree with. You have the Federal Government Over Reach that their Constitution clearly sets out to prevent.
The effect of Roe vs Wade being passed in 1973 meant for nearly 50 years the Federal Government was over ruling the will of electors in many states. That was over reach of State Sovreignty.

To put it in Australian political speak...thanks to our federation we have some matters managed by the federal government & other matters managed by each state government. There are matters that no state or the federal government on the other. A state government doesn't oevr rule National Defence or International Diplomacy. We might have state based trade offices, but WA does not have its own foreign diplomats etc.

Those political parties & MPs in Australia that cried out about Roe Vs Wade were deeply embarassing in their senseless mistake. It was not about abortion or the rights to have one nor ability to outlaw abortion. It was returning a matter to state legislatures where the people can alter the law...NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

If a US state wants to allow/ban abortion, it can. Just has to be passed in that state. Make it enough of an issue in whichever state, laws to allow/ban it can now happen. 

Why did some Australian political parties & MPs crank up about it?
a) they're idiots and didn't think
b) they approve of a federal government wrongly over ruling state law which undemocratic, politically foul.
c) they just went with what was "feel good" and appealing to people they hope are soft in the head & not interested in actual facts
d) they're all of the above.

Apart from the legal reasons on US Constitutional grounds, it was in the US. Its not Australian, its not a matter for the Australian Federal Parliament nor any Australian State Parliament. They should have stayed in the lane. I think they went for the soft headed, dim grab for support via daft virtue signalling.
Just plain grotesquely political wind sniffing.

The Indigenous Voice to Parliament

1) Its a Voice to Parliament AND Government. Meaning it's potentially having say & influence over Bills that are being presented to Parliament AND also having a say & influence with Bureaucrats over Acts that are already in place & how they are to be enacted & palyed out in the community. So that's 2 Voices which are really TWO SEPERATE LOBBY GROUPS who's membership is restricted solely to "Indigenous Identity" that is by virtue of a person's race.
It's TWO SEPERATE LOBBY GROUPS that are fully funded by the Australian Taxpayer to influence the Parliament & the Government departments.
There's enough there to oppose it on the "by virtue of race" and the taxpayer funded lobby group.

2) Those Political Parties who are supporting it have done so without any FINAL MODEL. Today it's December 15th. There is still no model at all but there are plenty of suggestions in the 272 page "expert report" (Link Below)

This is something to consider & not forget. Emboldened text for extra emphasis...

Some MPs & some political parties decided to support this when it was first raised, some later in 2018, some in 2019 and yet that report wasn't finished until JULY 2021. 

Yes that's right, no final report with options until July 2021, its now December 2022 and there's still NO FINALISED MODEL.
And yet some political parties, some MPs have chosen to support a constitutional change they cannot define. Who even does this???

3) Some of the porponents have varying ideas of what will happen. This graphic was on the Uluru Statement website but since removed. It may be because the website has been totally revamped & its yet to be re-posted but it was on the previous website.

Two sovereign nations...based on race. The report mentions the 2 delegates per state will need to meet certain criteria, including "indigenous identity" which whilst that is mentioned it's not defined at all.
And to think some political parties & some MPs decided to support this anyway. Not their fault is it? They decided without any facts or reports...just went with their gut feeling instead of waiting for facts. Well its facts now & take close note of who amongst them has not changed their view to an even fair middle ground of "Look there's much confusion and we as a party will be revisiting it in its entirity to get a better understanding to make a better informed decision."
I think some will stupidly dig in & hold fast to their intellectually bankrupt decision that was made without any detail nor understanding because they might be seen as fools. Well so be it to their political demise

4) The Big One - Labor MPs have already said there will be no detail until after the referrendum is passed. One MP famously said they didn't want it getting bogged down in detail, that it needed to be passed & the government can sort the final model & make up afterwards.


What the federal Labor Government is doing & what other MPs from Labor & other parties are doing is approving the wrongful alteration of the Australian Constitution which the Legal Framework is specifically designed to prevent. You cannot sign a document and sign away the rights of protection of a child...rightly so. And you cannot possibly allow a political party to have permission to change the constitution instead of the people.

I cannot understand how some from a supposedly Conservative Party or those with a Law Degree in the Labor Party are happy to allow this to happen.

5) I can come up with quite a number of equally concerning issues this "Voice" will or might cause. This is probably enough, should have been enough to call for a finalised model up front.
Silence though.
Even those in favour of whatever they think the Voice is should be voting no until there is a fully finalalised model BEFORE the referendum.

We're in troubling times & very much seems like the people we really need in parliament aren't and have no desire to go anywhere near it ever. A very well known, very well connected senior jouranlist told me a view which is probably based on far more knowledge than me.

I said I thought around 10% of every party were good, honest, well meaning MPs...that the others were people of previously floundering or stagnating careers or went into parliament as a means to be restructuring their significant personal debt. Or for the attention and hopefully best corporate box seats at the AFL/Cricket/Tennis or lots of free stuff & get credit for grants they didn't (hopefully) decide on.

He said my calculations more likely suggested I'm far too kind, that the percentage was much lower and "that parliament was a humidicrib for mediocity"

Pin them down on these matters & you will get profoundly vague motherhood statements...deflections, not concessions, no changes of heart or mind.

This is the mess we will contend with.
There is much more BAD legislation on the way

Here, click the link & read the 272 page report that didn't even exist when some MPs & some Political Parties made their decision on the Voice to Parliament. Not much point having a Race Based Tax Payer Funded Lobby Group to Parliament & Government when many of the MPs are not fit for purpose as law makers & cannot even attain embarassing mediocrity.

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