Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Trump - Where I'm Actually At On That

If you're a Consevative there's a good chance if you've strongly expressed a view you may have & found the debate spiralled downward to a point where the name calling began. Maybe not swear word but where a description was applied as a dismissive shut down technique. We've probably all seen it if we haven't copped it or done it to others.

I have called people Marxists & a few times unfairly called some followers of the Kremlin or North Korea. I've seen others being called fascists, Nazis, far right when they clearly are not. I've seen ANTIFA followers look very much like very pro Communists & some of them even had a real mix of Marxist & Fascist views. 

I'm not a fan of Van Badham to be honest but I have to give her real credit for being honest a while back when she bluntly said she was a Marxist. I would wish she'd put out what her values were, what she was prepared to live by & what she was prepared to fight for. I say that because some are very much keen to fight for a principle than actually live by it. There is much to be gained by being part of a fight...more so than the victory. 

Thing is, if you're a financial member of a Political Party in Australia, does it make you a Socialist, a Marxist, a Communist, a Consevative or?

Are you of the left or the right?
Do you know the actual values of the party & do they alighn with your values? 
You will not get a perfect fit with any party, there will be concessions because no party will have 100% agreeance with any of us. But you should be able to get very clear values set out. THAT stuff is the stuff that underpins what your policy makers construct, what your MPs lean to, what you members broadly embrace. 

There was the old line that the Liberal Party was a broad church & have heard Labor people use the same line. Fine, no party is 100% set with no exceptions...but there's got to be some limits. What are they?
We've seen plenty of periods in Australian politics when it was almost like motor vehicles, Falcon/Commodore look the same, the Labor & Liberals aren't all that different at times.

As a result stunts & holding up props in Parliament has risen.

I still hear people rant but what are their actual values. If the political values of a party are profoundly vague & deliberately inprecise and a dangerous point of constant problems for the party, whichever party, and therefore a problem to society.

We need clear concise politcal values. Yes, there is flexibility but if there's beige everywhere its of no help to everyone.

Which gets to Trump. Some think because I'm a conservative I'm pro Trump. Its used as a discourse shut down slur to avoid a rational debate. Trump did many good things in office. No wars launched, they ended up with a stronger border, the highest full employment levels of black Americans in decades, lower inflation and actual growth in their forever troubled economy. He made Jeruselum the home of the US Embassy, recognised it as Israel's capital, met with the leader of South Korea and simmered things down. Yes he was not a good human being but he did good things. He was also the Great Disruptor the US needed. He did well because he wasn't a politician. He saw the system was a swamp and it has been growing and causing decline for decades. The standard of elected representative is poor & still falling with many voting on legislation they haven't even looked at, haven't even read. Get your head around that. Male or female they are akin to elected celebrities, leading men, starlets...all facades who master the optic & then once elected stay active. Active but not at all concerned with outcomes or helping society.

Trump had his dash, Biden is in and he's well short of what a President or even a lower legislator should be. Kamala Harris is also a bad choice and falls very short. I hope neither of them run in the next Presidential race. And I thought the same a week after Biden was elected, Trump's day was done. I thought that well before the Storming of the Capital building. Trump kicked the door open, Biden failed to fix things but the door is still open. They'll need a new master of the overdue USA reformation to step in. That's not Trump, Biden, Harris...

"Ahh you're just a Trumper..."

Yup I'll get it again from people who won't set out their spot on the political spectrum or what their political values clearly are. Defeating the other seems the priority, positive outcomes a pesky distraction. 

So strangely whilst I oppose & denouince Antifa, Marxism/Socialism, Qnon, Pride Boys, BLM, ISIS, Nazis, Fascism, Alt-Right, Far Left, Far Right...somehow I'm a right wing extremist or RWNJ.

If you call someone a RWNJ you should set out the politcal values you think a RWNJ has, why I am one & what you yourself might be & you your descriptor term with values.

Its a bit like saying eating meat is immoral but not saying which Moral Code you're using to make the moral judgement and not knowing what Moral Code I might live by. Easier to yell murder, slavery and use shock props to disturb or interfere with people going about their lwaful everyday lives.

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