Thursday, 14 July 2022

What Do You Have In WA? Politicians or Legislators? WAKE THE HELL UP.

Just over 2 weeks since the Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) Roe V Wade hit the news.
Some hapless WA Politicians on both sides showed their extreme left convictions by going to town on the decision. As said in a previous blog post over 2 weeks ago, there clearly are idiots in Parliament.
As said before, these are some of the issues these hopeless Theatre Props show up with & display their committment to virtue signal whilst avoiding facts or show they don't understand understand/support facts.

Empty Virtue Signalling All The Way.
They clearly showed themselves to be either complete idiots or wilfully chose to mislead Western Australian electors hoping they all are. The Interllectual Bankruptcy on Roe V Wade included but not restricted to...

  1. It has nothing to do with WA or Australia. It is a Foreign Sovereign Nation's Domestic Legal Matter. (Thats enough for a half smart Australian elected representative to not focus on it)

  2. Legally it has nothing to do with Abortion. The SCOTUS ruling was neither pro nor anti Abortion.

  3. It was entirely based on whether it was Legally Constitution & one merely has to not be sloppy & lazy and read & understand the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. IT WAS CLEARLY A STATE MATTER NOT CONSTITUTIONAL. Note how many of the Chardonnay Socialist Virtue Signallers failed to mention the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution.

  4. Politicians on both sides were sadly seen as politicians and not responsible legislators. They read the wind, followed some small part of what they thought was trending and showed they knew nothing about which they were waving false virtue on. Be scared, these are your law makers.

  5. The false argument on the grounds of Abortion (ignoring the Consititutional Ruling) was also flawed & when asked when does life begin, no politician fact several of them locked the thread so no one could reply. 
    Those that members of the public who ran to the sad MPs defence answered for the MPs with versions of "life begins when the woman decides" without saying where that God level decree began, who delivered it to the human race & who made it a human right that is binding upon all & exceeds all laws of the land. No wonder the MPs locked the comments...they did not want to answer any of long list of intellectual, ethical, moral & philospical dilemmas they have left unanswered.

  6. Effectively its a seriously dangerous position & could mean a woman could go full term, gets her contractions & decides for whatever reason...abort it now. US states are setting their own rules & to date none ban abortion completely, some just have greater restrictions & criteria than others.

  7. Some politicians conflated it further to WA saying we need WA laws on abortion to be widely reformed. All politicians who've said this have been long time members of parliament, none have put forward a private members bill let alone pushed for a Parliamentary Review of the laws nor even spoken of it since joining parliament. Now, suddenly they do. They may well be 100% correct, its hard to say as none have pointed out what was lacking, wrong or in need to amendment to WA laws. We just got an unspecified sentiment. Just "the vibe" which coincidently came after one of the biggest news blasting matters in recent US history. Just as the WA Premier/Treasurer and other WALabor Ministers flew off to travel around the European Summer with some major political problems unfolding. Forgive me for being cynical, it just seemed like a huge opportunity to lodge a massive distraction in the WA News Cycle & some very silly MPs from the opposition fell for it & indeed helped steer the agenda away from WA's problems & the WA Labor Governments woes. 

So yes we have wind sniffing politicians keen to follow all that is trending & sadly very sloppy & lazy in their thinking, perhaps thinking their clever in their manipulation & just thinking its the WA Public are as sloppy & lazy simpletons.

Sadly they are not proper Legislators with a deep keeness to find the fullest story to get the fuller facts & get the best outcome for WA Society. Some appear almost adverse & allegic to being extremely process & protocol oreinted. Not even WA oriented.
These people are not wise legislators, they're crafty political animals aka politicians. They are not at all helpful for WA or our collective future. Their only real contribution will be to retire from law making ASAP & forever more remain a cautionary tale to others considering time in the Legislature. They follow what is trending and sadly many that cause the trends are not the majority. Therein is the double flaw & the high danger to all in society.

Those politicians still have their Roe v Wade social media posts up, most with comments locked. Still complete with all the intellectual corruption. They're falling away on their feeds and will soon be buried. But they all have still haven't corrected their seriously absurd mispresentation of the matter. They still haven't a full explanation of what they support, why they support & what values they hold and used to get to where they are. 
More importantly they have not said whether they oppose or support federalism here or the USA when their comments clearly appear to support the idea of a Federal Government being able to breach State Sovereignty & over rule any state laws. That alone causes the most serious concerns about their ability to be a legislator in WA.

Think they need to leave politics. They're dangerous politicians not forensically thorough legislators. 

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