Saturday, 19 March 2022

Theory in progress -> Global Threat Post Greta Thunberg - No Actual Real Threats...

This won't trigger anyone because because the likely-to-be-triggered mob won't read this anyway & either way, doesn't matter. Know some folk that are so pro Greta Thunberg whilst I'm considered a bit difficult for having the view "Yeah but she was just a child, now she's an adult & she gets the microphone because of some weird celebrity ranking she earned for being an awkward but passionate activist in things she didn't really seem to understand & certainly wasn't trained in. She's really a child actor & activist"

Honestly, its time to ignore her for a bit whilst hopefully she either spends much of her time picking up rubbish, running or working in a small business or goes possibly gets trained properly in a field and adds something to society of tangible benefit beyond being a rousing indignant of the woke talk circuit. I think think she's filled & completed that purpose.

OK lessening polution is a big thing & we should all do it but we should be banning certain types of plastics & returning to textiles and products made from wool, cotton, hemp, wood, bamboo & use more cardboard & paper. When thrown out, they degrade. Completely. Unlike plastics that often turn into micro plastics and will be a huge problem.

People should be dumping all clothes made of man made materials & head back to wool, hemp, cotton, leather etc.

They should also make using wood a big priority. Trees do lock up carbon, but it's in the first 2/3rds of the life of most tree species where carbon is sequestered. Making furniture from trees is using carbon & storing it. Burning fossil fuels to process chemical plastics that cause problems or that have specifically engineered life that they're replaced by replacement products is crazy compared to having tables & chairs made of wood and lasting life times.
We should return to a vital & sustainable forestry industry. 
We keep being told we shouldn't chop down trees...well the people who are pushing that are also the people who will be responsible for pushing more products replaced with plastics. As bad as that is, it forgets the by product waste.

But even beyond that & the odd anti fossil fuel debate there's other oddities. Those that loudly want us to stop, what are they doing & why don't they do more, now...and lead the way.
Don't use hair dryers, air conditioners, grow their own food, reuse everything, don't use public or private transport...

But even bigger than that...population. BUT UP FRONT - never ever judge anyone who is without kids or a partner. It maybe their choice, it maybe their lot in life. Some have already chosen it to further a career, put family on hold or just for their own reasons not actually want kids. I don't care whether someone has kids or not...I care they have their choice & its works for them and that they don't have to explain it to anyone...just as the family with 12 kids should never have to explain it. TO ANYONE.

The biggest thing our politicians are not planning for is population decline. 
We're seeing it now, jobs are needing to be filled & over seas workers, 457 visa holders, back packers...they're vital to our economy.
Central Afican countries quite the opposite. Many of those countries have around 8 children per family.
We on the other hand are in decline. You need, as the averaging stat says "2.5 children per couple to replace the parents in a population" 
No you cannot make a "0.5", its the stat number that factors in inability to have kids or just doesn't have kids for whatever reason.

At present 3-4 kids is a big family in Australia and many of us are amazed at families that have 6 or more. Many have 2 or less.
So all people get old, even the ones bor this week. They will be in the old generation relying on the young generation to put the shoulder to the wheel, carry the load, do the heavy lifting or whatever metaphor 'floats your boat'

But as the young generation lessens in numbers, we're at risk. Not just militarily or whatever bigger scarier reason, but food security, product development, working, business owners...the lot.

China's military aged males are lessening in number. Many western nations are not increasing their population much once you remove immigration & dual citizens.

Some radical fruit cakes, and I'm using that term very lightly because they're probably a lot worse than garden variety fruit cakes, want the world's population reduced. Good luck with getting a valid moral reason to support that preposterous and grotesque idea because some of them lean towards forced sterilisation & might have genocide lurkign just below their vile surface.

Its happening already & the much feared Peak Population might have been reached or at least isn't far away. When the number descend, they will descend rather quickly & if you think about it, recovery will takes years.

If the population falls drastically, it will be harder to produce food, transport food, staff hospitals & all the essential services many not only rely on, they cannot survive well without. 
There are some tough times ahead.

Politicians are more interested in correct pronouns for now or winning a point on the four & a bit day news cycle. We have a political class dominated by theatre props & vaccuous shape shifting changlings who sniff which way the wind is blowing & have very questionable life standards outside work. Not all, certainly not all, but many are not pro family or pro individual rights in fact they live to build new innovative forms of over reach and clever ways to not explain what they do.

Peak Population is not a huge thing we need to fear, that it somehow heralds the population won't fall but will stay as some constant unsustainable groaning weight that will kill the planet.
The planet will be fine. It was here before we got here & whilst there's plenty of unnecessary mess being made, it will outlive all of us.

In the meantime, not fearing what will happen when Population Decline starts to kick in means no one is going to plan until its a bit too late.

Imagine if those in food production, food transport and all the industries that supply fuel, new equipment, spare parts, processing had their number decreased by 30%
Imagine the same happens to the construction industry, health sector, education, labourers, roadbuilders, pilots, feight networks all suffered a staff reduction of 10-30%...permanently & gradually there are less people to replace them.

Its a big issue & the simple answer is, encourage people to have kids. At least 3 & hopefully more.

The dystophia coming isn't a horrid zombie wasteland full of murderous bandits.
It will be one where electricity will be extremely expensive no matter what produces it, freight will be exceedingly high and you will have to go without an awful lot if staff are involved in making it, distributing it, maintaining it. Some countries will try to ramp up their immigration and some other  countries may support immigration to their country but ban anyone emigrating to another.

And the politcal class is more concerned with what ever is today's urgent message that might change the wind direction. When some of them wake up, it will be too late & they might sadly think their only hope is very agressive authoratarian rule. Like we saw from early China & the USSR...perhaps even worse.
Planning should begin before you get to the cross roads.


Late Edit. - I finished this, hit publish then googled "Peak Population"
Some are among those who think population will rise forever until we run out of resources & either die off and/or starting killing each other. A depressing set of notions

Then there's others...
Peak Population - The Decline is Near


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