Monday, 10 January 2022

Does a Member of the WA Cabinet, a Minister have to be a MP...

...or can they be an experienced member of the ministry's sector?

Can this be true, is this the case?

A person who is not a Member of the WA Parliament can be appointed a Minister of a WA Portfolio?

It does happen in other jurisdictions and it's not a problem, in fact seems to work really well. Now there's suggestion it can legally be down, 100% allowable now in WA.

It raise the question - - Why not have highly experienced people from the respective sector/industry instead of factional hacks who get a spot, a post & just put up a theatrical front?
Why are we not having the best of the best, the most experienced people of the field at the helm? Minister for Agriculture wants to close Live Export that clearly underpins & holds up the entire red meat industry in Western Australia. Without it, the sector would collapse, grain growing would be flooded & there is no way the domestic processing industry is big enough to handle just the domestic market now, let alone trying to supply an overseas market that doesn't want packaged chilled meat. Then she wanted more native species planted so there'd be more insects to eat the weeds & less herbicide would be needed. She has never run a farm, never grown a broadacre crop or run sheep & cattle. Minister for Small Business has had a non "solely Union working life". He was a social worker & then 3rd tier CEO of of Development Commission. He's a kinda, nearly, almost but nope not there to level WA needs. Minister for Education who tried to shut School of the Air without any stakeholder consultation, shut School Camps, skim money out of Ag College accounts, tried to shut the Moora Residential College until the Federal Government funded it's rebuild and its now fully booked. Her planned would have pushed regional students even further away from their parents. She's an ex Hospitality Union worker. Minister for the collapsed Health Ministry...well we have a another ex "Trade Unionist". She's 45 & she's only been back in Australia as a resident since 2001 & in that time she worked for a trade union and the in office of then MP Carmen Lawrence. She is a career political actor, not a health asset. The Minister for Water, Forestry & Innovation... Dave Kelly, worked for a trade union for 20 years which included 10 years as State Secretary. He has been described as a Left Faction Powerbroker & a "Factional Boss". He was award the very safe Labor seat of Bassendean & within ONE MONTH OF BEING ELECTED WAS ELECTED TO THE CABINET. He's made a mess of Fisheries, trying to Socialise the Rock Lobster Industry, supported the WA Timber Industry fully then effectively closed the majority of it. Then there's the Minsiter for Women's Interests. Prior to entering Parliament she worked for, you guessed it, a union..."UnionsWA", served as an official of the Aust Manufacturing Workers Union & United Voice. Worked as a producer on the ABC. She's quite some champion for women's interests whilst saying that a woman is a woman & "anyone living as a woman" Effectively women are only a lifestyle choice, not gender/sex based, because we assume gender/sex no longer exists. So we can expect a Minister for Stamp Collecting and Furniture Restoration Hobbyists soon. This list is going to get longer and longer. The party hacks & pecking order of people with merit in the bin or at least restricted to being the ability to comply with whatever the party says (meaning the small group that control it) If you voted Labor, you're either a blind cult member or you've been ripped off and sold a dead cat as a thoroughbred.

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