Tuesday, 9 November 2021

How Does Mandatory Vaccinations Really Work?

 No, not at all interested if COVID came from a bat or a lab or if the vaccines work or not...No

Its the Mandatory side of things, the whole "No Jab, No Job" thing & how does it actually work?

1) When you get the jab you have to sign a consent form.

  • If you're getting the jab to keep your job, if that's your decision that's your call, but why sign the consent form?

  • What is the consent are you actually consenting to?

  • Does your signature release anyone from legal liability or is it purely a record from you, of you getting the jab??

2) What are the legalities?

  • Do employers (who's employees are required to have the jab) have the legal authority to request a staff member's medical records?

  • Do those employers possess the lawful ability to sack them if they refuse to produce their records 

  • Why do employers have to police their employees medical status?

  • Are employers legally bound to police their employees vaccination status and are they legally bound to sack anyone who isn't vaccinated?

  • Some businesses like Spotlight are not saying "No Jab, No Job" because there's a probabilty of losing a percentage of their staff. Instead their solution was to say if you do not get the jab, no End Of Year Bonus. Is that legal, lawful & fair?
You can stay unvaccinated but you will miss out on your bonus, but is there legal liability that the injected employee stuck with, the person who is cash strapped and took the jab because there was a finanical incentive.

No I'm not anti vaccination, this is not about the effectiveness or dangers of the vaccinations, its what is the legal landscape of "Mandatory Vaccinations"

And I'm searching and not fiding clear answers.

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