Well short version, after reading below...there's a couple of things.
1) Will the Member for Albany Support A Worksafe Review Of The Albany Health Campus?
2) Will She Pen More Opinion Peices For The Local Newspaper, Including The Regions Now Losing Upper House Representatives & If She Supports It, Why?
3) Will She Recognise That The Role Of The Opposition Is To Test The Government & Hold It To Account and in this case, There Is A Lot To Account For?
Longer version is...
Upper House Member for the South West James Hayward MLC spoke with past and/or present health workers at the Albany Health Campus. He was made aware of a number of concerns. They were not at all trival and pointed to a possible "damaging to staff " workplace with a toxic culture, possible bullying, harassement, over worked staff, with under staffed under resourced areas.
All leading to a demanding workplace becoming even more stressful & staff leaving.
So Mr Hayward organised a Public Meeting at Retravision Stadium on Lockyer Avernue to hear concerns from staff, ex staff, other stakeholders & any community members.
He had along side him, not just another MP but Libby Mettam MLA the Shadow Health Spokesperson.
Rare to get a public meeting with MPs, but to get two? Great.
Its rare to get public meetings with MPs for a number of reasons, it can get out of hand, it can get heated. There were emotions but it was reserved and calm. For some yes it was more than a little emotional but at the end, for some there appeared to be hope. They had been heard & some will hopefully speak again even if in private.
Add to that, whilst there were 2 MPs at the helm, from the opposition, they're from completely seperate parties and flew to Albany after a long day sitting in Parliament.
Now the call went out, I'll add the pre meeting write up in the Albany Advertiser below in case you missed the newspapers preview of the event. The newspaper edition is 18th November 2021, exact same date as the meeting, however it was advertised in newspapers, FaceBook & the Albany Show.
Now also that same paper, same date was an "opinion piece" from local member Rebecca Stephens MLA. I'll post it below so you can read it. You can read it now or after...
She mentions the personal experience of her family as a loved family member was cared for at the hospital before sadly passing away. She entions her sister, a registered nurse. She then speaks very highly of the Hospital staff, health workers to all the various support staff, speaks glowingly and who can argue that? Well no one and I gather no one actually has. 100% agree but nothing at all to do with the Public Meeting that's been arranged.
Then she says some would use the global pandemic & the difficult decisions the McGowan Government has made as a platform to score cheap political shots.
Does she mean the meeting? The meeting came as a result of a survey & people complaining to James Hayward MLC. I do not think he or the complainants are trying to score cheap political shots.
Then the clanger. Ms Stephens goes on to say...
"As your member in the McGowan Government I regularly talk to Roger Cook about the needs of our hospital. Together we have worked to find solutions and make improvements.
To our dedicated health workers thank you so much for the dedicated work you do under often difficult circumstances.
To those who seek to cause division and undermine community cofidence in our hospital, instead of playing these political games, please work with me to find a way forward"
Regarding the yellow highlighting, she has either tried to tell Roger Cook about the allegations of the toxic workplace, bullying, nepotism, over worked & over stressed staff, people quitting & the double shifts and the health minister has done nothing OR she's been talking about who knows what & she's oblivious to these problems in her own town. Either way, that's a massive failure by the local MP & the Health Minister. Its not a cheap political shot/point...its just a damn fact.
Regarding the orange highlighting, there was no promoting the Nationals nor the Liberals in advertising for the public meeting. No attacks on the Labor Party. The 2 speakers had their official titles used as they were appearing as members of parliament. They organised the meeting after having seen survey results & having been contacted by current and/or past staff with serious complaints of workplace abuse and over work.
The survey results were available to the local MP, I'm surprised if they weren't or if they were I'd be very disappoint if she didn't read & worse read them & didn't worry about them. I can understand her embarassment but this is not a political attack on party lines if there is a major and deeply serious problem and staff are looking for help.
At no point before, during nor after the meeting were organisers critical of staff at the hospital, in fact quite the opposite. At the meeting they applauded them for the work they give under trying circumstances at the best of times.
The speakers did not go after Labor, asked people be respectful of all speakers whether they agree or not. To not mention names or departments but speak only in general terms so they can gather a better understanding & for everyone to remind themselves there is no criticism of hospital workers or the huge service they deliver to the community. They were offered to contact the MPs privately if they need a discrete & confidential chat.
I think the local MP went on the blind saying some were trying to cause division and it was foolish.
Now the day before, on the Wednesday in State Parliament the Member for Albany asked the Health Minister a "Dorothy Dixer" question. Its usually a pre arranged question that a Government MP asks a Minister so the Minister can promote something. It's weird & clunky but every government of every stripe has always done it...and done it a lot. This is no different here but check the wording of the question.
779. Ms R.S. STEPHENS to the Minister for Health:
I refer to the McGowan Labor government’s investment in Albany Health Campus and the work of its educated
staff, who provided wonderful empathy and care for my dad. Can the minister update the house on this
government’s investment in the services at Albany hospital and outline how this support is supporting those in my
electorate who require medical treatment and care?
Regarding the yellow highlight, the staff are brilliant, everyone agrees. Everyone.
Regarding the orange highlight. Well fair question. Funding is worth knowing in detail. Sadly it wasn't asking if there was a toxic culture, if there is bullying, harassment of staff, nepotism, staff overly stressed, if they're under staffed and overworked or the number of double shifts as well as staff leaving with some vowing to never return.
I think this was meant as a bit of a blind block but in any case it massively missed the mark & left the health workers grossly ignored. This actually looked like a cheap political point & ignored the staff at AHC.
Here comes the reply from Roger Cook MLA the Health Minister. Be aware the highlight comments with red highlight are my comments reflecting on the minster's comments. (Full unaltered Hansard page is attached below)
Mr R.H. COOK replied:
I would like to thank the member for Albany for the question. Can I just pass on my thoughts to you on the recent
passing of your father, and we wish you all the very best in this time.
Agreed 100% Well said.
It is an important question, because it is important to appreciate the incredible work that is going on at Albany
Health Campus at the moment, with the staff, like those in many of our regional hospitals, doing great work on
behalf of the people of Western Australia.
Agreed - We all appreciate the work of the over worked staff. Albany's population is around 35,000 and growing, the Great Southern that this hospital services as the Major Health Campus has a population of over 60,000 (Source listed below) and the Albany Health Campus has just 135 beds. No mention of the issues raised in a survey or reported to other MPs.
This fantastic health campus provides great care to many people in the
great southern region.
Agreed, no one says otherwise. No one.
In fact, this year alone, it has conducted over 5 179 theatre procedures, and there have been
26 863 emergency department attendances and 63 651 outpatient service appointments.
I have no reason to doubt these stats, but they have nothing to do with the problems that the Health Minister is either ignoring or is unaware of. How he is able to be a minister in either case remains a great mystery. Is he deaf or his nearby senior staff mute?
It is going fantastically
Well not so much Roger. At the meeting the following night the Albany Mayor relayed that if you have a serious emergency like a car accident, THERE IS NO HOSPITAL BED FOR YOU. THERE ARE NO SPARE BEDS IN THE GREAT SOUTHERN, THEY'RE ALL TAKEN. IN FACT THE ROYAL FLYING DOCTOR AIRLIFTS 10-12 PEOPLE A WEEK OUT TO PERTH.
So no, not going fantastically well at all. Its a life threatening death trap and the RFDS is virtually an airborne version of AMBULANCE RAMPING IN THE REGIONS.
In addition to that, 494 babies have been delivered in the Albany community.
Yup that's great too. No one has been critical of that at all though although good luck trying to find a mid wife in Geraldton or some other regional centres.
Albany Health Campus is also
pulling its weight in the fight against the COVID pandemic, with over 3384 COVID tests having been conducted
and over 6636 vaccinations having been delivered from that hospital.
Yup that's great too. No one has been critical of that at all though
It is disappointing to say the least to hear that the opposition, which as we know is constantly trying to undermine
our hospital system and confidence in it in these unprecedented times, will tomorrow be holding an event to try to
derive more division in the community —
Several members interjected.
2 MPs held a public meeting asking for people to speak, they had no political imagery or colours or banners. They applauded staff & were not critical of staff, management, the system or the hospital or the hosptial system. They said they were there to listen to staff, ex staffers, stakeholders, community members and anyone that had a view on whether things weren't as they should be. If they were trying to "derive more division in the community" well...I was there and I'd say nope. Seemed to achieve the compelte opposite. No one was thrown under the bus, not even the Minister or the local member. In fact it's on the record, they even asked people to work with them & Rebecca to try & set things on a resolved path.
Is it the minsiter playing the "political games" that Rebecca Stephens was critical of?
The SPEAKER: Order, please!
Mr R.H. COOK: — and more anxiety, undermining community confidence in our great hospital system. The
shadow Minister for Health is not going down there to hear people’s concerns.
Seems like she did. They collected views from stressed and depleted people. The Great Hospital System in WA is regularly has massive ambulance ramping, so many hospital code yellows they are not reported by the press. It used to be labelled a crisis by Roger Cook as opposition Health Spokesperson & its just got worse every year under his steerage.
She is going down there with
preconceived and preloaded false assertions about how that hospital is failing the community, and it is not.
No the conviction is there were complaints that some in hospital management are failing people under their employment, causing double shifts, over working, stress, verbal & emotional abuse as well as bullying and possibly nepotism. So no, you're quite wrong Roger.
Several members interjected.
Mr R.H. COOK: As the member for Albany would be aware, great things are happening at Albany Health
But not aware of the Hospital survey nor the people under aprpeciated, over worked, over stressed and at breaking point. Not aware of those things at all.
The McGowan government is expanding the available clinical services in Albany.
But no increases in staff because for starters any health professional moving to Albany won't find a house. The Mayor outlined only 22 house available for rent & in Esperance just the one.
Another disaster in the progress, but we'll leave the Minister for Housing out of this for now.
We have already
provided a teleneurology service to allow patients flexibility with their appointments, which means less travel. In
June this year, the government opened the new permanent breast screen clinic.
But no beds available the day of the meeting for any serious accidents or illensses. NONE
The McGowan government is also
currently building a $13.1 million radiotherapy suite so that literally hundreds of cancer patients can now have
treatment closer to home in the community in which they live, surrounded by the family that they love.
That's great but staff will continue to leave if the toxic culture isn't fixed and the City is growing fast and 135 beds to service between 35,000 & 60,000 people is going to fail. REMEMBER ALBANY IS COVID FREE AND THIS IS THE LOWEST IMPACTING FLU SEASON THE CITY & THE STATE HAS SEEN IN YEARS...AND THE HOSPITAL IS FULL & THE RFDS IS AIRLIFTING PEOPLE TO PERTH.
We have aerial ambulance ramping Roger.
We are also future-planning for the hospital, with a master plan currently underway to determine the future needs
of Albany Health Campus and the community it services.
That's great Roger, that is encouraging but can you say when that actually started, who's involved. Call me cynical but was that begun this week? Also Albany is not even present proof and you think there's no problems. Something that is clearly lost on you and the local MP. Not to mention the departmental managers & bureaucrats who should be reporting to you...or it they are, you should be listening to and actioning upon it long ago.
Finally, we are undertaking further costing and planning
of our election commitment to double the number of chairs in the Albany dental clinic.
Great, if one were to have a serious car accident and as a result suffer only a cavity all will be good...if the doubling of dental chairs happens. Of course there are 19 private dental proactices in Albany. No word on them having toxic cultures, bullying etc...
The McGowan government is backing Albany Health Campus because the campus is supporting the people of
Yeah, are you really? Supporting in so much as you can whilst not knowing whats happening there, how few beds there are, how all beds are taken, extra patients are air lifted to Perth & staff are over stressed, over worked and leaving.
It is time that everyone in this place got behind the doctors, nurses, allied health staff and leaders at that
Agreed, but they already are behind the health workers. The 2 visiting MPs are trying to identify problems, to get them rectified because you and the local Albany MP speak to one another regularly and kind of not know what is going on & how bad it actually is...
and we should be thankful for the great work that they do every day on behalf of the people of Western
Again, 100% agree but that is not disputed, no visiting MP has ever been found yet to be critical of doctors, nurses, allied heath staff and leaders. They've actually visited and held a public meeting allowing these people and other stakeholders to actually be heard.
Roger...call a meeting in Albany yourself. Ask people to speak and listen to them. No political division. Fix It.
Great Southern Population Source -
a-regional-profile-2018-great-southern.pdf (gsdc.wa.gov.au)