If you're of the Hard Left, then EVERYTHING differing is hard right, oppressive, greed & fascist.
If you're of the Hard Right, then EVERYTHING differing is hard left, incapable of needed hard decisions, keen on public theft & communist.
Both seem to declare themselves as enemies of Conservatism.
I don't think Consevratism sits in the middle. I don't think it sits on the same spectrum as the Left & the Right.
Both hard Left & Right are keener on state control, oppressing someone, high taxing, state ownership and against individual rights, responsbilities. Both have failed business plans as a form of governance.
Hard Left use the word fascism as a derogatory attack word to replace a proper argument even though strangely it's origins are of the very hard left (see its founding philospher Giovanni Gentile). Its made even stranger as some of the very Hard Right actually embrace the term Fascism despite it's origins being of the Hard Left. Fascism is state control, state ownership, state declaring what is good & bad in society and the people do not get a vote, a say.
You cannot have fascism AND a Westminster System, a Constitutional Monarchy, a democratic republic. From those positions call it Fascism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism or Tribal dictatorship...its anti the people, it crushes dissent, free speech, individual rights and explodes the size of government & taxing.
Call it Fascism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism or Ceramic Unicorn Figurines...it doesn't matter what the name is, its what the intent is. If its authoratarian, state controlling the people & their way of life it is not consevratism.
As a conservative I don't think I sit on the linear left to right spectrum. I sit in a camp that sees a spectrum that is anti conservatism, anti the people, their individual rights and left to its own devices will turn into a brutal murderous regime.
Where have the Hard Left or Hard Right ended well?
Where has it ever worked without brutal murderous oppression and other people's money?
There is a Left-Right Spectrum but the huge cavernous void between the Left & the Right isn't filled by Conservatism. There's is a spectrum of hate & oppression and the only thing that happens in the middle patch is less state sanctioned theft & murder.
So no, I'm not of the Left or Right. As a conservative I'm actually the direct opposite of the Left & the Right.
Remember the "Left/Right Political Spectrum" comes from France, French Revolution where with 1500+ members it was easier for counting to put the supporters of the King to the right of the Speaker & the supporters of the revolution to the left.
Things changed over time but even after the revolution & the guillotine began to rust the Left & Right division remained.
Pity in a way, there's more of a triangle shape than a line spectrum. Its more Right & Left vs Conservatism but the more moderate either side, the closer they are to the Conservative point. Regardless if them have some differences, Hard Left & Hard Right are both authoratarian, distatorial leaners and against the conservatives.
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