Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Twitter Court - Online Version of Angry Mob Rule

So a WA Government employee, in his own time went overseas and paid to take part in a Safari Shoot. The ABC in its wisdom spotted the Twitter Mob go ape over it and sought out some extra facts. The result was "All Rise, Twitter Court is Now In Session" and it got quite ugly.

Facts we do know that the mob don't like is there are probably good Trophy Hunting operations and bad, but no one bothered to check which is which or explore what each do really well or really bad. Basic mob line is, "All Trophy Hunting is Evil"

Anyone supporting it, asking for more facts, cutting the guy some slack because facts are few or even being reasonable with the small amount of facts presented is intolerable, evil, disgusting, immoral and on goes a list of emotional personal attacks.

Many overseas Torphy Hunting operations operate, mainly on the African Continent. No I've never been on one, not going to go on one because whilst its not my thing they exist for a reason and each to their own.

The contention is they're evil and villagers suffer but no one says where NOR how widespread that actually is if that claim is at all correct. There are a number of hunting outfits & the ones I could find were heavily government regulated. They provided jobs for people who otherwise had little or no job opportunities. The meat is distributed to local villages. Taxidemists find a market. Local accomodation and transport have a new market. Poachers have no market because poaching is opposed by locals & officials. The animals targeted for destruction are not Alpha males but generally outcast bulls or rogue bulls & sometimes others to keep herd numbers within the determined sustainable numbers.

By applying a legal market value, the herd is managed, its part paid for, in places fully paid for by the Hunter Tourists, jobs and small satelitte industries pop up & poachers have no market at all. Local villagers can still hunt, their life isn't changed because they generally aren't hunting rogue bull elephants, lions, big cats etc. It means though that the rest of the animal food chain slips into sustainable numbers & populations roam less. The boom bust population numbers becomes far less common.

Present those views in Twitter Court and you will be attacked, mocked & vilified. Indeed many shouting Karma will have its day, others saying the person should be hunted & killed in the same fashion. I mean how the hell have humans descended to this point of vile moral superioirity that they wish others dead who partake in a legal, lawful, government regulated a foreign country?

No the mob rule slipped into action. The person at the centre didn't lose his job but he was demoted & then he was described by the WALabor Premier Mark McGowan as "depraved, disgusting and disgraceful" which really sounds like a very personal attack.

Lesst han 240 days to the next State Election and of course the Premier is quickly trying to politically weaponise everything possible. The minister of the environment said he was physically sick. Really? Then clealry he hasn't seen or heard of the pastoral stations that Alannah McTeirnan doesn't want to talk about with masses of dead livestock. There are some brilliant Aboriginal stock operators, station operators but these 2 were mind blowing bad & for the most part absent causing death by starvation & no water. Grab a bucket Minister Dawson sit down with the Premier and see if it is "depraved, disgusting and disgraceful" & what is to be done, who is to be held to account, charged etc.

I think in the meantime the WA Government employee who went on the legal, lawful overseas paid hunting trip has a very good chance of an appeal for his demotion. He has a very good case for damages & the Premier has opened up a big can of worms which for him probably won't go through the courts until after March if it goes to court which is after the election. It's a calculated move but in the meantime someone's life & career is destroyed.

Cancel Culture, Post Modernist Marxism on display...all for political votes.
But go view the ABC Post, then go to the Twitter post on it & see the angry mob.
It's quite ugly, it doesn't ask for facts & it attacks anyone asking for any or offering a differing view.
The Mob Rule thing is now in Australia. Its growing and its a very worrying sign when Feelings crush Facts.

Twitter post on the article -

ABC Article -

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