Thursday, 26 December 2019

Barnaby Joyce's Christmas Message

Firstly, whilst it might have been on Christmas Eve, it wasn't really a Christmas message, but boy oh boy did people lose their minds. The attacks were fast & furious, some saying he was drunk, mental illness suggestions, comments on his personal appearance. It was all very unseemly and I guess everyone gets a bit personal with public figures at times but with Barnaby Joyce there was a real pile on.

A real pile on him personally but no one tackled the actual points he made, of which there were 6.

1. He’s feeding cattle on Xmas Eve 

2. Climate IS changing

3. A new tax isn’t going to change it back

4. He wants the government to stop interfering in people’s lives

5. Respect God or you’re a fool & it’s not going to go well 

What we saw was lots of “argumentum ad hominem”

Another factor in the fires over east, is the political weaponization of the fires. There's several factors here, 80 of those factors...arsonists. Whether or not there's increased fuel loads due to departmental policies & management (also not explored) or whether or not there's increased catastrophic fire conditions both earlier and longer...also not mentioned.

Seems enough convenient facts is all you need to make a point.

The hate for Barnaby Joyce is real in some circles, its real and very deep and generally the haters are often left leaning people. Thing is he's still very popular in his electorate, he was re-elected in a by-election & a federal election.

When I saw the video I watched it, but I assumed it was aimed at an audience I wasn't part of. Didn't worry me, thought it was interesting but nothing to get ramped up & rail against.

I'll wait until I see people address the 6 points he made, but if he has a mental illness or drink problem as some of his detractors infer then maybe laying off him would be a better thing to do. Drink & mental health unfortunately was used as a way to demonise him. I don't think ANYONE should demonise ANYONE over drink or mental health issues whether they're real or concocted.

I say I don't know why anyone would lose their minds over his video, but I do think I know. Sadly irrespective of whether you like or hate him, that sort of ugly pile on was not how people should conduct themselves.

But humans with their false indignation & outrage get very ugly

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