In the shadow of the UK's biggest landslide there's a lot to look at. There's a generation war. A large majority of younger voting people voted for Corbyn, despite his silence on Brexit & past support of Hamas, the IRA. Add in his deep fondness & support for the Venezuelan socialist regime that's turned one of the world's richest resource laden nations into a country of crime, poverty, starvation & death.
The older generation it went the other way, big majority of the older voters voted against the Greens & Labour with the result being their nation isn't out of the woods but they dodge an almighty kryptonite bullet.
Now a friend who's a big advocate of socialism saw my brief twitter exchange with a government employed pro socialism chappy (who I've never met).
Short version I learned that Venezuela is of course the victim of the USA trade attacks, socialism is the only financial & societal saviour and socialism in Australia and the west is somehow different because its "Democratic Socialism"
By putting another word in front of socialism it doesn't change what socialism is. Its still the Marxist arsenic to every society its ever been taken up by. I'm still waiting to find a society where Socialism has turned out better than capitalism.
Yes, a well paid public servant in WA genuinely feels capitalism is the problem that cannot be solved any way except the introduction of socialism. Now apparently public health, a police force, government workers are all a result of socialism. And yet that's not true. Our police & health sector are not political party based. We have not seen a push by anyone to privatise the police force. These community services are rightly paid for by the public and no we don't have some capitalist anarchy here. These utilities are here due to fair reasoning, due to our society having a proper democracy.
Democratic Socialism is just a stage where more people voluntarily advocate for Socialism & demonise Capitalism. Is one bad and the other good? Yes, but as good as capitalism is, even being a quantum realm in from of Socialism, its not perfect and it never will be.
Humans are involved.
My friend though took up the cudgels and waxed on how Capitalism was evil, should be destroyed and the people should own everything. Now this was interesting so I asked her to name a very prominent billionaire she felt was part of the problem. She did and remarked how its only about that person's greed for more money that drives them, to own more and ensure others own less.
Its not quite true. If you're a billionaire I don't think you're at all interested in making a loss but its not about making the money either. It's about being driven for achieving and creating success. Profits are after a while only a measuring stick. If you can afford luxury homes all over the world, travel to exotic places, have all the trapping of obscene wealth is that a bad thing?
Apparently. Thing is Mr X the multi billionaire isn't like Scrooge McDuck with a vault full of cash he opens and does back stroke through whilst not spending a cent on the needy. I asked my friend "What do you think Mr X the billionaire does with his money exactly?"
The reply was he starts more businesses so he can expand his obscene wealth, increases his assets to make more money to own more and more plus a lavish disgracefully over the top life style.
Now we're getting somewhere. "So is he employing people in all these businesses, is he buying products, equipment, land, paying electricity, water, rates, taxes employing managers, finances staff, workers on workshop floors, maintenance, security...or is he hoarding wealth so no one else can have it?"
The reply was "Its never enough with them, they want to ow everything and keep people down and in servitude"
Mr billionaire X opened a new factory and created 300 direct jobs, bought millions of dollars of equipment of companies that make things and employ people in the process. The aim is to yes make profits, which go where?
More reinvestment. That's capitalism. The freedom to make a good money either as an entrepreneur or a staff member. Not fair, the worker does all the work? Well yes to a point but who bought the land, spent money on developing it into a factory, paid for the fit out & installation of equipment, training of staff...
Trouble is everyone wants to be Bill Gates or Bono. Both are extremely rich people. They're business people freely part taking in commerce & capitalism. They might make a few lefty sounds now & then, the might even give millions away but they are thoroughly capitalists.
They both employ an awful lot of people who would not be doing great were the capitalists replaced by socialists.
As someone said, get a teacher to tell a class that at the end of the year everyone will get the same grade no matter how good or bad they did. Everyone will get the exact same net average of the class's educational performance. Most will do less, some will realise they're holding up some who decided to do nothing at all & some are getting rewarded same as the hardest working even if they're asleep during every lesson and miss every exam.
Its also seen where some sports events kids get participation awards, there is no scoring, no one has the reason to try hard or excel or to push themselves.
A valuable life lesson is in the bin and we herd people towards democratic socialism that pretends to have delivered great things and instead is the politics of envy, theft and is the very poison to people seeking to do & be their best.