Thursday, 17 October 2019

Feminism Today...I had to ask some questions

So where is feminism today? Its a bit of a mine field for some. No harm in asking, nothing helpful in not knowing

Everyone can have a view, but apparently some think if you're a man you cannot have an opinion on it and other people say a man can have an opinion on it.

Some are of the view a man can be a feminist & some say they cannot.

Then the minefield gets flooded with petrol because some men claim to be "male feminists" and some women claim they actually don't support feminism.

So it gets tricky but sometimes its easier with some than with others. Sooooo…I asked 2 ladies I've come to know online. Both I've never met in person. Both are straight shooters, or as they old saying goes "Good old fashioned no sh!t sheilas"

One is a younger than me person of a conservative political leaning. One is an older than me person and is of a very left political leaning. I figure there's bound to be truth somewhere in between them.

So I asked the following,

"How accurate do you think this is...the Feminist Movement has been seen in 3 waves...

1) Enemy of unfairness then...
2) Enemy of men...then to now where’s beginning to be
3) Enemy of men & women but a Chardonnay Socialist’s joyful playground. "

The younger conservative said "Basically. Great Summary"

The older Left leaner said "Sadly bang f**kin on. Turned into a no win tribal sh*t show, in fact itll probably get worse from here on in for everyone"

Well that threw me for 6, I thought, well I dunno what I thought they'd say. Guess I was expecting 2 very passionate, very clear to them views from their respectively different political viewpoints & I'd see points I never considered. I was expecting long deep answers.
Both cut to the chase, knew exactly what they thought long before I put the question to them

I didn't know if there is or was 3 waves or 20 or 1, I just gave a personal view to prompt them to sit up, think & share. I wasn't expecting commonality between them & certainly wasn't thinking they'd think similar to me.

Yes I did ask the older Left Leaner what she thought I meant by Chardonnay Socialist and pleasantly surprised me. She said...

 "Chardonnay Socialists are a thing alright, but we just call them dogs. I've seen you post about them a lot and got to tell you they're not from the left or the right. They're from their own pirate ship making whatever noises they need to so they can fill up for free. They're not crusty old school right wads in nor True Believers or any of the good people in between. They only love themselves, they're dogs."

She went onto say that not all so called feminists were Chardonnay Socialists but old school feminism is really only needed in Asia, the Middle East and a few other places. She added "But it'll get you ****ing killed quick smart in those places and no one bats an eye"

The next question I was going to ask was to do with Misogyny & Misandry but don't think there's any point. My view is they're actually the same thing.

Misogyny = Sh!t people doing Sh!t things to other people who really don't deserve it.

Misandry  = Sh!t people doing Sh!t things to other people who really don't deserve it.

I'm thinking they might just agree with that too.

There probably was a reason for 2 separate gender specific terms once, maybe there still is but to me they're both unacceptable because they're both Sh!t people doing Sh!t things to other people who really don't deserve it.

Kind off killed of any chances of this being a long blog entry. Maybe I should just stay calm & remember its pretty cool that I found myself in full agreeance with 2 politically polar opposite ladies on feminism...and maybe all three of us are right, maybe all three of us are wrong. Seems like I was the only one caught out surprised. I thought I knew, they knew it.

I'm good with that.

(I might chuck the link of this to the 2 ladies & ask if they want to add a comment below or if they want to remain nameless I can copy/paste just below instead of the comment section)

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