Saturday, 27 July 2019

Arguing From Authority

Yes its a thing and simply, its this. If you're debating say Voluntary Assisted Dying (insert any issue) and there is a person or persons in the debate who are of a particular faith that is strongly for or against the issue "Arguing from Authority" is an imminent threat.

Is basically that if one argues from a Scripture point of view THAT is arguing from authority and it will not convince other people to change their mind because it comes from an authority that some people won't recognise, respect or follow.

Arguing from Authority cannot convince anyone of thought change unless you first thought change them on their spiritual faith. It is a massive insurmountable discourse barrier. The solution is by all means, if you are a person of faith do not use your faith based arguments, keep it secular. If an issue is damaging to society as a whole you can present that in a secular fashion & you will have a chance of finding a more sensible fact based solution, not disturbed and partitioned by faith or opposition to faith.

Yes, to those who are non and even anti faith they too need to tread carefully and keep it secular, non faith based. Using it as an opportunity to fire pot shots at people of faith is counter productive and again sets up insurmountable barriers to sensible solutions.

To date even amongst varying faiths things are showing disturbing trends. One particular charity for disadvantaged people in our community was shut down from using a Social Media platform that it uses as its prime generator for donations. Why?

Well on the platform they had used an "offensive term or phrase".
The operators of the site went through their entire postings to find an offensive word or phrase and couldn't find one. Then they suspected what might have happened. They replaced the word "Christian" with "Muslim" and the site was reinstalled straight away.
 At present faith is being segregated and weaponised in discourse & political decision making. Both sides are involved but I suspect the more left leaning are more keen on this angle.

Keep your faith, keep adhering to your Scriptures but argue in a totally secular manner.

Keep your non faith, adhere to whatever worldview you choose but argue in a totally secular manner.

I suspect we're beginning to see some weaponizing of worldviews in WA. There are claims that the Liberals are being stacked & run by "far right Christians" which is odd because if you're far right you are not Christian, you can't be. Some might call them that, some might claim that but its not exegesis-wise possible.

The Nats have been labelled by a small few as being strongly anti faith, strongly Christian and also very divided. Those claims didn't come from Nationals or Liberals...came from the left.

Separation of Church & State...we ALREADY HAVE IT. We do not live in a theocracy or caliphate. But we do have to be careful that we keep law making & law keeping totally secular. Sorry Muslim friends, it means that Sharia Law is inconsistent with Australian Society. Same as we do not have Amish enclaves making local laws & penalties.

Secular. In political discourse its the only way to proceed to a solution from discourse.

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