Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Labor Policy - It's Time

Yes Labor its time to step away from your Policy Platform of opposing and banning Live Export.


The Transit Mortality Rate has been on a falling trendline for over 7 years, that's even including the unacceptable Awassi disaster.

Recent shipment to Israel had 60 animal deaths & the whole world has lost its mind despite the facts. 60 animals out of 20,000. That's 0.3% and the reportable level is many times above that.
It's a mere slice of a fraction of the number of lambs that get taken each night by foxes/dogs.
Its a mere fraction of all the unnecessary deaths in the lucrative Pet Industry in Australia

Qatar has already stated it will buy live from Somalia, Sudan & South America if they're prevented from buying live from Australia. Those countries don't have any regulated Animal Welfare structure like the world leading ESCAS that Australia has. South America is an extra 5 weeks at sea. If that's not bad enough, Qatar said if prevented from buying our live they will not buy our chilled meat.
They already do buy chilled but its a very small amount & its a premium market item.
Gets worse, they said they will not buy grain from us. That's a huge triple whammy economic hit to WA's export economy. HUGE.

Why does Live Export even exist?
If you listen to cult extremists its because producers are cruel and love blood money.
Utter rubbish.

Live export exists because the overseas feedlots operate at a fraction of the cost. In the case of Indonesia, at around 1/5th of the cost of an Australian feedlot. Their slaughter/processing costs even lower. So they cannot get overseas protein onto their plate anywhere near the low cost Livex does.

Here's the irony though, its actually what holds the Australian farm gate price for livestock up so high. If Aust slaughter/processed meat is so great it would be out performing Live Export on the price point. It doesn't it can't. The overseas buyers don't want to buy a product that in some cases will be 8 times more expensive just landed to their port. It is cruel to deny them reasonably priced protein and the amount of jobs their import trade produces. Latte soaked art gallery dwellers will cause those countries to stay 3rd world with less jobs & pay higher prices for meat.

Added to all that, there is not the ability to kill & process an additional 3 million animals in Australia and sell them into overseas markets to maintain the current market place price. It is not possible even in a magical unicorn world.

Now if the socialists want to push for the ban, they can stick to their perverted socialist dogma & under write the current prices for the next 20 years with subsidies to maintain the farmgate price so jobs aren't lost. THIS is where the Socialists get all free market all of a sudden...Socialist to ban the trade, then switch to Free Marketeers to let the industry sink without a care as the local, regional & state economy takes a massive hit.

THIS is why there is the famous saying "If Socialist understood economics there'd be no Socialists"

Mean while 250,000 animals are killed each year in this country. Ask the RSPCA. They're all pets. That doesn't include all the one that died through, injury, disease or neglect and got buried in the back yard & never went to a Vet.

Animals die. Its a part of life. A ship that had 60 head out of 20,000 die is unfortunate but it's life and its well below the acceptable limit & the Transit Mortality Rate is STILL FALLING.

Trying to ban a trade based on the Awassi disaster is appalling intellectual corruption. You do not ban a trade based on statistical outliers. If we apply this ludicrous non logic then we must ban all tea-totallers from driving cars to try & reduce the amount of drink driving accidents.

It is absurd and now the Federal Election is gone and settled NOW is the time for Federal & WA Labor to wise up and dump banning Live Export from its out of date, out of step Policy Platform. It doesn't and can never work for the benefit of anyone in this country or the customer country, their workers and customers. It will deliver a huge gift to our supply competitors, puts all animals without Animal Welfare protection & will devastate the struggling Australian regions.

Meanwhile, last night feral cats killed an estimate 2 million animals by the research outrage.

Meanwhile wild dogs and foxes took or injured more livestock and native fauna last outrage.

If Live export is banned, nearly all livestock production in the pastoral regions, the biggest amount of the nation stops. That means all conservation, bushfire & landcare work will stop. There'll be no producers financially able to carry it out & land will either be neglected or go into care taker mode.

Labor has designed a huge economic, ecological & financial disaster by wanting to Ban Live export and have tried to hide it with weasel words by calling it a "transition".
It is a transition to utter disaster and widespread business bankruptcy for producers, country town businesses and the flow on is immense.
Socialists want to be socialists and ban the trade, but not be socialists and subsidise & pay for it...
Hypocrisy and intellectually corrupt.

Drop the Policy Labor - Its Time. Fully Support Live Export or your in favour of disaster.


                                   FACTS NOT FEELINGS.

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