Friday, 4 January 2019

Gender Balance in Parliament

There's several key questions here that when asked those who want quotas fall silent.

1) How come all the talk about Gender Balance & 50:50 Male/Female representation is only ever concerning seats on Blue Chip Boards or seats in Parliament?
Why is always about high paying, high profile, white collar power jobs and never about taxi drivers, bricklayers, interstate truckies, welders, shearers, plumbers, electricians or general labourers?

The only reply that's ever surfaced dodged the question entirely & stated that women make up more than 50% of the population and parliament is making laws that represent us so women should have equal representation.


Ahh yeah total rubbish. Predicated on a profoundly vague lie.

It can be summed up in question number two & three...

2) Can men represent Women AND Men or only their own gender?

3) Can women represent Women AND Men or only their own gender?

If the answer to 2) and 3) is yes both genders can each represent both genders then having a 50:50 split is not needed. It means straight away that people, irrespective of gender can do their job. Their gender will have no bearing. Then means you do not need quotas nor a set gender balance

If the answer to 2) and 3) is no, men & women are different then we have imploding logic. Being different isn't an issue, being unable to represent 50% of your constituents is a serious issue. What happens in the seat Wentworth? Malcolm Turnbull could only properly represent men & not properly represent women and now Kerryn Phelps can turn the tables and properly represent women but not properly represent men? (Since penning this, its changed yet again, Dave Sharma is the local are women unrepresented then?)

Seriously? If that's the case, every single electorate in Australia has only 50% of it's residents being represented properly. Having half the seats male represented & half the seats female represented then in theory makes no difference, half the country is represented properly & half isn't.
The only viable solution is to extend the logic for fairness and have both a male & female MP in every seat doubling the amount of MPs & Senators we currently have OR...

Every Party must run a Male & Female Candidate at every seat they run a candidate & we let the people decide.

Those are the solutions, those are the solutions that are not needed because Men can represent men & women as well as women can represent men & women.

Yes even though socially engineering a 50:50 male/female split is wrong, counter productive and unfair lets look deeper. What happens with a quota?

Well which seats get men & which seats get men? What if there's 3 good female candidates in one electorate but you already have your female quota filled? Sorry, man is needed here.

Isn't that funny?
No it isn't its total stupidity again.
What's wrong is that quotas mean that someone is getting a seat because of their gender and someone is missing out because of their gender.
That's called gender discrimination and knock me down with a feather if that isn't actually illegal in this free country.

Lets go to the next extreme, Bill Shorten & Labor are crowing about how they're going to the next election with 50% female candidates. No it didn't just accidently work out to be 50% women & 50% men...they engineered it with a quota. A process of gender discrimination.
As bad as that is, it gets worse...for Labor anyway.

Most of their MPs recognise the existence of over 200+ "other genders" now.
But they've only accounted for 2 genders in their engineering, 198+ miss out.

This why again and again, no matter how you stack it, no matter how profoundly vague the reasoning is, we need the best person for the job, regardless of their gender. Their gender is either irrelevant or you cannot solve it with a quota.

Identity Politics is create a framework for groups, then use legislation to manage & possess them.
Its stock & trade of modern Socialism.

Proper approach is to allow individuals and their freedoms to move and act as they're meant to.
Allow the individuals to choose and not be denied by quotas.
For every one male taxi driver you cannot find an equal number of women who want to be taxi drivers. If someone is good at their job, they survive & thrive.

The sooner bogus Identity Politics dies the better all men & women will be

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