Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Kerryn Phelps et al & The "Sensible Centre"

Yes, what the heck is the "Sensible Centre" ?

Well sensible is subjective and Kerryn applies it to the version of Centre that she thinks exists and she belongs to. Yes, she is saying she is "centre" and she is "sensible" possibly implying any & all others of whatever centre are not sensible. She's gone into Identity Politics straight away & as people do when they go Identity Politics she's also created the Hierarchy. At the top is...her. Also in her group are her fellow "sensibles" (arguably sensible)

One thing is for sure, her centre has many Leftist aspects. One think is for sure it seems Liberal defector Julia Banks is largely on the same Hymn Sheet and largely on song with Kerryn Phelps, the true extent will unfold in time. One other thing that has already unfolded is that Kerryn Phelps was in close contact with Malcolm Turnbull during the Wentworth election and probably since.

Its also now known that Liberal defector Julia Banks who is not yet through her first term in Parliament was a big Turnbull supporter. In the weeks prior to her resigning from the Liberal Party and going to the cross bench we now know she was consulting with Kerryn Phelps.

Imagine that, a person still in her first term office was consulting with another person who hadn't at the time actually entered the chamber as a MP. Yes, the same Kerryn Phelps that had been working quietly with Malcolm Turnbull.
Yes straight after Kerryn Phelps first speech upon entering the Parliament Julia Banks couldn't get down the front quick enough to hug & congratulate Kerryn's appointment. In fact she raced down one direction, saw it was too slow, raced back up past her own seat and went the way Julie Bishop went. Not walked, more like bolted.

This not looking like a new cross bench this is looking more like the Liberal Left who were trounced and are beginning to think about leaving to join "the sensible centre". Well one member and possibly 3 others before the end of the week. Negotiations will turn white hot & some will gain some great incentives to stay on. Some may still defect to the cross bench where media attention, power & control will be on offer in spades.
Thing is the "sensible centre" looks remarkable like code for "independent centre left" not at all conservative nor centre nor of the right.

Identity Politics will be a hall mark if they're more left than they prefer to admit.
Watch and see.
Julia Banks being a big Turnbull ally will probably have been in consultation with Malcolm over resigning. We'll see.

So Malcolm being probably the most leftist Liberal PM ever has attained full sniping ghost status and probably will be implicated in the Liberal Party's massive unravelling since he went to New York.

Prince Machiavelli would be very impressed.

Malcolm is not putting the nation's interest first.
Neither was Julia Banks.
It remains to be seen if Julia & the new Cross Bench do put the nation first because of late "Nationhood & Statesmanship" have eluded the Parliament generally and so far are looking very absent from the current Lower House cross bench.

I expect that Equal Outcomes will be pushed ahead of Equal Opportunities. That will be co-joined with a version of Identity Politics that will create it's own protected hierarchy that will be entirely made up of most of the cross bench and the Labor Party when it suits.
Think Bob Katter will be marginalised by the new Hierarchy that's coming.

The new "sensible centre" will in fact be a "neo-centre left" that is centred on identity politics and very leftist in nature.
A corrupted form of feminism will be one plank & if it's not careful it will successfully become counter productive to women by being focused on equal outcomes, not equal opportunities.

I'll watch with interest but I can firmly state I am very much in favour of Equal Opportunities but very much against bypassing that to achieve a short cut to Equal Outcomes.

I'll get the pop corn ready. I have a fairly good idea of the "sensible centre's narrative" & who will be painted unfairly as the victim & the villains.

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