Monday, 30 July 2018

WALabor, Policy Shape Shifting and Livex Truth

Yes, there's shape shifting for sure & certain on the Livex Trade right now from our Labor Government. The real problem is discerning which is genuine policy shifting and which is pretend change.

We spotted this Facebook post from beleaguered Upper House Labor MP Darren West MLC.

He's been under pressure & receiving flak for a number of controversial social media posts. Comparing rural education stakeholders with the deaths of 400 people in Syria, posting rape humour were just a few huge insensitive & highly unhelpful gaffs at his hands.

He even admitted in Parliament (Its in Hansard) that some of the budget cuts are in fct not about budget repair at all. On any given day he'd be toast politically.

But here's his latest post of untold blunder.

Firstly his opening statement about being "the only working farmer in the WA Parliament".
Curious statement.
He's apparently the follow...
  1. A working farmer
  2. A member of Parliament
  3. Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development, Agriculture and Food
  4. Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister assisting the Minister for State Development, Jobs & Trade.
Grab that...Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister assisting the Minister for State Development, Jobs & Trade.
I think he should focus on a job and do it full time, not be a part time farmer, part time public servant, part time reviewer of legislation, part time elected representative, part time parliamentary secretary x two, plus I assume he's on a few Upper House committees.
He made the "following observations about recent events" including the massive meeting at Katanning that he did not attend.

Now onto his numbered points.

1) "Labor supports the live trade" - Shape shifting. He's on the record as saying we need to transition to 100% on shore slaughter & processing. That is not supporting Live Export, that's CLOSING IT DOWN. WALabor's Pre Election Policy Platform clearly spelt it out as a "transition" not supporting Live Export most likely to try & gather as many of the then disillusioned Greens voters.

The plan the Industry Stakeholders want is LIVE & CHILLED, we need both in the market place. At present the price determinator is the Live buyers. Their competition is the main price competition, without them the market place price and therefore the farmgate price will plummet.
Going solely CHILLED will lose us markets such as Qatar one of the main Middle East markets. They want Live & Chilled, the latter going into the more higher priced market segments. Barnaby Joyce in his speech at Katanning already outlined that Qatar will not replace their Live Sheep with chilled, they will replace us as suppliers, most likely Somalia &/or Sudan who have no Animal Welfare standards & highly unlikely to ever. As we refuse to supply Qatar with Live Sheep they will most likely see it as an honour insult denying them food security and they will continue to buy Chilled, but not from us.

In effect, we could lose the entire Live & Chilled market in at least 2 of our biggest Middle East markets. Hardly a sensible outcome for Animal Welfare, for producers and all the associated satellite industries & any chance of maintain or increasing rural growth.
Wake up Darren. If WALabor & indeed you are in favour of retaining the trade, you've only just come to this position or you're just pretending. Fact is, 100% chilled is 0% Live.
Sorry, we have good reason to mistrust you & Labor on policy & economic matters.
Secondly on point 1, we all saw the 60 minutes footage, we were all appalled by it. No one I have heard of anywhere has enjoyed or defended it. There is no distinction or difference here except we know that even including the repulsive Awassi disaster the Transit Mortality Rate has STILL been falling for over 7 years. The Awassi event, as shocking & unacceptable as it was still remains a statistical outlier, NOT common industry practice. That is a point that NO LABOR MP has ever spread amongst the public. EVER.
The public have had enough. That's actually everyone, but seems some are not told the actual industry facts that its an outlier.

2) Who the architects are is not the issue, the so far undisputed industry data that WALabor haven't taken on board. Their actions that have not instilled any confidence in any stakeholders. Susan Ley for all her leftist proposed actions also lacks industry facts & data that WALabor some reason also omit. It was all along a federal matter so why the WA Minister was not trying to keep the Livex operating I do not know. I do know, the last 3 LSS ship loads of sheep had a 99.7+% survival rate which is many many times better than the Aust Pet Industry. Yes Margins are going to be tighter, but the Awassi is history and was long lost history when the Emannuel's office were raided by WA Government officials. Not federal, state.
Why does the WA Government, the minister spruik the industry & its improvements?

3) The Trade in WA was not paused, one exporter had their licence suspended. LSS could still export. There was no "trade pause"...and no one I know was complaining about due process being followed by the regulator. That's far different from "transition to 100% chilled"
This is a distraction deflection. Pointless point.

4) No Alannah did not. She offered a low interest loan of $5Million dollars to WAMMCO. That and either forgetting or deliberately not helping educate metro based people on the real advances in the trade. It's already been announced that the $5Million will help a little but will do nothing to replace the Livex market. It's a joke or a dire concern should anyone pass that off as a pittance to pay for massive industry shortfall. How's that likely to work out? Well don't take my word for it...

5) (a) I'll post the link for Alannah's speech video at Katanning. Watch it, check out the level of disrespectful abuse the minister copped. I think it put it exactly in context. Facts are best when presented in their entirety. 

Yes she was boo-ed by some. It was 8 minutes into the 10 minutes she was allowed to talk for. She unlike Barnaby & others, actually spoke for longer.
Its not about Alannah's feelings at being disrespectful, I've watched question time, there are no brittle petals & vulnerable snow flakes in any seat in parliament. She was fine. Noticeable were the organiser with arm gestures telling people to settle down. They did.
I'm not sure if Darren saw the entirety of the speakers there. I know Darren wasn't there. I was.
He was intellectually corrupt switching it to some sort of identity politics & playing the victim card on the Minister's behalf. Could have mentioned the unacceptable Awassi shipment thankfully being an outlier.
5) (b) The minister did focus on "where to from here" and it was not about saving Livex, it was in her own words "Plan B". She did not outline any plan or desire to focus on the sheep meat export trade being Chilled AND Live. Not once. She copped her worst abuse (as calm as it actually was) was mocking her for suggesting farmers needed to follow the new innovative idea of developing "dual purpose Merinos". The Parliamentary Secretary assisting isn't assisting the minister if she doesn't know the long established bleeding obvious. Perhaps he's not fulfilling his duties properly because he's a working farmer not focusing on the job we pay him to do as a public servant.

5) (c) Re Barnaby Joyce. As support goes, I don't support him or any action that caused him to be consider a disgrace. Its not directly relevant to the Livex Trade.
As for using a person's past behaviour as a way of dismissing the facts the put forward without addressing the facts, that is Identity Politics. Its dangerous and people should call it out as being Intellectually Corrupt.

Darren decidedly failed to address anything Barnaby put forward, either for or against. He played the personality game.
Barnaby pointed out that there are zealots in the game who's aim is not just fixing animal welfare. If they shut the trade it will not stop with sheep, they'll soon go after cattle trade export or not. They'll go after egg & poultry industry, bee keeping, transport of livestock, feedlotting and in fact they aim to shut down all use of animal farming and any animal based products.

If you want to know where these zealots get their philosophic grounding?
Watch this video of Animals Australia co-founder Peter Singer to get a better idea of the snakes hiding in the wood heap.

The damaging & obvious presence of these cultist zealots was not dismissed by Darren nor mentioned. These zealots will generally be voters that favour the Greens, Animal Justice Party and Labor, so Labor won't mention them. There are animal welfare supporters everywhere, all farmers are but amongst the metro based people are those hiding under an Animal Welfarist cloak who are in fact Animal Liberationists. They due to their cult dogma will assign personhood to animals and believe they have the rights not to be food.
It is of course a complete mess of an idea that implodes with the slightest scrutiny & spot light.
It is cult dogma and its these people who will continually use Awassi footage & references even though the clear majority of livestock in the Live Trade meet the plate with all welfare compliance boxes ticked.

In fact Darren didn't address this question from the floor at all. Why do the media still use the most confronting and horrific footage which represents a tiny outlier of the trade?
If Darren truly supported the trade he would have supported the trade in word & action, instead he's played Identity Politics against a interstate MP from one of the party's he deeply hates. He pulls out the Victim Card on behalf of Alannah that really doesn't exist.

He is anti Live Export.
He has put ideology before better practice in a vital trade that adds to our foreign exchange figures.
A trade that employs many Western Australians & helps hold the farm gate price.

He's gone full socialist economist path. State enters into the fray and abolishes what they dislike despite the improvements, the market place floor price that will plummet. Its about state control irrespective of the likely Animal Welfare standards and the assured financial decline.

If Socialist Understood Economics There'd Be No Socialists.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Debating the Left, Fascism, Distractions & Derailing

Here's classic example of how some leftists will use identity politics to derail a debate or discussion.
Why? Its quicker, faster & easier to upset the apple cart than using facts and actual researched data from history, know accepted evidence.

A twitter poster went a little rabid on the anti side against the Save Moora College campaign.
All behind an anonymous twitter account. Why do it with hidden identity? More later.

Interesting is how very defensive the twit became on Labor's actions to close the college but as soon as the blow torch was applied there, that closed. Then it was just a defence of Labor by attack all those who were pro Save Moora College. This enabled the "moorjacker" to avoid the use of facts that directly apply to the closure of the college & the good reasons to leave it open.

Distraction launched.

The narrative they unfolded had two possible origins. Either it was a less than informed very pro Labor Party supporter or it was a very well informed and very close to, or inside of the Labor Party who need to use distractions to derail.

Yes I probably engaged longer than a should have but if you're to narrow theories on who's hiding their identity and using feelings not facts well you have to entertain them longer than you should.

It didn't take long before Goodwin's Theory was introduced, that is the debate stalls & the inclusion of Nazi Germany is used to bolster a failing argument. Time to go a little further a little deeper and let loose far more rope.

I posted up a video that explains that Fascism is actually from the Left not the Right and posted a video from Dinesh D'Souza ( )

He clearly sets out the philosophical founder of Fascism, an Italian closely linked in the day with Mussolini. The Socialist Philosopher's name is Giovanni Gentile.

Now the Anon Tweeter could deconstruct the facts that D'Souza put forward. But no. Not once.
Instead the Tweeter researched D'Souza and claimed he was a convicted neo-conservative criminal who was pardoned by "comrade Trump". Think it speaks volume when he used a term from the left to describe Trump because "comrade" is often used as a negative by conservatives. It was very odd.

I made the point I wasn't aware of D'Souza's court history, I will look it up one day as at a guess the fact it was brought up without any links suggests there's more to it but the tweeter needed to stick to derailing.

I made the point that a person's criminal history does not mean everything they say is a lie. That by sticking to the facts and checking for accuracy it remains the case that facts don't care about your feelings, nor your court history.
I pointed out that Mandela himself had a criminal history. I would not dismiss everything he said because of prison term he served. Nor should any one.

This however translated into me thinking Mandela was the same as a convicted neo-conservative criminal wrongly pardoned by Trump. Again, identity politics, create victimhood to use as leverage to fill the void left by no facts.
I notice that on the 23 occasions I asked the Tweeter if they had ever been a defendant in a court case resulted in silence or another completely unrelated distraction. I did this because I thought well if by their standard people who are charged are somehow guilty of moral falsehood then we should start to look at facts about the tweeter.

So is Fascism of the Left? Yes it is.
Churchill was a staunch Nationalist, but he wasn't a Socialist.
Socialists are all about full state control and domination over the every aspect of the citizen's life because in their view only the state knows what's best, the citizens don't. Any citizen expressing a view contrary to the state is often in a Fascist/Socialist state deemed a traitor. Not a good ending.

Nazi Germany were, by way of looking at their very name "National Socialists".
Where some Socialist regimes are full state control in the fight against Class, the Fascists have a distinct National identity as being paramount and to a lesser extent class warfare. Exactly as Hitler's regime was. Near on full adherence to "the Motherland (Nationalist) as well as full control by the state (Socialist) = Nationalist Socialism.

It is of the left. Do extreme right wing elements attach themselves to Fascist ideals? Yes and many times many people therefore think that Fascism is extreme right wing, except right wing is conservative and very much against state control. The so called extreme right wing nutters only co-join with the racist aspects from Fascism.

So this is twisted by the anon tweeter and thrown back into the mix to distract & derail and very carefully bypassing facts.

This is one VERY determined person. One who is either decidedly and to the point of being an extremist, against the Saving of Moora Residential College. Why the hate for the college and why avoid any facts put forward by affected stakeholders?

Think they're not very determined anti Moora College. I think they're utterly devout and fully fanatical leftist true believers. This isn't so much about Moora College, its about a perceived threat to Labor. An attack Labor cannot sustain if facts are maintained nor if the so called equality nature of Labor dogma is used. They contradict their own dogma by closing Moora College. It's a breach of core Labor policy thinking.

That makes it a political threat. So who would be so worried about this genuine silver bullet heading Labor's way. Well no metro based Labor MP.
They just ignore it.
Sue Ellery blocks anyone with Save Moora College hashtags. So has Wyatt, Papalia and others.
Its not on their radar, they mute it from their radar. Its done, move on.

If its an MP its someone trying to prove themselves and its someone rural based, or non metro.
That gives you a fair few to choose from if it is an MP
I think its either an MP or someone very close personally or professionally to a rural Labor MP.
So who is it? doesn't matter.
No seriously, it doesn't matter at all if its Labor staffer, Labor MP, or devout branch member somewhere. It matters not at all.

Facts do.

Stick to the facts & you'll notice the tweeter will falter.
They will have to try harder to hide their identity because when the sole focus is facts (not feelings, lies, twisted misleading narratives or identity politics) the tweeter will, no matter how hard they try drop bread crumbs that will lead to their identity.

Facts are their enemy. Stakeholders views are their enemy.
Their best & only hope is distraction and stalling for time.
Bad decisions can be ignored once they're done.

At present Labor is still stalling for time, trying to distract people until the end of the 2018 School Term when it all goes away and the badly affected stakeholders are split up and spread to the 4 winds. Moral blame can go to the previous government and it can be ignored & buried and Sue Ellery still won't need to visit Moora.

WA Nats en mass have visited Moora. Federal National, Senator Bridget McKenzie visited Moora. Liberal leader Mike Nahan visited Moora. they want it to go away. Sue Ellery made a decision without engaging with staekholders and still hasn't gone to Moora. Ben Wyatt and the Premier haven't either.

And they're not real keen on facts either. Its better to stick with emotional distractions or play ientity politics.

The Save Moora College movement is not going away, its growing and it's getting louder. Its growing great support from Perth voters, some of them Labor voters that see an age old Labor value being chucked out to buy votes in Perth. Some may never vote against Labor but its pretty uncomfortable with one Labor voter in the Darling Range by-election saying he'd voted Labor his entire life but he never signed on for this.

So if you engage with anti "Save Moora College" tweeters be very aware. You will be picked apart on any narrative outside of the Moora College to get you distracted (as I was) and kept away from the core central facts (which sadly for them I'm solely sticking to)

If they start lying about your character whilst they hide their identity then it probably is time to block them. To date I've only ever blocked 2 people, one is the Anti Moora person and another was a very abusive anti Live Export vegan.

Stick to the facts. Whether you like it or not, stick to the facts.
Facts don't care about your feelings, they care about the truth.
Stick to the facts central to keeping Moora College open.

Then sit back and watch.

Identity politic, personal attacks, false narratives, unrelated diversions will all increase as will the attempts to illicit a sharp emotional response.

Ignore. Stick to the facts.
The Moora College Movement is not going away.

Nor should it.