Friday, 27 April 2018

Facts Not Feelings - But Did You Know?

Did you know that the Nazi were Fascists? You probably did.

Do you know that its a common smear on those of the right by those of the left. Yes people from the left love to call those on the right Fascists? You probably do know that too.

Now overlay that with the Facts not Feelings filter.

Did you know that Fascism is actually of the Left not the Right and that Fascism is actually a form of Socialism? It is. The real father of Fascism was an Italian Socialist philosopher named Giovanni Gentile who died during World War 2. He was a mentor and ideological guide of Mussolini. There's another clue of course, Nazis were "National Socialists"
Socialism is the form of State Owns & Runs everything dogma that's heavily based on Class identity and has capitalism & the upper classes as the enemy of the state.
Fascism is the form of State Owns & Runs everything dogma that's based heavily on the National identity and has capitalism, the upper classes, foreign countries & foreigners as the enemy of the state.

And yet many think Fascism is of the right. It's amazing how easily the majority of people will believe a line of thinking if it's pushed relentlessly enough even if its incredibly wrong.

Live Export in WA is under huge pressure especially since the vile footage of the most atrocious and unacceptable conditions aboard a ship carrier that resulted in the death of some 2500 sheep. There's a good deal of fact hiding and relentless lie pushing to the point where many reasonable people now believe quite false and misleading comments.

Lets apply the same "Facts not Feelings" filter up and see what it is that the anti Livex protesters don't want you to know or consider.

Firstly the 2500 deaths comes from the Middle East shipment that ran during a seasonal time when temperatures & humidity are stifling. More so it seems it was in an under prepared ship possibly not designed for those weather conditions. The high death rate is indefensible, atrocious and saddest of all avoidable.
So there's no backing away from the indefensible nature of that serious mess, but strangely I don't think anyone has.

Here's the solutions.
1) Apply engineering solutions to all shipments during the dangerous weather seasons and time voyages better...or most likely do both.
2) Penalise and/or ban those that fail to comply, NOT those who do comply with the standards.

Yes, penalise the offending outliers NOT the compliant mainstream because as reprehensible as the 2500 deaths shipment was, its actually a statistical outlier, it is not the norm. Look on the social medias and you will find, with out much effort anti Livex people saying its happening all the time.

(Apply Facts not Feelings Filter)

This claim is incorrect. Facts show the Transit Mortality Rate (as a percentage) has been & still is on a downward trend line for at least the last 8 years. That's a fact even when you include the 2500 deaths. That doesn't excuse the 2500 deaths, it widens th context and lessens false readings of the data. Fact is, it rarely goes above 0.7% of sheep shipped.

That's low. Its lower than average on farm mortality rate.
That's low alright, its lower than the actual mortality rate of the pet industry.
Now I don't mean Rover or Puddy-cat dying of old age or Wanda the fish dying because her time was up. No I mean the avoidable or at least un-necessary deaths of the Australian Pet Industry.
There's an estimated 9,200,000 pets in Australia and the RSPCA puts down between 70,000 and 80,000 unwanted pets each year. One other figure puts total euthanized pets across the country at close to 250,000 a year. That represents 2.7% deliberate but avoidable deaths of pets in this country.
Why is the outrage not the same or greater seeing the death rate is greater?
(We should add that the Pet Industry deaths via RSPCA are deliberate not accidental nor due to weather related extremes)

Because no one gets footage of the unnecessary RSPCA deaths onto 60 Minutes.
That figure is probably much higher as it doesn't include those euthanized by Vets, pounds or rangers.

Other facts omitted, ignored or deliberately hidden...

 - Live Export is a multi Billion Dollar Export industry that not only employs a vast number of Western Australians it has a knock on multiplier effect in our economy that is at the very least 3-4 times.
- Landcare & Rangeland Management in the Northern Half of Australia will cease with any permanent Live Export ban. There is no sustainable way to keep districts & vast station country viable without small pockets of mining which can never replace a small fraction of what livestock production does.

- Live Export actually underpins and holds up the domestic livestock prices at the levels they're currently at. Without Live Export there would be a massive glut in stock numbers and that's when farm gate prices tumble. How bad? Think back to the Flock Reduction Scheme where the government had to step in and pay for the destruction of sheep because they were worthless and delivery to saleyards meant that farmers we're charged for their disposal as they had no commercial value at all.

- Live Export is vital for overseas markets, no data on the Middle East but in 2nd & 3rd world countries reliable electricity & refrigeration is scarce.

In Indonesia...
Refrigeration ownership - 24%
Rural houses with electricity - 32%
49 Million Indonesians have NO ELECTRICITY AT ALL
Culturally, Indonesians and many 3rd world countries don't trust chilled or frozen as its the easiest way to hide rancid or rotten meat...which can kill.

There's also the fact electricity isn't as reliable and it costs a huge percentage of an average Indonesian's yearly wage compared to Australian citizens. You're looking at roughly AUD$150-200 a year which is a massive slice of the Indo Yearly Average Wage.

Feedlots especially in Indonesia cost 1/5th of an Australian feedlot with much lower slaughter & processing costs. The wet market product per kilo is a lot cheaper than a chilled/frozen product thats been processed in Australia.

We need not mention that some of the current Australian abattoirs are lamb chains and running extra shifts to kill & process large wethers just isn't physically possible. Building new infrastructure will cost billions, there's barely enough staff for the current infrastructure let alone a proposed domestic processing industry that'll take an extra 1.7Million to 3.1Million sheep and an extra 800,000 to 1.2Million cattle.
Then its compounded even further, there's been more abattoirs close in the last five years than new ones open. One of the new ones, the big one in Darwin is set to close.

Did we mention effects on the Chilled market? Apart from being swamped Qatar & other countries who have taken on ESCAS have said if Live is banned, they will ban Australian Chilled.
Australian Chilled does go into the Middle East but its the high priced premium market, which is a small segment that is many times cost of the delivered Live Product.
Short answer is, ban live & the farm gate prices plummets, local market swamped/destroyed and our competitors with no Animal Welfare standards (like Sudan & Somalia) take over delivering a greater Animal Welfare disaster potential. Oh, did we mention South America?
Extra 5 weeks at sea with no ESCAS.

Live export mortality rate 0.7%
Pet industry's unwanted pet death rate 2.7%

Facts Not Feelings.

This is why many of us say, penalise the offending outliers NOT the compliant mainstream in the industry. Yes as shocking as 2500 ship deaths on one voyage was, it remains a statistical outlier, not the norm. That doesn't excuse it. It helps to focus in, with proper context where the problem is so a proper in context solution can be applied without adversely affecting anyone innocent & compliant.

Unless you're prefer a fact free emotion based virtue rant unsupported by logic or truth.

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