Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Anti Rural WA Sentiment is Growing

Most people had plans which included the rally at Parliament House yesterday over the Moora Debacle but its finally becoming apparent many had their Plan B ready if the rally produced no fair outcome or indeed did.

Rural people tend to react quickly to issues in the work place, they generally are a committee of one and it then becomes frustrating for them when they join a club or organisation and change isn't swift.

Country people traditionally have been fixers and do so with a good deal of velocity. Probably why many country people get frustrated by politics & political machinations...the wheels of government move slowly. Far too slowly for many of us. In fact even joining a Political Party turns out to be terribly frustrating for many country people. Solutions are obvious but positive change tends to be deathly slow if not totally elusive.

Being a member of a political party isn't altogether different to joining any other community group and people should view it as a Community Group engaging in Community Service. Yes there are ideological differences, there's splits in dearly held world views but that's the case in any rural community.

Point is when the going gets tough the tough get going and the tough now need to consider doing the contrarian move towards positive results.

Joining a WA Political Party.

Progress is slow, sometimes glacier like. There tends to be a lot of people with different jobs & focuses and the actual politicians are flat out trying to attempt triage and find the most important issues to heap change & pressure on whilst keeping pressure on the 2nd tier or peripheral issues.

Its not easy. You can see the solution to a big problem and so may they. Getting change is slow & difficult because the TV Show Hollowmen, Utopia, Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister soon appear documentaries once you enter the tent door. Sad but true.

Thing is, if you join a party you may not become the rock star face of the party. You may just be (like me) one small tooth in a very large machine. Machines need every tooth. Teeth give feedback, help process, help hold one small part of the organisation and lighten the load.

So Moora Rally was not a failure. It just didn't get an immediate decision reversal.
What's your next move?

People have their plan B ready to go and it may not be spectacular sky show, it maybe simple small cog in the machine thing. The more cogs we in Regional & Rural WA the easier fair change will be.

It takes people to know fast change doesn't always happen. Sometimes its slow, glacier like. You have to go in with the long game plan and when things improve really fast you have to extra grateful the gift of velocity arrives unannounced & unexpected. Speedy fixes are the exception to the rule, but if you're not in the game, change against you is far more likely.

My advice is simple. Join a political party. Expect tons of effort with mixed results and those wins & losses will be very slow. But if you're not involved the change will still happen, still be slow but more likely be harshly against what we living in the country need or want.

So consider picking out a political party & joining. Even if you do nothing, your membership fee does help. If you do get further involved know there are different worldviews within a party. There are still wins & losses and sometimes we end up with a position that seems counter productive to some of the members. That's life. After 50 years of watching I joined a political party. I'm a small tooth on a small cog in a machine that's bigger than me. It is a machine and it needs small teeth and small cogs.

If you want change, consider the bold idea of joining a political party and influencing change...even when its glacier slow.

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