Sunday, 31 December 2017

The Complexity of the Simple Backfiring of WALabor Party

Several points, complexity not needed just everything laid open in bare sight.
1) WALabor Party had everything on their side at the last state election. It resulted in a change of government, it put them in power. Not just in power but they rode a Tsunami red tidal change. Its said they had a plan to win government but really they didn't need much of a plan, all they needed to do was keep their nose clean and gently punch on. This they did and they were rewarded with a handsome majority in the Lower House largely gained at the expense of the Liberal Party (Lacking proper planning and then back flipping later)
2) Point one above needs some further clarification. They had very little of a plan to win Government and it's beginning to appear they have virtually no plan to run Government. The "Urban Medal" saga got deeper by day & more perculiar with each passing week. After 2o odd days, Barry Urban resigned from the Party and went on as an Independent. After being absent from Parliament for an extended period he came back, gave a quick speech which may actually get him into deeper water. Like Dastyari, it was not managed, leadership was absent all along. Dastyari did whatever so bad he could no longer stay in the Senate, but stays in the Labor Party. Urban so on the nose he had to leave the Labor Party but stayed in Parliament. Neither did anything so bad that the respective Labor Leaders saw fit to sack them. (Lacking Leadership)
3) With such a huge margin in the Lower House, Labor never ever needs all its MPs to even show up. Just on half of them will do. With such a huge electoral margin and with WALabor still thinking as if its in Election Mode, they know they only need to placate and ingratiate themselves with a majority of Perth based voters. Some of their MPs still operate as if they're opposition, especially the Regional Labor MPs. Its now the PerthLabor Party the regional MPs are outside the loop completely (City Centric Completely)4) School of the Air - What a debacle. Education is Labor given...until now. Millions of dollars going into metro schools, less so the bush. School of the Air wasn't just axed, it was done so without the PerthLabor Governments regional MPs being consulted or told. Josie Farrer in Broome didn't know. It gets worse, people using the service weren't told nor consulted either.
Now the decision has been made (in Perth by Perth) they will now allow stakeholders & the community to have the opportunity to speak with the Minister's department. Apparently to maybe "help come up with a name, possible name it School of the Air" (No stakeholder consultation at all, no community consultation at all)

So how are we going so far? We have a completely City Centric PerthLabor Government that makes decisions without consultation with the community & stakeholders. Their leadership is as absent as their plans. It is beginning to look like a pay back war against the regions whilst 2 of the biggest richest foreign owned mining companies remain the quarantined protected species when it comes to paying their fair share. Labor slices up regional & remote WA Education whilst pouring it into the metro area.

I'd expect Sue Ellery will be the first minister to lose her head...expect as in ordinarily.

I've not seen a Labor Government this bizarrely cobbled together. They're all over the place like a mad man's spit. Not to mention cut backs everywhere whilst they spend in the Metro Area like a drunken sailor. No pun intended upon the Premier who's ex Navy.

Notable amongst a thousand comparisons I could make...the Premier's own electorate, Rockingham gets $373,000 for local basketball. That's twice as much as the Regional & Labor held seat of Albany gets over 2 years for the Ice/Meth Recovery. Had Albany been Liberal or Nationals held I'd expect all cheques to be torn up.

Interesting that Labor promised the Motorplex Funding in Albany & the Ring Road Project. Might still be the case, but nothing announced yet.

We'll see. Interesting NatsWA spotted the SW Rescue Chopper had no funding at all. Labor decried that was false. It wasn't. The Labor said its normal budgeting process and would have read the same in the Budget were the Liberals in power. No true there was nothing in forward estimates. It was over. After a massive wave of regional anger, PerthLabor found money that apparently didn't exist before & funded it. Just as well, that chopper has been far too busy with search & rescue and car accident attendances.

PerthLabor Government is city centric & election focused whilst being without any real leadership nor desire to engage with stakeholders in the community. If there's light at the end of the tunnel...its a freight train with Mark McGowan as the train driver. Derailment ahead at some point

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