Those revelling in the death of the man and the joyous congratulations to the bull.
How on earth did we ever get to this point considering the vast number of contradictions?
I don't support bull fighting, not my thing, but it is a part of their culture and has been for generations as we see it now for nearly 300 years. Is it cruel & barbaric and making no sense? Yep, but it's part of their culture and the economic earnings are huge.
Should it be banned? Yes probably but its their culture, their law and its they that have to change the law, we cannot enforce our standards on them. Will they ban it? I imagine one day it will but no idea when that will be.
In the meantime some of the loud internet social justice warriors are banging their drum loudly.
Many comments about the man's death being "karma"
That's an aspect of karma that has origins in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Taoism.
I don't subscribe to those religions but some people do cherry pick aspects of various religions and cling to them because at the ACME BUILD YOUR OWN RELIGION KIT you can pick and choose things you like.
Their basic premise is the matador got what he deserved. I admit, it comes with the territory, if you're a bull fighter you can be killed even with the odds stacked in your favour. To me at least, the death of a fellow human being is sad and tragic.
To some people its funny, worthwhile and overdue. Is a human life worth more than an animal?
We obviously I think yes, its probably why we eat meat from non human animals and don't bury family members at the bottom of the garden. We are human, the Christians will say we have dominion over the earth's creatures. Atheists should say we're all animals so dog eat dog.
Very odd that some humans decide its karma and sucked in.
Irrespective, revelling and happily rejoicing in the death of a man because he was a participant in a culture activity in a foreign country.

Its this post modernist moral relativism that's driving human kind into the dirt and causing a moral decline.
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