Its a horrible issue that needs immediate & ongoing attention. Julia Baird's report may have been a good opportunity to call out organisations that don't do enough to challenge it. Like religious groups.
Trouble was, Baird busted and wasted the opportunity and it's been lessened greatly due to reporting that is either appallingly sloppy & lazy or framed in an additional agenda. Is she Anti- Christian?
It centres around this key point...
Despite slanted replies from Julia Baird the facts as Andrew Bolt stated them are still there.
Her comment quite literally says Evangelical Christians are the worst of all men on the planet for Domestic Violence against women. That's what it says, that's what it means, its wrong and its not helping at all.Can't say I follow Andrew Bolt, usually see him on The Insiders or when someone assaults him in the street. That's about it. Can't say I agree with him that often but my view is not everyone is wrong ALL the time but guess that's got a few exceptions.
It is the case that domestic violence is to common. One case is one case too many. Its not enough to reduce it, it needs to be eliminated as uphill as that might be in the short term. As her report coincides with the return of George Pell its gather much steam about religious orders that cover up, ignore or equally worse actively enable DV to continue.
The Bible is very clear and there is absolutely no passage of Scripture that allows, condones domestic violence, marital rape or any other act of hate. None.
From the Christian view, anyone thinking that's ok or defendable, they're not Christian. They're pushing falsehood and should be viewed as members of a false church and allowing heresy to flourish. Simple. They need to be shut down or cracked open for the authorities to thoroughly investigate and throw the book at offenders.
What Baird did though was misrepresent the study she cited and its author even tweeted that it didn't convey the data properly. Since then a twitter bun fight has rambled on and has done nothing to help stamp out DV or other acts of hate. Her continued dodgeball and repeat tactical replies doesn't do anything except keep the distracting criticism going strong.
Andrew Bolt cited that Domestic Violence is 31 times more likely in Aboriginal communities, not sure where his research comes from and will chase it up, but if that's right then Julia Baird's claim is false & misleading whilst yes, looking rather deliberately Anti-Christianity.
After being asked one of the authors (nt contacted by Baird prior to her report) stated "The religion-is-bad-for-you-and-your-family meme will be more & more common in coming years. This @ABCaustralia is indicative: …"
In case it doesn't come through click the author's comments...
But what did Andrew Bolt say?
Meanwhile tactical replies abound but to be fair, this sort of rigour ought to be regular and ished out without fear or favour. Bolt is no stranger to controversy and probably been on MediaWatch a bit too.
Honesty, Accuracy & Integrity.
That's all that's needed and it had been then would not have detracted from from the very serious complaint of Domestic Violence.
Til then, Baird is likely to continue to be unapologetic...expect her to play the victim card with a bit more twisting of facts.
Late Note - Baird's dodgeball continues...but so too does a stream of actual facts...