Thursday, 29 June 2017

RSPCA & Kangaroo Numbers

So, we saw reported in the news that a kangaroo was subjected to some vile abject cruelty. The report on the radio said it may have been hit by a car, then subjected to some extremely cruel treatment.
The report stated the kangaroo had been disembowelled and partially skinned.

I'd like to think this sadly was due to a collision with the car, but the RSPCA inspector seemed to be sure some or all of it was due to acts

The RSPCA is hoping that whoever was responsible will have told someone, bragged or sent photos around via social media. Hopefully someone will view the sickness and report the people responsible.

Here's the RSPCA article.

My hope separate from this is that RSPCA realises that the kangaroo numbers are at an all time high and to properly prevent cruel death by nature that culling numbers down to sustainable numbers is needed as soon as possible.

In the station country you can see numbers soar during a good season or two and if drought follows, there's massive deaths as they're totally unsustainable. Emus have at times hit bubbles and then burst.

In the south west of WA, there's very little professional roo shooters operating with the meat market on hold for several years now. As a result, and due to the large amount of crops, pastures, dams, troughs and no predators numbers have soared.

I support the RSPCA on a number of things. I oppose them on some. Then there's some like culling kangaroos I'd urge them to push. If not, they need to explain what they're likely to do when the bubble of unsustainable numbers finally bursts.

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