Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Animal Welfare or Animal Rights?

One significant difficulty we will all face whilst engaging with people to show openness and help encourage understanding is we will encounter people concerned with animal welfare and the people concerned with animal rights.

Animal welfare folk might be industr
y participants right across to urban observers. I'm not only fine with them, I'm keen to encourage them to get involved to express and learn more. THEY are part of the solution.

Animal Rights Activists...that's a whole different kettle of fish. They are in favour of assigning personage to animals and therefore all animal farming is also opposed. Responses among them varies when it comes to companion animals...apparently we don't call them "pets" as that's "slave-like".

Generally there are some who like to avoid all discussion around pets or companion animals. If it gets a little confusing, be grateful you're not an Animal Rights Activist as it get positively messy and weird with the overwhelming paradox they're actually living with.

The Animal Rights Activist has adopted & evolved to cleverly hide under the AW cloak.

AR is a social movement that is based in philosophy...not professional standards, legal standards or food regulations. This philosophy will most likely fall flat, fail and flitter away, but for a long time prior to that happening, AR will do an enormous amount of damage to producers, our country, our trade partners, our legal possessions/rights and our collective future. I don't see their final demise being anytime soon, it will come, not a moment too soon but its just as likely to last many years or many more generations. Its greatest tool for longevity is cloaking. Remaining the "grey man" of logic, shape shifting and avoiding full disclosure and critical analysis which would most likely be its imploding downfall.

We do ourselves a huge disservice when we engage with AW proponents without working out if they're genuine AW improvers or followers of flawed philosophy of various Animal Rights cults. Anyone capable of lying, pretence, stealth, deceit and supporting criminal activity is most likely an ARA and not overly AW oriented or concerned.

We can all be tricked and rounded up. I have.

Seen more than a few slip through the net and gain a position of legitimacy they do not deserve and generally because as soon as things become clearer, they ramp up AW angle, using the emotive words that condemn animal production. Apparently eating a steak, sausage or chop is slavery, torture, murder and we should drop all contact with animals unless it's rescue or medical attention.

If someone's a dreadlocked unemployed hippy full of dope and welfare cheques I'm not phased if they want to engage with the view to improve AW. Strangely they're more likely to be a friend of my livelihood in a legitimate function of food production than a well dressed, articulate, high paid executive of Animals Australia, PETA etc.

Here in embolden and enlarged red we have a simple equation.

Pro AW = Good
Pro AR =  Not Good (
for anyone except those gouging donations)

So if we were to ask "Animal Welfare or Animal Rights?" you have 4 possible answers.

1) Animal Welfare
2) Animal Rights
3) Both
4) Neither

If you can find someone claiming neither...well I don't know, I'd have to think long and hard on what a person so bloody vacant is actually about. 1 & 2 pretty obvious what they are.

Those that answer "Both" might just be trying to be clever or maybe elusive. Doesn't really matter because if they answer both you can safely say you have an ardent follower of the very bogus Animal Rights Philosophy.

I'm sure this will get added to. Slight suggestion, the last post was Animal Extremist Language Explained might be worth reading or skimming through. Its way, way longer but not just cos I'm very long winded and take the scenic route to a point, it also has a little more depth.

Hmm long winded or has more depth?


So how did this epiphany arrive? I noticed that in Australian Live Export the ESCAS compliance was found to be 98%. That's a huge improvement in AW. A ship with a consignment of livestock left Australia and arrived in its overseas port with ZERO transit deaths and no ESCAS breaches, leakages or reports. Two monumental Animal Welfare triumphs, deliver by the country which is the world leader in the trade. 108 other countries are exporting live, Australia is light years in front and the improvements are there.

Animal Rights Activists were noticeably silent, indifferent or dismissive.
Surely these gains, well triumphs are cause for celebration.
For someone genuinely concerned with Animal Welfare yes.

For someone genuinely concerned with the Animal Rights cult, no.

Last time I said on a internet forum that I support Animal Welfare "within the framework that acknowledges eating meat and producing animal based products is actually ok and not the slightest bit immoral or unethical", well lets just say you could pick the ARAs from the AW improvers. It was stark, like day and night. Then like thief in the night, they darted for the shadows and refitted their cloak.

Test things you're told and test for those things that may be hidden.
Don't be fooled by those keen to deceive you and rob you.


  1. Animal Welfare or Animal Rights?

    Here are some of the differences:
    As animal welfare advocates. . .

    • We seek to improve the treatment and well-being of animals.
    • We support the humane treatment of animals that ensures comfort and freedom from unnecessary pain and suffering.
    • We believe we have the right to "own" animals -- they are our property.
    • We believe animal owners should provide loving care for the lifetime of their animals.

    As animal rights activists. . .

    • They seek to end the use and ownership of animals, including the keeping of pets.
    • They believe that any use of an animal is exploitation so, not only must we stop using animals for food and clothing, but pet ownership must be outlawed as well.
    • They want to obtain legal rights for animals as they believe that animals and humans are equal.
    • They use false and unsubstantiated allegations of animal abuse to raise funds, attract media attention and bring supporters into the movement.
    • (The Inhumane Crusade, Daniel T. Oliver – Capital Research Center)
    For more information:

  2. etbmfa - yep you're onto it :-)

    Although thankfully this isn't FaceBook, but gee I'd click a "Like" button for your reply if I could.

    I think its important to put on the "Who are ya?" filter and stick with the AW activists and gently press on away from the Animal Rights Activists no matter how well and consistently they try to re-cloak themselves.

