Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Flat Earth Believers & Their Use Of Scripture

Yeah I mean "Misuse of Scripture".

I genuinely thought the Flat Earth thing was an interent  prank thing, that maybe some people were actual true believers but mostly it was a misdirected joke that maybe had got away. But then I find out that no, it has some very dedicated followers. 

Now the whole idea of a over arching conspiracy of tricking people into think it's a sphereical earth when its actually flat...no even if that were actually possible I cannot see any reason to do that. I don't think there is a glass like dome with electrical lights above us. No, but that aside there's those that have a side conspiracy dovetailed into it & it relates to Biblical Scripture. Those folks are by & large more likely to call themselves Christians but you might not be doing so well if you're taking Scripture out of context to try & prove you're evil over arching control by others theory.

The main passage I would expect to be used or rather misused is Isaiah 11:12 (here in KJV)

12. And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall 
      assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the
      dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

 The basis for flat is there's 4 corners. That kind of fails on 2 seperate fronts, the scientific method & the actual meaning of the Scripture using "proper in context exegesis"

Science first, for there to be for corners (and the Scripture means from all over the entire earth...all of it) then it might work as a very basic poetic phrase but it's kinda a fall short because it has to be taken literally for the flat earth suggestion to actuall work. So it's not poetic licence, its an accurate literal comment. 
THAT CAN'T WORK...because for a flat object to have 4 corners it has to be a square, a rectangle or one of nobody know how many Irregular Quadulaterals.

Why can't that work for a Flat Earth to exist?
Well it can only have 4 corners if the object (the earth) is 2 dimensional. So as a literal literary device, it fails.

Scripture second. Well if you basis a complicated premise of one single word (ok 2 words "four corners") that's going to be very dodgey and is best avoided. But lets look at it.
In the Original Old Hebrew the word for corners is...

כנעף or in English "Kanaph" and remember this is Old Testament Hebrew so there can be multiple meanings before translation depending on the context it is being used. If you look it up, here is what you'll see as a definition...


Noun Feminine
  1. wing, extremity, edge, winged, border, corner, shirt
    1. wing
    2. extremity
      1. skirt, corner (of garment)

The context is He is going to gather the Dispersed Jews or people of Israel that are all between here & the furthermost point (from you) on the planet. They're going to come from everywhere between you that furtherest point, the entire earth.
Is that poetic phrase or literal?
Depends a bit & some ask do you read the Bible literally or allegorically and the correct answer is probably both depending on which one applies because it can vary.

So do I read it literally or poetically? Probably be most honest if I say never thought about it until today. Just knew what I thought it meant & never went any further.

So poetically, yes it means the from all over the entire planet but some will say it cannot work literally if the earth is a sphere so it must be poetically & meaning the entire sphere so poeticially it could mean flat earth.

Yes, maybe except there is a thing...I can't get it to work literally & figuratively with a flat earth but perhaps it can work literally & figuratively with s spherical earth.

Imagine you mark on dot where you are, now shoot off a perfect straight line in any direction. Now from the same dot, fire off a line in the exact opposite direction. Well unless I'm wrong if there world is a sphere & the lines remain perfect straight leaving the same point at 180 degrees, at some point they're going to join. Somewhere on that line is the Kanaph, the extremity...the furtherest point from you. Now to know where that furtherest point actually is along that line, what is the simplest way of working it out without GPS or computer modelling?
Well start at your starting dot again & fire a perfectly straigh line off in a direction that is exactly 90 degrees to the other. Then fire another line off in the exact opposite direction. You now have 4 perfectly straight lines that start at your starting dot that are 90 degrees away from each other. Where these line intersect on the other side of the planet is the furtherest point from you. Everything between your starting do & that far away intersection (at the extremity) is the entire planet.

Now here's a fun point, guess what else is at that Kanaph? Well the 4 lines intersect creating...you guess it 4 corners. If the furtherest 4 corners of the earth mean what they say they mean...it makes sense literally.

You see, in this context, the context the Scripture is using, there is "four corners" of the world being the furtherest most reaches. Its only really how (this) sphere (called earth) can have four corners.

So whatever way Flat Earthers try to use Scripture, they have to misuse it very very badly to make it appear like it works. But you have to take one word, Kanaph, out of one sentence out of 66 books in the Bible & use only one of the possible definitions that suit your purpose that kinda doesn't align with Scripture at all.

So Flat Earthers...Fail.
Scripture, No Fail.

Now apparently they have also used "firmament" to support their flat earth claim. I haven't looked at that one. Maybe I will one day. But if they're keen on the Kanaph I think they're klinging to the ka-ka premise with no foundation.

Thursday, 23 February 2023

The Gender Pay Gap - It Really Is This Simple.

Or it should be.

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency is a Federal Government agency on equality in the workplce. Their current (Feb 2023) figures on the Gender Pay Gap is 13.3% & claim its the lowest on record.

Its a remarkable figure considering how demonstrably ridiculous the stat is taken out of context & used for no positive benefit, in fact if anything the Gender Pay Gap issue is a weaponised form of absurd division.


Now calm the farm & answer just a few short questions...

  1. Do you believe women are every bit as capable (on average) as men in the workplace?

  2. Do you believe they are unfairly paid less?

  3. Why is it you think that, if they're every bit as good as men & they cost so much less why aren't all workplaces employing more women than men seeing how much more cost effective that would be?

  4. Same outcome for a lower cost, is there some institutionalised unfairness stopping smarter economic outcomes for employers?

Makes a difference a bit of thinking huh?
Here's some facts...

  1. Men (not all men but men generally) do the majority of more dangerous (higher paying) work.

  2. Men (not all men but men generally) are prepared to travel more (higher paying) for work.

  3. Men (not all men but men generally) are prepared to do more over time & work weekends.

Makes a difference. To underline this, in Australia in 2017, 9.8% of men worked 60+hours whilst 3.0% of women worked 60+ hours plus. That's over 3 times more for men.

Hang on, buckle up, there's more...

45 - 59 Hours Worked (2017)
Men         20.4%
Women      9.0%

45 - 59 Hours Worked (2020)
Men         17.8%
Women      8.3%

GREAT NEWS - How to solve the Gender Pay Gap is actually incredibly simple but its not easy, not wise, not at all cost effective & would in turn be counter productive for business, the economy, worker & company earnings with no benefit to families. You just need to do 2 things...either, or.

Are you ready to consider & are you ready to do this?

  1. Bring in the government to get involved & fully legislate & regulate the workplaces, all the workplaces in Australia so ALL jobs have equal men & women. Only employ one person? Well bad luck, you know have to employ both a man or a woman or devise a job sharing arrangement so half the hours worked are men & half the hours worked are women. So nursing, education, child care will have to (over a reasonable transition time) replace all its female staff with men. All workplaces with manual labor, mchining/welding trades, building, transport, oil & gas, security will have to replace a lot of male staff to acheive 50:50 male/female staff.

  2. Once you do that, no one gets over time unless there are an equal number of men & women getting over time, doing high risk tasks, working away. No 50:50, then it must not happen.

  3. All men & women must work the exact same hours in the respective jobs, have the exact same benefits & conditions. If a woman takes however long for Maternity Leave, a man must take the exact same amount of time off as well. If a man takes time off for Paternity Leave then his workplace female equivilent must take that same amount of time off away from their career.
Yes, you will soon see, you cannot employ one man or one woman...you have to employ 2 people, one man & one woman in the same job, doing the same work, same hours to get the pay gap to zero.

Now what happens in the Worker Pairs if the man quits...you'll have to fill the vacancy with another man pronto or you will create a Gender Pay Gap in the statistics. The woman though has 30 years experience & they bring in a man, the only man they could find who has 5 years experience. Well they'd have to be on the same pay otherwise there's a Gender Pay Gap. So do we bump the (for example) the male teacher with 5 years experience up to the same pay as the woman who's got 30 years experience & sits on a valid, well earned higher spot on the pay grades...or do we bump the woman down...because otherwise you have  Gender Pay Gap don't you? I mean you don't want to be unfair now do you?

There's the easy solutions to the Gender Pay Gap, they're ridiculous, unworkable, unfair, counter productive and are every bit as absurd as the idea the Gender Pay Gap is a result of unfairness that has to be rectified.

But I can tell you as a person who is not a book maker at the races, its always a very short odds bet that looming & likely to pop up is the chestnut that its unfair women have to interupt their career to fall pregnant & raise kids. I'm not sure by what moral & ethical standard it is unfair but it seems for some the fair solution is women who have kids & start a family must have full pay for time spent away & have no career milestones lost whilst other men & women stay at work and build on their careers. The problem is somehow a fault of institutionalised gender inequality, or in other words, deliberate sexism. Its a very poor effort at a false bolster "yeah but" and stands out quite badly amongst quite a number of other intellectually corrupt ideas. Is it somehow how bad to be a mother, to have kids, to have a family, to love, nuture & raise another generation?
Great message for the kids, you offspring ruined my career & I got no compensation for the unfair blow I was dealt. Great messaging.

Perhaps its a coincidence that the Gender Pay Gap more likely to hit the media & social media around the time of International Women's Day and not International Men's Day. Perhaps its only my curious thinking that's all wrong and I won't support International Mens Day or International Women's Day. I'm not a ruthless brutal authoratarian misogynistic chauvist household controller...but the women folk in my household, who out number me don't celebrate either & see both as better ignored but if not ignore they need mockery. The big tell though was when the comment in our household was
"Why isn't there an International Family Day to celebrate strong, traditional & loving family units?"

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Part 2 - not for the faint hearted...

The other bit some won't want to read, the bit about politics.

I noted one political party had a very Women's Committee. To promote women's interests, advancement of women in leadership roles & society in general.
I asked why there wasn't a Family Committee & a Men's Committee and the women on the committee said those sorts of committee's aren't required, those groups enjoy greater advantage and therefore don't exist.

Which brought me to ask "So you're saying women suffer a disadvantage and families & men don't?"
I was told yes, they enjoyed advantages women don't.

I pointed out both men AND women AND families ALL suffer disadvantages & how is it the women's committee members are so very well versed & knwoledgable on what affects men to the point of making a judgement yet it is not allowed the other way around?

Apparently I was part of the problem and in this day of Identity Politics, Emotivism & weaponised tribalisim I guess I very likely am.

Added irony for me is that party had a quota system for its State Executive. I'm still trying to find out but at this point I don't think either Labor Party or the Greens had that. The worst part was one year there were 3 women & 1 man looking to take up the gender quota seats, 2 for men, 2 for women. 3 of the women were top shelf, so to were 2 others who were considering running but weren't keen on vying for a spot against but anyway...
They stuck to their convention, 2 women were elected & they then had to hunt around for another man. They found one. He's a capable bloke but contrbuted very little & mainly listened for the entire year. The lady who missed out on the spot went onto other things. 
I'm told they still have the quota system.

At present there is Equal Opportunity. Its here, its enshrined in law.
There is not, nor should here be Equal Outcome.

It is not unfair that Julia Gillard became Prime Minister at the time & I didn't based on my & her gender.
Was she a great Prime Minister? Debatable, I think likely not. Would I have made a greater Prime Minister at the time? Debatable, I think due to her political expereince, her experience in cabinet & her parliamentary experience going back many years, she'd have been a better PM at the time than I would have. That's equal opportunity at work. Merit.

Do I think she could have been better, definitely. In my opinion her best contribution was leaving office but others have a differing view & neither there's nor mind is based on gender. 

Friday, 10 February 2023

The WA Police Minister, Mental Health Checks & Political Thought Bubbles Instead Of A Thoroughly Worked Out Plan

The WA Police Minister Paul Papalia MLA made a bombshell announcement this past Sunday morning (5th of February 2023)
His aim to see all Registered Firearms Owners have recurring (we assume annual we don't know) Mental Health Checks.

It resulted in an Opinion Piece in the Albany Advertiser on the Thursday the 9th of of Februrary.
I'll scan that "O.P." by Jacinta Cantatore (Deputy Editor, South Western Times) & post it below. For now here is the Letter to the Editor I have sent to the Albany Advertiser & asked for it to be printed in the next issue of the Advertiser (16th of February)
Fingers crossed its printed, we'll have to wait. 
Their Deputy Editor, so we'll see what decision they take.
Below is my "Letter" (and yes the actual letter had full name, address & daytime phone number as they require)

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Wondering if I can submit the following Letter to the Editor for next Thursday's Albany Advertiser please?
Best regards

Re "Opinion - Jacinta Cantatore" (Advertiser Fed. 9th 2023) - Opinions are fine but carry more weight & benefit everyone when there's knoweldge and research added in. Regarding Mental Health Check on Shooters there's a few things she missed.
  1. Whilst no Australian state has these checks there are countries in Europe that do

  2. Even fervent anti gun campaigners like Professor Phillip Alpers have pointed out they give a false hope & that some Clinical Psychiatrists have stated that they're quite hazardous & inaccurate. That have little to no chance of predicting any future violence or at best, as good as coin toss.

  3. Mr Papalia said 20 people died of gunshot wounds, 10 may have involved (unspecified) mental health issues & those deaths were "murders, domestic violence, attacks on police & suicides" That means by WAPolice statistics they were homicides & suicides. The total number of WA Homicides in 2021-22 was 83. Total number of Suicides for the same period was 389.Mr Papalis left out the fuller statistic. 472 people died of Homicide & Suicide, but he wants to test only those with firearms which represented 10 people out of the 472. (Do the maths, out of 389 suicides, 388-382 DID NOT use a firearm. They wouldn't have been tested under this "plan")

  4. Clinical Psychiatrists need quite a few hours to reach a baseline on a patient BEFORE a reasonable & accurate diagnosis is possible. Let's go with an unreasonably low figure & say it takes 6 hours. Multiply that by 89,000+ registered firearms owners. That's 534,000 clinical hours. WA have to employ another 340+ clinincal psychiatrists to not place any extra burdern on the already over worked mental health sector in WA.

  5. Such tests that are unlikely to work or benefit anyone won't apply to any criminal with an illegal firearm

  6. Mr Papalia did not say which mental health conditions are the greatest threat in his thinking.

  7. The minister made the announcement on a Sunday morning. That is very, very odd. Perhaps its a coincidence that it was the day after the 2023 WA Liberal Party State Conference that gave that party (that I'm not a member of) its biggest ever positive media news splash in years. I'm not saying the minister released an unworkable thought bubble of an idea (that cannot possibly work) on a Sunday morning just to steal the bandwidth off his opposing political party, to regain a grip of the news narrative/optic. But I would definitely not be critical anyone else who says they clearly saw it that way. 
Everyone has opinion but unless we look at wider facts & research things a little, then the opinion is unhelpful to past or present victims, their families or any law abiding firearm owner not likely to ever commit any such heinous crimes. Pays to avoid appearing knee jerk, sensationalist, fact free & deep as a spilt drink on the lino.We need to be honest, fair & accurate, don't we?Think these points were badly missed & are essential for all to now know.

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